Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 82 Brave Challenge (11)


The frost power of Frost Slash was driven by Murong Shanshan's petite body, and it landed on Kuang Zhan's body in a beautiful arc. Kuang Zhan's tall body immediately seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, and the speed of action slowed down a lot. , Murong Shanshan saw it in her eyes, and hurriedly stepped back a few steps, and then the sword energy swayed out.


It seems that Kuang Zhan's equipment is not very good. He was hit by Murong Shanshan's sword energy so much damage. He was very helpless after being hit by the frost power. He was killed by magic in front of the players in the city. He didn't have the strength to fight back at all, and the arrogance and domineering he usually displayed had already made many players unhappy. Now that Murong Shanshan has killed Kuangzhan so readily, I don't know how many people are secretly happy. Anyway, Ye Qiu and his group on the opposite side are already laughing like It's the same as a flower.

The defeat of Kuang Zhan also led to the early arrival of the match between me and Ye Qiu. After Murong Shanshan cleared the field, Feier immediately announced that Murong Shanshan's team had entered the final. The next match will produce another team that will enter the final !

With a sound of "swipe", the five of us were teleported into the arena, while Ye Qiu and a group of people stood opposite, looking at us eagerly, FINE still had a big smile on his face, damn it, sure enough It's a dog who can't change eating shit. This guy can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman. He probably can't change it in this life.

Xu Lin muttered silently: "A 28th-level mage, a 27th-level priest, and three 27th-level swordsmen. This is a combination of physical attacks... Lin Fan, what do you think?"

Damn, it turned out that she was just summing it up. I thought she had some great ideas, but in the end she asked me to say it...

"The old way, Xin Yu and I get rid of the priest first, the three of you try to avoid the other three swordsmen, and also, be careful of the level 28 mage, he is definitely stronger than any mage you have ever seen! "

"Is it that exaggerated?" Xin Yu looked puzzled, and then said: "Don't let others destroy your prestige, the competition is about to begin, if we can't kill the priest in one fell swoop, we will be in trouble, Lin Fan, You are the real key!"

I smiled. To be honest, I was also very nervous. I know Ye Qiu's talent and strength in playing games the best. Even if I were to fight him one-on-one now, I wouldn't be sure of winning.

The system is already counting down the seconds, and I can vaguely hear my heartbeat...




Almost at the beginning, Ye Qiu's body moved, and before he moved, he had already sent out an instant fireball technique. The target was Lu Xuehan behind me. Unfortunately, there were too few long-range attack professions on their side, and Lu Xuehan was just There was no danger, but when she breathed a sigh of relief, Ye Qiu's big fireball technique had arrived!

What a speed this is, I quickly moved to the front of the other priest SAI, raised the knife and dropped him, and the combo of blows still killed him without any suspense, hehe, this shameless guy used to make fun of Xiaoyu's flat chest, and now finally Here's a chance for revenge!

After hanging up the SAI, I slipped and rushed towards Ye Qiu in the opposite direction. This kid beat Lu Xuehan in a hurry with just his magic alone, and even forgot to add blood to Xu Lin.


A woman screamed, and I couldn't help but sink in my heart. After all, Xu Lin is a girl who just started playing games, and she has no chance of surviving under the hands of FINE and other three prostitutes.

Ye Qiu seemed to have guessed that I would come, turned around and missed me, and my sword also missed, but Ye Qiu still didn't expect that I had a backhand, and the backhand sword hit his. back!


The damage value of 467 surprised me. Ye Qiu's defense is so high. A heavy knight in ordinary green clothes can only have such a high defense.


When Ye Qiu turned to run away, he had already thrown a frost arrow, and my speed of movement slowed down immediately. Turning my head, I saw that Lu Xuehan was already being chased by three swordsmen, and Xin Yu's shock sword could only hold him back A swordsman, the frequent attacks made RAIN feel overwhelmed. In a blink of an eye, his blood was almost gone. In desperation, he had no choice but to turn to chase after Xinyu...

Xin Yu screamed and ran towards me, almost throwing away her weapon.

Ye Qiu's blood has lost nearly half, but his Frost Arrow can stick to me all the time. I don't have magic immunity skills yet, and it's quite a disadvantage to consume as much as him, so I simply activated "Swordsman Swiftness", Immediately, the speed of movement and attack increased greatly, and he caught up with Ye Qiu in two or three steps, and the combo directly greeted him!




No matter how good Ren Yeqiu's operation is, he turned into white light and appeared on the stage under my super high damage!


There was another scream behind me, and I was nervous, but when I turned around, I saw Li Qing was hanged up. Fortunately, if Lu Xuehan or Xin Yu were hung up now, it would be over. None of the three swordsmen were vegetarians. If I was alone, I would definitely be beaten to death by them.

"Xuehan, this way!"

Hearing my cry, Lu Xuehan immediately seemed to see hope, her feet slipped, and her direction immediately turned to my side, and I also went directly to meet him, taking advantage of the effect of "Swordsman's Swiftness" not disappearing, the long sword "Shuashua" slashed over twice, and the half-blooded SEVEN died immediately, this idiot, why is he still walking without looking at the front?

I just took over Lu Xuehan, and Xin Yu also escaped from the other side, followed by the vicious RAIN, chasing the delicate archer MM like an idiot.

I directly inserted it horizontally, and my sword immediately repelled RAIN with a swift blow, and then flew forward to make up a "heavy blow", and RAIN, who had little blood, immediately "ascended to heaven".

Victory was in sight, Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu also calmed down, curses and concussion arrows began to greet each other's only surviving FINE, poor him, a tall man, was alive and depressed under the torment of two MMs.

System prompt: Qingcai Keke team has advanced to the final, and the next game will be played in 10 minutes!

Back in the auditorium again, I finally breathed a sigh of relief temporarily. After we eliminated TOT, a formidable opponent, we only had one goal—to defeat Murong Shanshan and grab the championship reward of Niucha!

"Lin Fan, it's thanks to you this time, otherwise we might have stopped here." Xin Yu said with a smile, while hugging my arm affectionately, her huge chest was immediately squeezed to form a lure Human **.

There was a flash of light on the right, and I immediately felt Murong Shanshan's beautiful eyes staring at this side, I hurriedly pushed Xin Yu away, and whispered: "Don't be so public, so many people are watching!"

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