Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 154 Side mission completed!

Running away?

"Once we run away, wouldn't our trial fail?" Wu Xiaode said.

"It doesn't matter if you fail, the big deal is to accumulate your soul power and come back next time, but if you die on the battlefield, wouldn't you fall into a deep sleep?" said Rotten Bones.

—No undead wants to fall into deep sleep.

That means being stepped on by others, and constantly contributing soul power to provide energy for others to cultivate, and to maintain the operation of the entire death kingdom.

But Wu Xiaode's situation is different.

He glanced into the void.

The Book of the Undead has already been opened, revealing lines of small words written in ice crystals:

"The trials of the kingdom of death are quite strict."

"Once the trial fails, the corresponding punishment will be executed by the law of karma, as follows:"

"You will lose everything you gained from increasing your soul power from 11 to 20."

Wu Xiaode immediately woke up.

How can this work?

A perfect evolution skill like Qianshou is hard to come by, and must not be lost.

Not to mention that I have already won the title challenge of the city of holy names, and I only need to go there to get a unique title.

These are all lost.

What do you use to fight the Cyclops?

"Just now you said how many demons are there on the opposite side?" Wu Xiaode asked the skull.

"More than two hundred." Skull said.

"How is your strength?" Wu Xiaode asked again.

"Just like us, they all participated in the 20-point soul power trial—two hundred! I was instantly killed in one round of volley." Skull said mournfully.

"How far is it?"


As soon as the words fell, there were bursts of violent roars outside the camp.

The demons are coming!

"Run, buddy, it's over if you're late!" Skull wailed.

"Wait a minute," Wu Xiaode asked calmly, "What exactly is our trial mission?"

"As I said just now, it's all on the boundary marker—it's 'hold the current boundary marker'!" Skull said.

Wu Xiaode looked up at the boundary marker.


The task is written very clearly, that is: "Try every means to keep the current boundary marker".

But with more than two hundred demons coming, how could they defend this place?

There were screams from outside the camp.

The ground kept shaking.

The demons are rushing in!

Wu Xiaode still leaned against the boundary marker, motionless.

The task is to defend the boundary markers.

boundary marker--

With a flash of his mind, he suddenly shouted: "Get up."

A pair of bronze hands suddenly drilled out of the void, one left and one right, grabbed the boundary marker and pulled it up——


The boundary marker suddenly rose from the ground!

Wu Xiaode lowered his head and pulled a piece of thread, pierced the skull's two eye sockets, and hung it on his waist.

There was a fog all around.

he is gone.

The boundary marker also disappeared in mid-air.

The next moment.

The demons rushed into the camp like wolves and tigers, and directly crushed the dozen or so undead guarding the camp with several times their number of people.

"Have you killed them all? Come and take a look!"

A demon with pale horns and completely black eyes roared loudly.

The necromorph spun out from behind it and counted around the camp.

"Report Your Excellency, a dead person escaped!"

The Demon of Corpse Transformation said respectfully.

Upon hearing that it was the dead, the demons immediately relaxed.

"Isn't the dead the most trashy undead race? Go to two people, it's a good idea to chase after them, maybe they've been frightened and disappeared." The demon leader said indifferently.


With a flash, the two demons passed through the entire camp and rushed towards the mountain road behind.

The remaining demons immediately began to sweep the battlefield.

Taking advantage of this moment, Wu Xiaode immediately prepared to turn around and leave.


The skull at the waist shook slightly.

"Good buddy, look at the boundary marker, it seems to be preparing to issue a temporary mission." Skull whispered.

"How do you know?" Wu Xiaode wondered.

"I'm the commander, it will contact me first." Skull said.

Wu Xiaode looked up, only to see new lines of small characters appearing on the boundary marker:

"Sub-quest: The traitor must die!"

"An undead turned to the devil and led the devil's assault team to this remote and weak camp, causing a unilateral massacre."

"The undead never allow betrayal."

"Kill it!"

Wu Xiaode read these few lines back and forth, and pondered.

There is no reward description for this task.

Is it worth doing?

I'm not an aborigine of the kingdom of the undead, and I only come here once every trial, it's really a black eye!

Better to ask its opinion.

"Bad bone boy, what do you say?" He simply asked.

"In our current situation, our survival is a problem, so we have to reluctantly give up this branch mission." Rotten Bones said full of unwillingness.

Reluctantly give up...

very good.

It seems like a worthwhile task.

