Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 292 Street of the Undead

Cold rain fell on the mountain wall.

The wind howled.

The air is filled with the chill that freezes to the bone marrow.

——Even if everyone died once, they couldn't stand such a harsh environment.

Fortunately, the dead have been transferred to the cave.

Many people started to make some guide signs, went out when the rain was getting less, and placed the signs on the cliffs outside.

——This is for more people to find here.

Wu Xiaode thought that this was also a solution, and simply manipulated the bronze arm to carve a line of large words on the cliff:

"Go to the narrow passage above, there is a cave for shelter."

The cave is very wide and unfathomable, even though there are more and more people, it can fully accommodate it.

not for a while.

Wu Xiaode noticed that some dead people sat on the ground and did not move.

Slight fluctuations surged around them, as if drawing some kind of power from the void.

……I see.

The world of death gives every dead person a chance to gain soul power and become stronger.

Everyone has a chance.

As long as they are not eaten by monsters as soon as they come up, human dead can also grow up.

The Book of the Undead suddenly opened, and a line of small ice crystal characters appeared on the wall of wishes:

"Three hundred meters inside the cave, there are the dying words of the undead."

Wu Xiaode has now figured out the ability of the Wishing Wall——

In the world of death, it can sense the wishes and regrets left by the undead under strong emotions.

Wu Xiaode found it interesting, so he walked 300 meters into the cave.

I saw two stones on the ground here.

May two lines of small ice crystal characters appear on the wall:

"Hateful! I and this idiot died together. Who knew that when the dead world woke up, this idiot would also wake up together."

"—A certain undead armor."

"You betrayed me? I want revenge!"

"—A certain Undead B."

Wu Xiaode looked at the two stones on the ground again, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

The two died together when they were alive, and they would do it again when they died, and finally turned into stone.

——It is unnecessary.

If people knew earlier that they would appear in the world of death with their enemies after death, there would surely be fewer unnecessary disputes in the world.

At this time, the Book of the Dead reminded him to go deep into the cave again.

Wu Xiaode continued on for hundreds of meters.

May a line of small ice crystal characters appear on the wall again:

"I'm level 9. If I don't leave here, how can I progress? Or, how can human beings gain a foothold in the world of death?"

"—a level 9 human dead."

"I really shouldn't go to Undead Street. If I don't go, I won't attract black snakes... hateful!"

"—a level 9 human dead."

Looking at the text, it is the same person who left the emotional language at both ends.

He went to the street of the dead and attracted the black snake.

So he was extremely remorseful.

Wu Xiaode thought for a while, then continued to walk deep into the cave.

After about seven or eight kilometers.

A large magic circle engraved with rounds of runes appeared in front of it.

The fluctuation of space came from the magic circle.

This is the magic circle teleported away, but I don't know where it leads.

Could it be the Undead Street that the level 9 human dead man mentioned?

If there is only one way to level 10, the human dead can be further strengthened——

Where is there any hesitation?

Wu Xiaode looked towards the wall of wishes.

May there be only one star on the wall.

Still eight.

He took a step forward and stood on the teleportation circle.

The magic circle was automatically activated, and a ball of light emerged to surround him, and disappeared from here in an instant.


The rain was pouring.

The cold rain hit the wet hard gravel road, making a "rustling" sound.

The odd-shaped buildings on both sides of the street were tightly closed.

There was hardly anyone on the road.

At this time, Wu Xiaode came.

There was a flash of light.

He found himself standing on the teleportation circle in the middle of the intersection.

A voice of inquiry came from the side of the road: "Human, why didn't your master come?"

Wu Xiaode turned his head to look, and saw that the person who was talking was a zombie with a metallic luster all over his body.

"It's busy."

Wu Xiaode replied smoothly.

"What are you busy with?" Zombie asked relentlessly.

"I'm busy eating people, I don't have time to come here, so I'll come here for it." Wu Xiaode said.

"Hmph, I only care about increasing my soul power, and even let servants do it for me when I go out. Could it be that I'm about to advance?" The zombie said to himself.

It handed a sign to Wu Xiaode.

Wu Xiaode took a look, only to see some unfamiliar characters written on it.

A few lines of explanation immediately appeared on the Book of the Dead:

"This is the general rune of the undead."

"Shackles: Servants of the Dark Serpent."

"—The undead general rune is the power foundation of all ethnic groups in the kingdom of death."

There was a sound of "crash", and the sign turned into heavy handcuffs and shackles, tightly locking Wu Xiaode's hands and feet.

——This is the identification of human beings?

Wu Xiaode originally wanted to break the shackles, but after taking a look at the zombie, he changed his mind.

The zombie took it for granted that the black snake was still alive.

also good.

With a formal identity, you can save yourself a lot of trouble.

As for the shackles—

It's okay to wear it for the time being.

