Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 537: Xiao Wu and the Third Person

Wu Xiaode looked up at the stone fence.

The guy also left a thank you gift.


He stretched out his hand.

The thing placed on the stone railing flew over immediately and fell into his hand.

But it was a crimson card.

A sharp dagger was drawn on the front of the card, piercing a large shield forward, and then stuck in the eye socket of the shield bearer.

"Chapter of Destruction."

"Carrying this card can break the enemy's 'physical immunity' ability."

"——I'm at odds with that guy in the back, this card is presented to you as a messenger, I hope it can help you a little bit."

"—Physical attacks are ineffective against her, but with this card, this problem does not exist."

This is the description of the card.

Wu Xiaode read it quickly, and looked up subconsciously.

The Naihe bridge restriction has been opened.

The third deceased came slowly from the other side of the bridge and stood in front of Wu Xiaode.

This is a woman with a high ponytail, wearing a black windbreaker, with a very beautiful appearance, but with a cigarette in her mouth and her hands in her pockets.

She looked at Wu Xiaode quietly, without saying a word.

The atmosphere turned chilly in an instant.

Lines of small words also appeared on the notebook:

"Be careful!"

"This is the strongest of the three, and also the scariest."

"It would be a miracle if you survived!"

"In addition, this is your last quota for today, and you can receive the reward after you complete it."

"Next work will start tomorrow."

Wu Xiaode immediately said loudly:


"I'm the Ecstasy Messenger with job number 0962334, and I'm here to serve you."

"My dear, do you have any requirements for reincarnation?"

At this moment, he sensed something was wrong!

Although the other party is dead, there is a strong resentment on his body.

——The situation is very dangerous!

However, she saw that the woman was silent, and just opened her mouth to spit out a long-lasting smoke.

Wu Xiaode rubbed his hands and laughed:

"My dear, you can make any request here."

Waited for a while.

It wasn't until the cigarette was finished that the woman said lightly:

"According to your employee number, there are probably quite a few of you, so it's not a big deal to kill one, right?"

"Totally correct," Wu Xiaode nodded agreeingly, and changed the conversation: "Although we have many, many employees, there are only a few gold medal employees, and I am the one with the best service."

"Oh?" The woman looked at him calmly, as if looking at a dead object.

"Believe me, I am the strongest emissary in the underworld. I provide VIP services exclusively for creating a magnificent and beautiful life. I guarantee you will be satisfied."

The woman looked away, as if she seemed to be a little bit dispirited.

The faint killing intent also became weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared into nothingness.

Wu Xiaode kept smiling.

A gust of distant wind blew across the surface of the river, pulled up rapidly, and whizzed across the long bridge, making bursts of "woo-woo" sounds.

The cold sweat stuck to the clothes on the back gave off a burst of coldness and coldness.

However, Wu Xiaode's eyes are still very steady.

His will does not seem to waver in the slightest, and he always appears graceful and approachable.

The mood on the other party seems to have dropped a lot.

He had always been experienced in such things.

In bars or internet cafes, pool halls, ice rinks and on the streets before the many gang fights.

Conflicts between people often start with quarrels.

In the moment before the action, people's emotions are different.

Wu Xiaode keenly observed the woman's emotional decline, and said softly:

"Believe me, I have helped countless people, and I can definitely solve your problem."


"Yes, definitely."

——If I don't solve it, I'm finished!

Wu Xiaode thought silently.

The woman glanced at him again, and took out a cigarette and a lighter from her arms.


Cigarettes lit.

She took a deep breath, exhaled a long puff of smoke, and whispered:

"Your judgment is too boring."


A boundless powerful aura rose from her body, turning into a strong wind and blowing in all directions.

A line of small words suddenly appeared on the notebook:

"Don't look up, look up and die."

Wu Xiaode stood still, but out of the corner of his eye he saw strands of light emerging from the woman, condensing something in the sky.

A few more lines of small characters appeared:

"Perhaps it was a huge mistake to seal her here."

"Being able to seal her in the 'illusory world' was completely accidental."

"She can kill everything at any time, unseal and leave."

"—it depends on whether she wants to get out of here and go somewhere else."

With a flash in Wu Xiaode's eyes, he directly closed the notebook and put it in his pocket.

——This grandson keeps talking about frustration, so it's better not to read it.

He looked at the woman, and the life of the other person appeared in his mind.

For the first twenty years of her life, this woman lived step-by-step, and never showed her strength.

Until today being molested.

The opponent turned into flesh and blood flying all over the sky.

Then she suddenly felt that the feeling of being molested was really bad, so she decided to add a rule to the world rules of the "illusory world".

