Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 67 Heart Blue Guardian

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Going around a stone wall again, I finally saw the culprit that caused my blood loss - a huge tree-like monster was waving its hands, and it kept dropping large rocks within 50 yards around it. It hit the surrounding area with dust.

Damn, let me encounter this kind of boss who attacks all indiscriminately! Quickly query monster information——

Swamp Guardian (BOSS)

grade:? ? ?

Attack type: group indiscriminate magic attack

Defense Type: Magic Immunity

Special skill: Rock Solidification - There is a certain chance to paralyze the opponent with a rock attack for 2 seconds.


I was a little dumbfounded, it turns out there really are magic immune monsters!

I have been under attack, although more than 60 points of damage each time can not cause a fatal blow to me, but it is not comfortable to continue like this, and more importantly, I found sadly that this swamp guardian actually used his tree roots The ordinary body blocked the only opening to go out, and the tree roots had already penetrated deeply into the rock formation, which meant that there was no possibility of leading him away at all.

Already here, it is absolutely impossible for me to spend another half an hour to go back, so I can only kill the swamp guardian in front of me!


I am speechless looking at the numbers from the heavy hit. This guy's defense has completely surpassed the Golden Knight. It can also be seen that behind it must be a prime location for leveling or treasure hunting. There is a map for this monster to defend. You can't go wrong!

The Swamp Guardian is a monster with indiscriminate attacks, that is to say, even if a hundred fighters come to attack it, it can also attack a hundred fighters at the same time, and the 60 points of damage it causes to me each time may be equal to the other fighters. So much, I have a 40% bonus to spell resistance, and my physical defense has a 30% bonus to spell defense, which means that with my high defense plus 40% resistance, I will be knocked out by 60% Blood loss, based on the current defense of ordinary fighters, it would be strange not to lose 150 points of blood every time they are hit. Unless it is a blood bull warrior, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to last a few times. It can cause single-digit damage, which can be ignored.

Magic cannot cause damage to the guardian. According to the current position of the guardian, only five or six fighters are allowed to get close. That is to say, even if someone forms a group to fight, only six fighters can attack the guardian at the same time. , and without the priest's supplies, the priest simply couldn't withstand the continuous magic attack of the guardian, and 50 yards exceeded the priest's healing distance.

Thinking about it, I am a little happy, this swamp guardian is simply tailor-made for a high-attack and high-defense single-handed household like me!

Almost every 30 seconds, I drink a medium bottle of healing potion. Fortunately, I bought 4 sets at the exchange last time. Otherwise, I really couldn’t fight against the guardian. Due to the changes after the system upgrade, every 30 medicines form a set , I bought 4 sets of 120 medium-sized red potions, which is enough for me to use for an hour. Now that everyone's level is higher, and more of this potion is produced, the price will naturally come down. I only spent 12 a day ago. Buying so many gold coins for just one gold coin is indeed very prescient!

The system seems to be trying to play a joke on me. After I killed the Swamp Guardian for 5 minutes, I only saw that its health bar decreased a little. Is this a joke?

Obviously not, this further proves the fact that there must be a treasure behind the guardian!

After the excitement, excitement, and urge, I didn't wait for an orgasm, and finally started to go numb...

The giant sword of the pine forest is swung out again and again, and the three active attack skills will be released as soon as the CD time is up. After reaching level 30, you can regain skill experience. It is said that the combo at level 4 has a certain chance of hitting 3 attacks, which is really a bit little look forward to!

30 minutes have passed...

The guardian's blood bar is less than half, and I have used up nearly half of the potion, and I am waving my arms unconsciously. Fortunately, the movements in the game do not need to consume physical strength, otherwise I must be a muscle strain now up.

60 minutes have passed...

Seeing that the health bar of the Swamp Guardian is almost completely empty, my passion is back!

This BOSS is the one with the highest defense and the thickest blood that I have fought since my debut. It takes 60 minutes for a person to slash all the time. Roughly speaking, I attack 20-30 times per minute. 120 points of damage means that more than 2,000 of its blood will be knocked out in one minute. Adding the skill damage, it will be almost 3,000. In 60 minutes, it will have 180,000 blood! Hungry god, it can almost be compared to the black dragon MM Onyxia...

Another five minutes passed...

The blood of the swamp guardian was finally completely exhausted. With a loud noise, its huge body floated away like loose sand without bones. Green leaves and muddy mud fell to the ground, and then slowly disappeared. Three pieces of equipment, a skill book, and a large pile of gold coins were lying there quietly. At the same time, I also received a prompt from the system: Congratulations, you killed the guardian of the swamp, gained 40 million experience, 50 gold coins, and reputation +2500!

I didn't pay attention to experience and money. I cared about the equipment. I quickly ran over and put all the things I could pick up on the ground into the package, and then watched them one by one with excitement——

The first is a necklace shining with blue light, as beautiful as the heart of the ocean:

[Heart Blue Guardian] (Necklace—Purple Equipment)

Stamina: +37

Intelligence: +42

Agility: +32

Additional: Increase spell healing effect by 45%

Requires level: 30


God, the corners of my eyes are wet...

Finally, the first purple equipment is released! And it is very likely to be the first purple equipment released in the entire "Yueheng" server! I'm not mistaken, the effect of improving spell healing is not 45 points, but 45%. What is this concept? Although it's not for my own use, but giving it to Lu Xuehan will definitely have an unexpected effect, maybe this girl will throw herself into my arms or give her a hug, 55555, sweet...

Without thinking too much, I texted Xu Lin directly: "Are you with Xuehan and Xinyu? I will join the cross-map team!"

Xu Lin didn't say anything, and a few seconds later I got the news of the team application.

After clicking OK, I looked at the four MMs in the team, Xu Lin, Xin Yu, Lu Xuehan, and Li Qing, all of them were my own!

I quickly made the purple necklace of Xinlan Guardian into a picture book, and then posted it on the team channel!


Even though I was wearing a helmet, I still heard screams from the room outside, and it wasn't long before someone knocked on my door.

I immediately entered the map guarded by the guardian, and then went offline without even looking at it.

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