Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Six hundred and thirty second ending eve

The battle of defending the city was finally over. Some families were happy and others were sad. Some people failed to get the equipment after many times of failure, and some people got very good equipment and even artifacts without failing once.

I didn't have time to look at those details carefully, the system will be updated, it is said that part of the area originally occupied by the undead will be reduced to a neutral zone, which means that the map will be more open to players, including the undead canyon outside the Silver Moon Valley .

Xu Lin, Xin Yu and the others were busy reopening the NPCs in the guild resident. The resident of Lost Paradise, as the frontier of Silvermoon City, was bloodbathed as soon as the undead army came under pressure, and even the outer city wall was knocked down. Yes, but it doesn't matter, it will cost less than 10 million to rebuild the city wall. The most important thing is to preserve the key resident NPCs!

After talking to Xin Yu, I went offline. It was already one o'clock in the morning. I have been fighting in the city until now, and I don't know if Murong Shanshan has fallen asleep.

Put on his clothes, go out, and when he went upstairs to Murong Shanshan's room, he found that Li Qing was making tea there. After being chopped up by the Lich King, he didn't go online again. It turned out that this little girl ran here.

I stretched my head to look, and asked in a low voice, "Is Shanshan asleep?"

Li Qing smiled: "Well, I'm already asleep, don't accompany her tonight, go with my sister?"

"I x..."

I walked in, grabbed the tea, and said, "Qing'er, you are tired too, go back and rest, I am here."

Li Qing finally felt refreshed, put down the quilt and went out, and locked the door of the room by the way.

I looked inside, Murong Shanshan was lying on the bed, not resting, her eyes were wide open, facing the computer screen, her little hands were touching the keyboard of the laptop.

"Shanshan..." I whispered.

"Huh?" Murong Shanshan raised her head to face me, but I knew that those beautiful eyes couldn't see anything.

"Haven't you slept yet?"

"You haven't come back, I can't sleep." Murong Shanshan replied softly, and said: "The monsters attacked the city and finally held it. I have been listening to Feier's live commentary just now. Hehe, I didn't expect the attack of the undead natural disaster The intensity will be so high, if it is not for the help of npcs, I am afraid that Silvermoon City will fall."

I nodded: "Yes, the Lich King and his gang are too tough. Fortunately, the Lich King himself didn't come, but just sent a sword and a mirror image. Can't live."

Then, I took off my shoes and put some water to wash my feet.

Murong Shanshan pulled my arm with a smile, and said, "Lin Fan... That Fei Er said that you have a giant dragon as a mount, didn't you? He also said that you flew to the sky with Xin Yu!"

I turned around and smiled, stroking her soft shoulders and said, "What's wrong? My Shanshan is jealous?"

"I don't have one!" Murong Shanshan tilted her head and smiled, and said, "After my eyes are healed, why don't you introduce me to Binglan, I'm also a dragon knight, okay?"

I was taken aback: "That's a long story, you have to accept the mission from Dak, and then go through a series of missions to learn the dragon riding technique, and then upgrade to the dragon riding dance, and then have the opportunity to become a dragon knight... ..."

Murong Shanshan grinned: "That's right, so I have to take it step by step. I'm not afraid of difficulties. Besides, there is a dragon knight to help me with the task. What else do I have to worry about?"

I smiled: "Okay, okay, I'll do what Shanshan says, come on, let me kiss first!"

Murong Shanshan dodged immediately, grabbed the quilt to cover her chest and said, "No! Mom said, you can't let boys kiss casually..."

"I rely on..."


In the evening, I still stayed with Murong Shanshan, last time I slept on the sofa, this time, Murong Shanshan wanted me to sleep next to her, but she didn't let me touch her, because she was the only one who could touch me.

It was late at night, and Xin Yu, Xu Lin and others were all asleep. After I turned off Murong Shanshan's computer, I put up the pillow, and then leaned on the bed, looking out the window at the dim trees and the bright moonlight.

Murong Shanshan didn't seem to be too sleepy either, she leaned against me in her pajamas, put her face on my chest, sobbed and said: "I always feel that our future will not be smooth, maybe, my The eyes really can't heal..."

"Don't talk stupid, how can it not be cured?" I felt a pain in my heart, and said again: "The doctor my aunt contacted must have medical ethics, and he will not only take advantage of women like some barefoot doctors in China. Eye surgery Although precise, as long as you put your heart into it, the success rate of the operation is still very high, isn't it?"

Murong Shanshan nodded vigorously, said with a weeping smile: "Well, I really want to see you, I really want to see my mother, I really want to see the snowy sky again, if everything goes as I wish, I promise, I will never be self-willed again... "

As she said that, she stretched out her hand to touch my face lightly, and suddenly a slippery feeling came from my face.

