Standing by the bus stop with Xin Yu’s hot money, I felt a little funny, today must be my destined day, from the morning when Murong Shanshan called me up to now, I have to go there in the middle of the night It's the third time I'm looking for her, I really don't know what I owe her in my previous life...

After 20 minutes, I finally got a taxi. XX Hospital is not very far away, but if I walk there, I am afraid that I will have to lie there with Murong Shanshan when I get there. I don’t have much clothes on. It's no wonder that she doesn't get sick like Murong Shanshan after freezing again.


The nurse on duty at the front desk was very beautiful. When she saw me running in against the wind and snow, she smiled and asked, "Sir, what can I do for you?"

I patted the snow on my shoulder, and said with a smile: "I'm looking for Murong Shanshan, who is hospitalized on the third floor, I don't know what room she is in."

The little nurse looked down, then nodded and said, "Yes, she is in room 302 on the third floor."

I immediately went upstairs. The central air conditioner used in the hospital was also much warmer. It was already past 11 o'clock in the evening, and the lights in the stairwell were extremely dark. Fortunately, I only needed to go up to the third floor. I went up as fast as possible. On the third floor, the nurse on duty had fallen asleep on the desk with her chin resting on her hands.

I knocked on the door of Room 302, and after a short while, someone came to open the door, it was Ke Ke, who made a small gesture to me, and she closed the door gently, Murong Shanshan in the VIP ward was already asleep, There was a little tiredness on the snowy face, and the long eyelashes fluttered slightly.

I lowered my voice and said to Coco, "When did you sleep?"

"Just fell asleep, you... came to see her?" Ke Ke also said in a soft voice.

I nodded, and Ke Ke immediately showed a happy smile: "That's good, you can stay here tonight, I'm going back to sleep!"

I was blindsided, and asked her with wide eyes: "This is not appropriate, Shanshan and I have only known each other for less than a month, can you rest assured that I will take care of her here alone?"

It's ridiculous, pouted at Murong Shanshan who was lying on the bed and said: "I don't worry about you, but she doesn't worry!"

I was speechless, so Keke packed up the small bag with a smile, waved at me and went out the door.

After closing the doors, only Murong Shanshan and I were left in this ward. At this moment, I realized how ridiculous I was, to see a patient with nothing, not even a bouquet of flowers.

From yesterday to now, I only slept for 4 hours, and I had a terrible headache. Looking around the room, it was very simple, except for a bed, there were only a TV and a few chairs left.

Murong Shanshan was sleeping soundly, I put a chair by the bed, it seems that tonight I can only lie on the bedside for the rest of the night, it's freezing cold, I really miss the warm quilt...

It seems that my movement was a little loud, Murong Shanshan frowned, and said without opening her eyes: "Ke Ke, pour me a glass of water, thank you~!"

I didn't answer, just poured a glass of water and put it on the bedside table, then sat down and said, "It's on the bedside, should I get it for you or should I get it for you?"

Murong Shanshan sat up with a thump when she heard what I said, her expression was extremely cute.

"You... Lin Fan... why are you here?"

I hurriedly pulled up the quilt that had slipped from her chest, and said helplessly: "Lie down quickly, don't catch a cold anymore, you think I want to be here, it's not your good sister Ke Ke, run away by yourself Go back to sleep, it's good, leave me here, I didn't sleep well last night, and the good sleep tonight is over again..."

Murong Shanshan shook her head, picked up a down jacket next to her and put it on her body, then pulled up the quilt, and lay down directly on the back of the bed.

"It's a pity, all the time for leveling up tonight was wasted..." Murong Shanshan's tone was a little depressed.

"It's a pity, P, it's a pity that they are all lying on the hospital bed!" I said loudly.

Murong Shanshan immediately looked at me with surprised eyes.

I quickly changed my words, and my voice was much gentler: "The level can still be improved, let's talk about recovering from the disease first."

"I thought you really didn't know how to swear!" Murong Shanshan pursed her lips, looked at me and said, "By the way, I didn't get online today, did you gain anything?"

As soon as I heard it, I smiled and said, "Of course, after fighting a boss, a blue sword burst out, called the Sword of Darkness, with an attack of 170-245!"

"Ah?" Murong Shanshan yelled out in surprise, and quickly put down the cup in her hand: "The attack is much higher than mine, how many levels of bosses did you beat, and how many people did you fight?"

"Alone, the level of the boss can't be seen, but at level 35 and above, there is a piece of equipment, don't call it out."

"What equipment, is it purple equipment?" Murong Shanshan blinked flickeringly.

I nodded and didn't speak.

" don't mean it, do you?" Murong Shanshan's quilt fell off.

I quickly helped her lift the quilt up again, and said, "Of course it's true, Xinlan Guardian, a level 30 necklace, physical strength increases by 37, intelligence increases by 42, and the healing effect increases by 45%!"

"What? 45%?!" Murong Shanshan put her finger to her mouth.

Seeing the green light in the beauty's eyes, I quickly said: "This necklace is good, but don't make up your mind about it. I have already decided to give it to a colleague."

Murong Shanshan glanced at me and said, "Is that the beauty who was with you that day?"

"No, it's another one..." I explained weakly, and then said suddenly: "No, why do I feel like this is asking me if I'm having an affair?"

Murong Shanshan let out a "puchi" laugh, took a sip of water and said, "You're so scared, even if you like your colleague, I won't eat you!"

I whispered resentfully: "If you can, that's fine..."

Murong Shanshan turned cold and asked, "What did you say?"

I was very nervous: "It's nothing, go to bed quickly, and I can be discharged from the hospital when the fever subsides tomorrow."

Murong Shanshan suddenly laughed, and said sweetly: "I allow you to sleep lying on the side of the bed, but you are not allowed to come up, okay, that's it, good night!"

I didn't see the expression Murong Shanshan looked at me, reached out to turn off the light, and fell asleep lying on the side of the bed.


I don't know how long it has passed, but I just feel that the sky outside has already brightened. I looked up and saw that Murong Shanshan was still asleep. It was already 7 o'clock in the morning. Although I didn't sleep well, my physical strength had recovered. It was almost the same time, and the temperature in the ward was very high, so I didn't sleep too cold.

"Huh? How did it dawn so quickly?"

Murong Shanshan opened her eyes, it seemed that she slept soundly last night.

"Lin Fan, go and call the nurse, take your temperature and go home!"

I nodded and called the nurse in. Murong Shanshan's physical fitness is not bad, the fever has completely subsided after one night, and I also stretched myself. Damn it, I can go back and continue to level 32!

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