Wu Xiaode turned his head to look at the demon that turned into a corpse.

I saw it kneeling in front of the demon leader, chanting something devoutly.

The demon leader cut his finger, squeezed out a drop of blood, and fell on top of its head, buzzing: "You deserve credit for this surprise attack, so I will start a race replacement ceremony to transform you into our demon family, and you will never be freed from death's slumber." threaten."

"Thank you, my lord!" The Demon of Corpse Transformation said happily.

The demon leader nodded and was about to start the ceremony when he suddenly remembered something and asked:

"What do you feel about sleeping in the kingdom of death? Why are you all so afraid of sleeping?"

The devil of the dead body said: "It is a kind of biting cold and loneliness, which will never end, and you will clearly know that the power of your whole body has been sucked away by the world, and the only emotion is despair."

"I see." The demon leader said.

"This is not the scariest thing yet." The demon of corpse change hesitated to speak.

"What else? Don't be afraid, let's hear it." The demon leader said.

"My lord, I can't say it, unless I am no longer an undead." Said the devil of the corpse change.

The demon leader uttered a spell.

Pale runes suddenly appeared around the body of the corpse, spinning around it non-stop.

The ceremony has begun!

"Uh oh oh-"

The corpse demon lay on the ground, groaning in pain.

Its body began to transform.

The breath of death dissipated from its body, replaced by an aura full of sulfur and flames.

Its skin begins to peel off.

Pieces of armor with fiery aura emerged from the surface of its body.

On top of its head, two huge runes landed on its forehead, burning through its frontal bone and beginning to take on curved horns.

The Demon of Corpse Transformation endured this ritual of torture like a cannonball, but his mouth was full of joy and roared:

"Ahhhhhhh—I, the undead of the corpse family, finally—"


With a sound like metal piercing through cloth, its sound came to an abrupt end.

The face of the corpse-changing demon changed wildly, and he quickly covered the big hole in his throat with his hands.

But it didn't work.

Someone whispered in the ear: "Sorry, I was going to run away...but I have a mission about you."

The pupils of the corpse-changing demon shrank suddenly, and an expression of disbelief appeared on his face.

It heard it.

It is the dead man who speaks!

that rubbish-

He actually—

How dare he stay here and kill me?

The Demon of Corpse Transformation only had time to think of this.

next second.

There was a sharp pain.

Its head was cut off.

At this moment, the demon leader could no longer care about the backlash brought about by the abort ceremony.

The other demons around also reacted.

"It's an invisible guy!"

"Let's do that."

"Shoot all!"


The ground instantly turned into blood, and the boiling fire shot up into the sky, and the entire camp directly turned into a flowing river of lava.

"Kill him!" roared the demon leader.

All the demons looked around.

——In this molten hell, no matter how powerful the invisibility technique is, it can't withstand the burning of the flames of hell, and it will definitely show its original shape!

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

The magma turned into rain, weaving into an impenetrable rain of destruction between the sky and the earth.

But the guy still didn't show up.

A serious look suddenly appeared in the eyes of the demon leader.

"The Book of Hellflame."

It gave a low snort.

A book with a fiery red cover appeared in front of it, and it opened automatically.

The demon leader only glanced at it, and immediately said:

"All retreat."


Although the demons are a bit confused, they can still obey orders on the battlefield.

Everyone quickly lined up and retreated out of the camp at an extremely fast speed.

not for a while.

They just go clean.

It wasn't until after rushing hundreds of miles away from the battlefield that the demon leader heaved a sigh of relief and got off his horse to rest.

An aged demon appeared from the void and asked respectfully:

"Your Excellency, this is your first attack, why did you withdraw from the battlefield?"

"That invisible guy was not hit by our large-scale attack." The demon leader said,

"You should have a treasure that breaks invisibility."

"It's not broken." The demon leader said.

The aged demon also became serious.

The demon leader shook his head and said: "This is an extremely rare ability user. He has at least two skills that can completely suppress me. As for you, you are no match."

The old demon was stunned, and asked in doubt: "It shouldn't be, this is just a trial ground with 20 points of soul power, how could there be such an existence?"

"Hmph, never underestimate the kingdom of death, who knows what is buried in the ground, and what monster suddenly woke up—"

The demon leader strode forward and said without looking back:

"My task is to assault the undead camp, now it's done, don't bother me anymore, let's go!"

"Yes!" The old demon responded.

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