I put my arms around Murong Shanshan's shoulders, and said, "Shanshan has everything you want to see, just wait for your eyesight to recover. Everything will not end, even if the game is over, we have only just begun, and life has more to come." continue."

Murong Shanshan nodded lightly and fell asleep unconsciously.

Under the moonlight, that snowy face was particularly lovely. I couldn't help but marvel at what a heart-warming girl Shanshan is, and I can have it. I really don't know what virtue I have accumulated in my previous life.


The next day, the girl named Ye Xin didn't come. I heard that she didn't go to work in the hospital, so she didn't transfer to us, but everyone didn't pay much attention. Anyway, Murong Shanshan will go abroad for treatment tomorrow.

In the early morning, a few people from Tot came, and Ye Qiu said excitedly, "Good news! Good news!"

Murong Shanshan was drinking porridge, so she raised her head and asked, "What's the good news?"

Ye Qiu said excitedly: "Yesterday, we successfully defended the city, but some cities failed to defend the city successfully! Among them, there are two subordinate second-level main cities in France, and there is another one that is even more exciting, haha! Japan The only main city, the city of Galewind, was directly wiped out by a dozen liches and death knights led by the Lich King when it was defending the city yesterday! I heard that the Lich King who attacked our Silvermoon City was an illusion, but the one who attacked Japan That is true!"

Murong Shanshan immediately showed her true colors of fearing that the world would not be chaotic, and said with a bright smile: "Really? Now, don't Japanese players have nowhere to stay?"

Ye Qiu nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, it's so cool! Players from all over Japan are now crowded into several small towns, md, and the roads are impassable. The original Gale City has been rebuilt by the undead into a super big psychic Tower, built a super large cemetery with the corpses of Japanese players outside the psychic tower. Many high-level abominations and frost dragons were bred in the cemetery. The Spirit Pagoda was killed by four death knights, and almost turned a second-tier main city in Japan into a corpse farm..."

Everyone around immediately laughed, and Sai said: "After Shanshan's eyes are cured, we should organize a leveling team to go to the City of Winds and kill the monsters in Little Japan!"

Everyone was very excited. At this time, Ye Qiu said: "There is also a rumor that Yueheng Company plans to make this game popular for about five years, and they are already working on another game "Spiritual Grief". , I heard that it is a Chinese-style game, and it will be released in about five years. I think that Yueheng will soon be in decline by then, and then we will all switch to Lingshen!"

I said, "That must, that must!"

Murong Shanshan smiled and said to me: "Then, let's enter that new game separately, don't contact each other, and see if you can find me, okay?"

Ye Qiu also said: "Yes, yes, yes, if you find it, it means that you are connected with each other, there is fate, if you can't find it..."

"If you can't find me, I'll chop you up!" I said viciously.

Ye Qiu chuckled: "I'm in a hurry again..." (Tomorrow, this pirated mythology book that has been written for more than a year will come to an end. The new book "Urban Evil Sword Fairy" is the first release on Let's Read Literature Network, address:


At this time, someone suddenly came in from outside, it was a girl in a suit and uniform, upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Ah Yue!

"Huh? Why is Mrs. Youlan here?" Ye Qiu quickly recognized Ah Yue.

Ah Yue pursed her lips and said, "I just heard that Shanshan's eyes were injured, so I came here just now, don't be offended..."

After finishing speaking, Ah Yue walked up to me and said, "Why are you so careless..."

I can only smile wryly, but I can't say anything.

Within a few minutes, Xu Lin came over from the front building and brought a sister with her. Xu Lin hurriedly approached and asked in a low voice: "This mm said she knew you and Shanshan, so I brought her here, why, I Never seen this guy before?"

Xu Lin stepped aside, the MM was already standing in front of us, I couldn't help being surprised: "Hongye?"

That's right! It's really the red leaf in Beijing Yueheng headquarters!

"Hehe, long time no see!" She smiled slightly.

Murong Shanshan had already heard it, and asked pleasantly, "Sister Ye? Is it Sister Ye?"

Hong Ye immediately came over, held Murong Shanshan's hand affectionately, and said, "Shanshan, I'm sorry, I just received a call from my aunt, so I hurried here, I didn't book a plane ticket, and I sat on the train all night. Just got off the bus..."

Murong Shanshan looked very happy, and immediately said: "It's good if you can come, you must be very tired, I will arrange for you to sleep first, okay?"

Hongye shook her head and said, "No, tomorrow you will go abroad for treatment, I want to accompany you for a while!"

So, we all went out according to the opportunity, and asked Hongye to stay with Murong Shanshan.

In the afternoon, Murong Xuan arrived, gave me my passport and air ticket, and told me to go to Shanghai in the evening, and after staying there for one night, I would fly out of the country directly.

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