The three beholders looked at each other.

This big brother is really amazing.

But asking everyone to use all their resources to build up levels and strength for one's pets, isn't it a bit...

"Brother Shan, it's not that we little brothers don't help, you know that we spend a lot of soul power every time we cultivate pets."

"That's right, Brother Shan, we don't have enough soul power right now."

The beholders cried out.

Wu Xiaode nodded, unexpectedly did not get angry.

Come out to mess around, you let the younger brothers not even get any benefits, how can you be the leading brother?

Even if you hire people to work, you also need to feed them.

Beholders, on the other hand, live off the various emotions generated by sentient beings.

——Arouse the emotions of all beings, then the beholder can draw soul power from the soul fluctuations of all beings.

The soul power that a single living body can provide to the beholder is very limited.

Hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of living bodies must produce emotions, and the soul power released from them is enough for the beholder to eat.

It's a bit like a whale eating. They eat small fish and shrimps, but if the amount reaches a certain level, they can still have a full meal.

——does no harm to sentient beings.

Of course, there is an easier way to eat, that is to directly absorb the power contained in the soul stone.

However, the beholders were obviously excluded and could not contact sentient beings at all.

Even catching a pet has to be sneaky.

So weak, there must be no soul stones in hand.

How can this be messed up in the devil world!

Wu Xiaode smiled and said, "Who is in charge of the surrounding area?"

"Brother Shan, it's Huitings, the leader of the lizardmen, who commands everything in this ruined city," said the Fire Eye Demon.

Wu Xiaode waved his two tentacles and snapped his fingers, and said:

"Lead the way, I'll go talk to it."

Several beholders looked at each other.

Wu Xiaode laughed again: "If you don't even have the guts to follow me to find the Lizardman, then stay here."

This sentence suddenly aroused the viciousness of the beholders.

They're all monsters, they've been fighting since birth, who wouldn't dare to fight with others?

If it weren't for the fact that their side was really weak, these beholders would have long been unwilling to be bullied like this.

"Brother Shan, I'll do it with you." Fengyan Mo gritted his teeth.

"That's right, Brother Shan, I'll take you to find that ugly reptile." Lin Yanmo said.

"It's rare that Brother Shan is willing to give the younger brothers a hand, let's go!" Fire Eye Demon also said.

Wu Xiaode nodded secretly.

The beholder clan is still okay, there is only one less person who can support things.

A group of four beholders traveled mightily through the ruined city, and soon came to a collapsed bridge.

I saw a camp on the bank of the big river with a stinky smell, all kinds of skeletons and mummies were all over the ground, and all kinds of monsters came here with a cautious look.

—The lizardmen are stationed here.

The wind-eyed demon floated to the gate of the camp, and sent a telepathy to the lizard guarding the gate:

"Our boss wants to see Gray Tings, you go and report."

The lizard guard was a little surprised.

When did a beholder come out with a guy who could be called the boss?

The leader specifically ordered that the beholders are good at spiritual spells, which are very dangerous, so we must keep an eye on them.

"Wait here."

The guard turned and walked back into the camp.

not for a while.

It returned to the front of several beholders and said, "Go in."

Wu Xiaode walked in with a few beholders.

In the center of the camp was a piece of gravel, all kinds of rubber and sundries were piled up together, and a raging fire was burning.

Thick smoke rose into the sky.

A big lizard covered in gray and black stood in front of the fire and warmed itself.

—Lizards like to warm themselves by the fire.

They throw everything they can into the fire.

If possible, they would like to burn a campfire forever in the place where they are stationed.

"Let me see, who is the boss of the beholder?"

The big gray-black lizard spoke with great interest.

Its long and narrow dark yellow eyes moved left and right, staring at Wu Xiaode.

——This beholder walked in the front and looked the cutest.

The other three-headed beholders took it for granted at first glance, and it must be the boss among the beholders.

"My name is Shan, you are the boss of this city, right?"

Wu Xiaode stepped forward and said.

"Mountains? Mountains of green hills?" Gray Lizard asked.

"I don't dare to be a green mountain—I'm a small mountain." Wu Xiaode said with a smile.