"Anyone who molests a girl will immediately turn into flying flesh and lose her life."

Because of this—

The illusory world immediately triggered emergency measures, cut off her lifespan, and sent her here.

——In this way, it's no wonder that she finds it disappointing and boring.

No wonder she was hostile to herself just now.

Even the trace of resentment in her heart directly turned into that terrifying unknown thing in mid-air.

I have no right to fight her at all.

Take a look at the pets she released and die.

Wu Xiaode sighed, threw the notebook on the ground, and then took out the card.

"For you."

he said.

The woman took the card and said in surprise, "This is—"

"On behalf of all my colleagues in the underworld, I apologize to you. Your death was an accident."

"This card is our apology."

Wu Xiaode said seriously.

The man gave himself this card before, wanting to deal with the girl in front of him.

He must have thought that as an emissary, he could deal with disobedient undead.

die laughing.

——In fact, I don’t have any strength!

So he never imagined that he directly gave this card as a gift to the woman!

The woman was really interested, and said in surprise:

"I didn't expect there to be such a card. It just so happens that I have one too. Look—"

She touched it casually, and a card appeared in her hand.

Wu Xiaode looked intently, and saw a dagger piercing a large shield drawn on the card——

This is consistent with the card I got.

The difference was that after the dagger pierced through the large shield, it was blocked by a small shield.

Lines of small characters appeared in the air:

"Destroy Tianzun."

"All cards that break the 'physical immunity' will be invalid, and those who use the cards will be imprisoned and unable to move."

"—Take the lead against customers."

Wu Xiaode's heart skipped a beat.

Damn it.

The card that guy prepared was a complete trap.

Once I use it on this woman, I will be imprisoned immediately.

The woman is angry.

But he used that card on her.

What will happen next, presumably you can know the result with your toes.

The second reincarnated guy is really bad through and through!

never mind.

Leave him alone, let him use his talents in the big game.

"Thank you for the card, but I'm still very disappointed, obviously I just want to help other girls."

the woman said.

Wu Xiaode settled down.

He looked at the woman with his eyes, and immediately found that there were more than thirty golden hooks on her body.

This is good deeds.

Helping classmates, rescuing a girl who has lost her way, donating righteousness to donate money, rescuing those who fell into the water, preventing the train from getting out of control, saving the crashed plane, annihilating the underworld...

She has so many merits after only living twenty years old, which fully proves that she plays a very good role as a human being.

No wonder the second man who went to reincarnate hated her and wanted her to have conflicts with the seductress.

These two people are completely different development directions.

Well, look at her sins again...

A middle-aged man fell to the ground, and she went to help him, but the other party took the opportunity to grab his sensitive parts.

She argued with him in a rage, but the other party continued to play hooligans.


If I were her, with such a powerful force, what would I do?

Wu Xiaode already had a judgment in his mind.

This dead man was completely different from the previous two.

She has the strongest strength, but she doesn't have so many evil thoughts, and even in life, she is used to following the trend, step by step, and even enjoys it.

Perhaps this is the reason why the illusory world can seal her!

She is willing to live a mortal life in this world!

The coercive actions of the world now made her feel a little uncomfortable.

This little bit of unhappiness will be the decisive force.

Coupled with her previous deeds...

"I must say that your verdict is wrong."

Wu Xiaode said.

The woman looked at him quietly.

Wu Xiaode waved.

The notebook was back in his hand.

He said to the woman: "I'm going to report this problem now, and I'll hold a meeting to study the solution right away, can you wait a little bit?"

"Okay." The woman said.

Wu Xiaode said to the notebook: "Come on, we need an isolated space to deal with this matter."

The notebook immediately emitted dense characters, which turned into a black pipe, directly sucking Wu Xiaode into it.


Wu Xiaode appeared in a closed room.

He said solemnly: "This intervention was wrong, and I formally protest the execution of the woman."

Waited for a few breaths.

A loud voice sounded in the closed room:

"What's wrong?"

Wu Xiaode said: "The rule of the 'illusory world' is to leave everything to human society and the law to decide, but in her case, the 'illusory world' is too tense, resulting in a forced intervention."

"If things were going right, she should be at the police station by this time."

"The incident took place in a lively city center with cameras."

"By calling the camera, we will see the whole process, and she will not necessarily die if she goes to trial through legal procedures."

"This time it was you who forcibly intervened and caused her death."

"You shouldn't interfere with the normal operation of the 'illusory world', this will greatly affect her experience!"

"If she has a bad experience, how can we do business?"

"We'll lose her!"

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