Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 74 Brave Challenge (3)

Today's third update, everyone, don't be stingy with tickets, I'm about to collapse!


The swift combo hit the thief in front of him to nothing, and then a normal attack made him fly to the auditorium in white light, and I was startled when I looked back.

Our team has been killed by four thieves, Xu Lin has become empty blood under the sneak attack of two thieves, while Lu Xuehan is running back and cursing the thieves, Li Qing panicked, It wasn't until Xin Yu and I started attacking the bandits who were chasing and killing Lu Xuehan that we realized that the summoned water element finally had a target to attack.

Xu Lin was chased so badly that she almost called for help. The thief had already opened up and moved very fast. Xu Lin, a weak little mage, was about to die!


A silver light saved Xu Lin's life, and Lu Xuehan's large healing book directly filled up Xu Lin's less than 800 HP.

The thief who chased and killed Lu Xuehan got rid of 400 points of blood with one sword, and quickly ran out of my attack range. Unfortunately, he couldn't get out of Xin Yu's attack range. He was instantly killed, Xin Yu had the night elf bow, and his attack power was really extraordinary!

There were still three thieves left. Lu Xuehan's pressure was greatly reduced after the thieves behind her died, so Xu Lin would be much safer. Her frost armor not only added a lot of defense, but also slowed down the thieves , without this skill and top-quality equipment, no matter how good the operation is, an ordinary mage would not be able to survive for so long under the poisoned daggers of two thieves.

The thief who was chasing and killing Li Qing also turned around to intercept and kill Xu Lin. Seeing the situation, Lu Xuehan quickly threw a mana shield on Xu Lin, which would save her from being beaten a few times. Do your best, after all, the three thieves chased after Xu Lin so hard.

It's time for Xinyu's Concussive Arrow to cooperate with my combo to kill another thief, but I haven't used Frozen Slash and Swordsman's Swiftness. I want to save these two skills until the finals, so as not to be too early The best way to show your cards to others is to win by surprise in the final game.

"Wow, what are you guys doing, kill them quickly!"

Xu Lin finally couldn't bear it anymore, and turned around and said to a group of us angrily.

"Everyone is not idle!" I quickly stepped forward, and combined with Xin Yu's explosive arrow, I killed another thief.

There was only the last thief left, and Xu Lin's pressure was greatly relieved. She turned around and used magic to bombard the thief who had been chasing her for a long time, revealing her ferocious nature!

Everyone was dumbfounded, and the unlucky thief was also dumbfounded. He was directly killed by Xu Lin's two large-scale flame magic!

Another complete victory, although Xu Lin was almost hanged several times in the middle, but the others remained in a state of full blood. Generally speaking, they were just fooled by the opponent's combination of 5 thieves before. In the subsequent sports battle Still performed well, and accumulated valuable experience for fighting thieves in the future!

Forget it, there are 12 games to be played in three hours in the morning, and there are probably nearly 10 million players in Hurricane City. The champion can be determined by playing 24 rounds simultaneously, which means that tomorrow's game may be the top 16. A game is live.

The next game is still to meet players with some white equipment. The best team is a team with three mages and two priests. About each person has about two pieces of green equipment. Unfortunately, the level is too different from ours. There is still no suspense in the fight.

Until the last game in the morning, we finally met a decent team——

A level 24 knight with green equipment, a level 23 swordsman with half green equipment, a level 23 mage with a blue mage cloak mixed in with the green equipment, a level 22 priest, a MM, and a Dinosaur, with a face that looks like a fire scene, with average equipment, the last one is a level 22 thief, with a green suit, but unfortunately the dagger is white.

These are the grades roughly judged by looking at the equipment, let alone the attributes of the equipment. It is set in "Yueheng" that if the player does not turn on the equipment display function, other people will not be able to see the attributes of other people's equipment.

"The composition of this team is very comprehensive, and the equipment is not bad, and the level is also very high!" Xu Lin made a simple evaluation, and then looked at me: "Lin Fan, tell me how to fight?"

When the time comes, you still have to ask me!

I have been thinking about it for a long time, and I came up with a plan: "Xin Yu uses the concussion arrow to cooperate with me to kill the priest first, and ignore the thieves. His weapons are very poor, and his attack power can't cause devastating damage to everyone. Xue Han pays attention to increasing blood, Sister Lin and Li Qing cooperate to fight the mage, and Xin Yu and I will come to help after we kill the priest!"

I just finished speaking, the game has already started, Xin Yu's operation speed is astonishingly fast, the concussion arrow landed on the opponent's priest at the first time, the poor priest just raised his hand, and was beaten alive before the curse was released She was stillborn, the worst person is not her, but our summoner——Li Qing!

Almost in an instant, the mage's instant fireball and the swordsman's combo hit Li Qing fiercely, and she was instantly killed at a low anemia level!

"Miss Qing!"

Lu Xuehan exclaimed, and I hurriedly said loudly: "Keep calm and fight according to the plan!"

While speaking, I was already close to the priest of the other party. I raised my sword and dropped it, and the combo damage really hit her...


After the priest turned into white light, I gave a heavy blow to the mage next to him, and immediately knocked out more than half of his blood. I clearly saw the panic expression of the other party, and I made another normal attack. The two long-range attacks of the other party The career is gone.

Our side is also not optimistic. This time their targets were concentrated on Lu Xuehan. Fortunately, Xu Lin used freezing arrows to slow them down one by one. Lu Xuehan was also unambiguous. The three melee professions have all become slow-moving "red men".

The charm of long-range attacks was perfectly reproduced at this moment. Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu's powerful attacks were fine. Xu Lin was even more exaggerated, and directly released group skills at places where the three opponents could not attack. The perfect distance control allowed the three Melee professional players with good equipment are depressed and want to be killed, and I also feel the sadness of melee professions at this time. Without magic immunity skills, melee professions have nothing to do with powerful mages and priests.

In a blink of an eye, the three big men were abused to death by the three cute little MMs. The morning game was over, and everyone was very tired. Although there were not many games, our spirits were all in a state of high tension.

"It's finally time to eat..." was the only thing I could think of when I logged out.

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