The zombie waved impatiently: "Let's go, don't stay in the teleportation array."


Wu Xiaode jumped off the teleportation array and walked towards the street.

He walked a few steps, stopped suddenly, and reached out to catch the rainwater falling from the sky.

The rain hit his fingers, making a slight "sizzling" sound.

This rainwater is slightly corrosive and has an uncomfortable feeling.

In the void, Ulysses' voice sounded quietly:

"May the holy light protect you and protect you from plagues and poisons."

"—Master, pay attention, this blessing charges five grams of gold per hour, please let me know when you need to cancel it, don't waste money indiscriminately."

An invisible blessing fell on Wu Xiaode.

In an instant, the bone-deep cold and corrosion brought by the rain and strong wind completely disappeared.

"Ulysses, don't worry so much about money, it's for spending."

Wu Xiaode walked forward in the rain while talking.

The weather today is bad.

No wonder there were no people on the street, only one zombie was left outside, responsible for guarding the teleportation circle.

So, what are you going to do next?

——Naturally find a way to learn the general runes of the undead.

Then see if you can change some soul stones.

After all, soul stones are the mainstream currency in the undead world.


Wu Xiaode said in a low voice.

In the silent fog beside him, Ulysses' body disintegrated and reassembled into Lester, the king of evil spirits.

Wu Xiaode touched the bronze statue of the King of Evil Ghosts with his shoulder.

The statue came alive.

"Ah, what's the master's order?" Lester asked.

"Look at this so-called Undead Street, find out the place where you can learn the common runes of the undead, and I also need to exchange some soul stones." Wu Xiaode said.

Lester's woman's head looks down the street.

for a moment.

She opened the mouth and said: "The place to learn the general rune of the undead is on the left hand side of the next intersection, the first shop; the shop for exchanging soul stones is the fifth shop on the right."

Wu Xiaode soon came to the shop, opened the door and walked in.

I saw a spiky ghost tree demon standing inside.

Different from the emerald green dryads in the Yang world, after death, they glowed with a deep blue gloomy light.


The ghost tree demon glanced at Wu Xiaode, his eyes fell on the heavy shackles, and he said:

"What business do you come to handle for your master?"

"I want to learn the general rune of the undead." Wu Xiaode said.

"—You? A human being? How could your master allow such a thing?" the ghost tree demon asked in confusion.

Soon, its confusion turned into killing intent.

"Humans can't learn everything, they can only be the lowest servants!"

"Your master must be in a daze—forget it, I'll lock you up here and negotiate with your master later."

The ghost tree demon stretched out his hand and was about to release a spell.

Wu Xiaode said in a low voice: "Skadi."

In the void, a bronze body spread out and gathered together, touched him, and turned into the succubus Skadi.

"Hee hee, don't worry about those damn rules, take out all the general runes of the undead here, and let my master learn it."

The bronze demon god teased.

The ghost tree demon's movements stopped.

——How can it resist a succubus at the level of a demon god?

The ghost tree demon turned around, took out a thick tome from behind the counter, and said:

"The basic undead general runes are divided into: teleportation, element utilization, construction, cultivation, collection, forging and many other aspects. If you want to learn them all, you will have to pay a lot of money."

The succubus stepped forward, gently wrapping her arms around the ghost tree demon's body, whispering:

"But you'll teach it for free, and with no secrets, won't you?"

"Ah, yes, I will teach it for free, without any secrets." The ghost tree demon said dumbly.

It looked down at the thick book of runes, and began to chant spells in its mouth.

Seven or eight breaths passed.

Numerous runes emerged from the book and flew towards Wu Xiaode.

These runes flew around him for several weeks, sinking gently into his body.

for a moment.

Wu Xiaode immediately grasped the mysteries of various universal runes.

He looked at the shackles on his hands, and said with an obscure incantation:

"Unbound souls."


The shackles and shackles were undone at the same time.

In fact, these shackles are mainly used to deal with some native monsters in the dead world.

There are also many related hunting and fighting runes.

If the human dead mastered these runes, they would no longer need to rely on caves to escape the cold rain and wind.

— At least feeding yourself is no longer a problem.

Wu Xiaode moved his arms and legs, and a thought came to his mind.

These things can actually be taught to the human dead in the cave.

They are not strong enough now, they don't even have a little soul power, and it is the time when they need to use various tools to make a living.

Together with this idea, a sudden change occurred——

I only heard a loud "bang" in the void.

Wu Xiaode looked up, but saw a bright star floating in mid-air, motionless.

Then the small characters in ice crystals appeared in front of his eyes:

"The general rune of the undead is the basic power of the undead world. It is nothing to a powerful individual like you, but it is the foundation for a group of people."

"You have contributed an important force to the foothold of mankind, so you get the second star."

"Current progress: two stars."

"Please find a way to win nine stars to obtain the highest reward of this hidden trial!"

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