Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 59: The Power of the God of War

After eating, I re-entered the game after drinking some tea. Murong Shanshan was still online, and the snow was still falling in the city. I wondered if that girl was still enjoying the snow. I immediately sent a text message to ask her : "Shanshan, what are you doing now, aren't you still looking at the snow?"

Not long after, Murong Shanshan replied to the text message: "I am leveling in the elf forest in the east, and I have accepted a quest. The quest reward is a blue piece of equipment. Hehe, don't bother me, I am picking up quest items. , I'll stay with you tonight~"

Stay with me tonight?

I couldn't help but fantasize, but I didn't have the nerve to shamelessly ask her how to accompany her. After repairing the equipment, I walked to the Mustang Plain. I didn't pay attention to those skeleton warriors of more than 20 levels and went directly over the suspension bridge. A lot of players have teamed up to level up there, and they look like they are only in their early 20s. To fight a level 27 skeleton warrior even requires a group of people to beat them up, and the fight is fierce. I am just before crossing the bridge. Looking back, they saw the moving scene of parting and parting, and several white lights rose continuously. No wonder, they didn't have a few green clothes on them, so how could they withstand the abnormally high attack of the skeleton warrior?

When I came to Captain Roger’s dilapidated camp, I still saw him squatting by the fire and talking to the knights beside him: “It’s snowing recently, and the soldiers’ cotton coats are all torn. , even if the Golden Knights don't kill us, it will be very difficult for us to survive this winter."

I hurried up and said to Roger, "Captain, have I returned from my mission?"

"What? You really did what I ordered?" Roger looked unbelievable, and then said: "What about the proof? What about your trial proof?"

I immediately took out the 100 golden knight badges, and the prompt message of task completion followed——

System prompt: You have completed the mission "Captain Roger's entrustment", gained 240,000 experience, 12 gold coins, reputation +1400, and the reward: the power of God of War!

Power of God of War: Increases the attack of teammates within a certain range, and the increase rate increases with the skill level. Passive skill, applicable occupation: archer, required level: 24.

I'm a little depressed, and it took me a lot of effort to give me a skill book for archers. The key point is that I don't know how much the increase will be. According to the stinginess of the "Yueheng" company, it is estimated that an increase of 2% is not bad. , there is not much difference with no addition.

Let's see if there are any follow-up tasks below. Seeing the Golden Knight's relationship with the kingdom, it should not be so easy to handle. This kind of plot must be designed to allow players to fully devote themselves to the plot.

"Well, captain, I have met their adjutant Lin He."

Roger was slightly surprised, and turned to disdain and said: "What is there to say about that despicable villain who attacked our camp? If he hadn't led people to attack from behind, our regiment leader would not have died in battle. !"

Roger became more and more excited. I quickly explained: "This will not benefit both of us. The undead army is eyeing the west, and our army is seriously insufficient, especially the lack of experienced cavalry. Why can't we let the Golden Knights What about returning to the kingdom?"

"Impossible!" Roger cut me off categorically, and then added: "If the Golden Knights are allowed to return to the imperial army, wouldn't our leader die unjustly? Who will be responsible for this? ?”

I froze for a moment, and said: "Is it on Duck's head? What's wrong with him taking risks for the woman he loves? What's wrong is that the old king is too confused, and even such a powerful general would order an expedition. It is the old king's stubbornness that caused this series of troubles!"

"What did you say? How could the king be wrong?" Roger was shocked, and several knights around him had drawn their swords.

I was so scared that I broke into a cold sweat, barely calmed down, and continued: "You have been trapped for three years, has the kingdom sent out a single soldier to rescue you? Don't say that the logging factory behind has been occupied, even if it hasn't, old king He will not send troops to rescue, when he received the news of your defeat, he has already decided to give up the Flying Knights, because in his eyes, you have lost any value!"

Roger's face was extremely ugly. Although my words were a little extreme, they were not without reason, and some points were even to the point, which opened up Roger's doubts for so many years.

After hesitating for a long time, Roger finally said to me: "I don't believe that the kingdom will forget our heroic army. Maybe some of your words are right. The Golden Knights are indeed the strongest force against the undead natural disasters. But our captain’s death can’t be so vague, I hope you can get his token from Dak, bring it back to the old king, and let him rescue the remaining 3,000 cavalry of our Flying Knights!”

System prompt: Accept the entrustment of Captain Roger, get the token of Duck of the Golden Knights, return to the palace and give it to the king, fulfill Roger's wish, and return to the imperial army with the rest of the Golden Knights and Flying Knights!

This task is mandatory, and it is the only one. After I take away the Golden Knights and Flying Knights, the Wild Horse Plain here will return to its previous tranquility, and new monsters should spawn.

The only thing I need to worry about at the moment is how I can obtain Dak's token. It is obviously a dream to enter the camp of the Golden Knights with my current strength. It is hard to say whether I can pass the first hurdle!

By the way, when I came out of the Linhe camp, none of his soldiers seemed to be hostile to me anymore, maybe it would be better to ask him for help in this matter!

As soon as I thought about it, I packed up my luggage, said goodbye to Roger, and walked towards Linhe's camp. There were still many cavalry patrolling on the road, so I picked up a few groups, took some potions, and went straight into the woods. The camp in Linhe was still very quiet. The cavalry didn’t seem to regard me as an intruder at all. No one came out to stop me until I entered the camp in Linhe. Sure enough, the diplomacy shows the Golden Knights, followed by a green neutral, no wonder they don't attack me...

Lin He quickly recognized me and asked, "You're here again, what's the matter?"

"I think you can help me take me to see Captain Duck."

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