Gray Lizard took out a long burning log from the fire, put it in his mouth and chewed it slowly, and said nonchalantly:

"You beholders have such ugly names that you can represent yourself with just one word—how should I put it, do you know too little about the world?"

Changmu made a "squeaky" sound, and thick smoke rose, covering the gray lizard's expression.

At the same time, distorted ripples appeared in the void around the three-headed beholder.

The race is insulted, and they can't help but want to fight.

Today, the big boss brought it with him, and he was here to fight!

As soon as they moved, all the lizardmen surrounded them, their cold eyes staring at the three-headed beholder's vitals.

——Beholders use long-range magic attacks, while lizards use melee attacks.

If there is a fight, the three-headed beholder will definitely suffer a lot.

Wu Xiaode waved his tentacles and tapped Feng, Lin, and Huo, signaling them to calm down.

He smiled and said, "Brother Hui is right, we beholders are rummaging through the trash every day, and it's true that we haven't seen the world for a long time."

"Well, you are acquainted."

Greytings spat, and seemed a little disappointed, but also a little satisfied.

It pulled the long log out of its mouth.

I saw that the long log had turned into a sharp spear, and the tip of the spear was still burning with fire.

"Tell me, come to me, what's the matter?"

Gray Lizard played with the burning wooden spear, without even looking at Wu Xiaode.

"We beholders haven't been on the battlefield for a long time, Brother Hui, please give us a chance so that we can do something." Wu Xiaode said.

"Then how can it work, absolutely not." Gray Lizard said.

"Why not?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"You are too dangerous, you are easy to accidentally injure your own people, it's better to put on a show in the back, you are not needed in war." Gray Lizard said.

"We have to survive, Brother Gray."

Wu Xiaode tied a few tentacles together, tied a beautiful bow, and said relaxedly: "Give me a way, it's okay to separate us from other races, we can find a direction to fight on the battlefield."

Gray Lizard grinned, and patted Wu Xiaode's face with the scorching wooden spear.

——The beholder is covered with tentacles, only the vertical pupil is surrounded by dense muscle tissue to protect the eyes.

This is its face.

"I have the final say on this city, Brother Xiaoshan, I advise you to go back quickly, or I will eat you all, and use your flesh and blood for breakfast - bah!"

Gray Lizard spit on Wu Xiaode's face.

An invisible thing emerged from the void, blocking all the spit.

Wu Xiaode smiled again.

"Brother Hui, as for me, I know that you are worried that our beholders will affect other races, and I understand your painstaking efforts, but you may have made a mistake."


"We really won't hurt anyone by mistake, for example, I can't hurt you." Wu Xiaode said seriously.

The gray lizard glanced at him.

——My words are so clear, you still don't understand?

You guys are stupid.

The boss of the beholder turned out to be such an idiot, it's useless to keep them, it's better to eat them!

Hui Tingsi's murderous intent had just started, but Wu Xiaode had already made a move over there.

The Book of the Dead floating in midair opened automatically.

Bone Dog jumped out, plunged into the mist, opened his mouth and bit the handle of the wild sword on Wu Xiaode's waist, pulled out the long sword with a "clang", and ran wildly in the camp.

"lizard Man."

"Weaknesses: The neck bone is too soft and breaks easily."

— from Bone Dog Search.

All the lizardmen in the camp wore all kinds of armor around their necks, but one was that they couldn't see the bone dog, and the other was that they couldn't withstand the blade of Huangjian at all——

The wild sword has "unparalleled" sharpness!

The bone dog ran back and forth in the camp, and the wild sword had already cut the necks of all the lizardmen.

Bloody lizard heads shot up to the sky one after another, and finally only the big lizard man remained.


Bone Dog flicked his head, put the sword back into the scabbard, rolled himself, and jumped onto the Book of the Dead.

The wind blew past, bringing a strong smell of blood and blowing across the river.

The camp was silent.

Wu Xiaode stood in front of the fire, letting the light of the fire shine on the freely dancing tentacles on its body.

"Brother Hui, look, I said I won't hurt you."

As he spoke, he patted Gray Lizard's face with his tentacles, and said warmly:

"—Do you have any other opinions now?"

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