DU dust is sitting on the deck, enjoying the surprise and debate of everyone on board.

Regarding the big event of the Rockets' disbandment, it must be the most discussed topic in a short time.

Many people are arguing about whether this matter is true or not, and why it was disbanded.



At this time, Du Chen heard two melodious long hisses from the sea, the voices were angry, sad, and murderous.

At the same time, one of the elf balls around his waist shook suddenly, white light flashed, and Lei Huang's majestic and vigorous body appeared on the boat without Du Chen's summoning.

"Damn it, Emperor Lei?"

"Really? Did Emperor Lei come out of this person's Poké Ball?"

"Father, come out and see Lei Huang."

Lei Huang appeared on the deck, causing exclamations from around.

But Lei Huang ignored them, instead he raised his head to the sky and screamed.


This long roar echoed the two waves on the sea.

The sky was changing, and a colorful rainbow suddenly appeared in a very high place.

"Gyarados, play with water." DU dust threw the magic ball.

The huge Gyarados hovered over the boat, opened its mouth and spat out, and countless drops of water the size of ping pong balls sprinkled the entire boat from the air, drenching all the people here.

At the same time, the rainbow in the sky became clearer and clearer, gradually shining with dreamy light.

"What are you doing?"

"Crazy, use skills indiscriminately in public."

The passengers whose heads were drenched in water cursed at the electric times that released the Gyarados.

Lei Huang ignored the Gyarados, and the three long roars continued.

The rainbow in the sky became brighter and brighter, and when the light reached its peak, it suddenly began to distort, turning from an arch into a psychedelic vortex.

There was a cry that seemed to come from outside the sky, and a golden figure appeared in the psychedelic rainbow vortex. Its body was like a collection of all the colors in the world, and it was like the source of all fire and heat in the world.

"Feng Wang, it's Feng Wang..."

"Oh my god, it's really Phoenix King..."

"Phoenix King has appeared..."

When everyone on the boat saw Feng Wang appearing in the sky, they all picked up their mobile phones and started filming. Some even burst into tears with excitement.

King Feng turned his gaze to this side, and flapped his wings in unison to fly towards the boat.

"It's coming, mom, look, it's flying over." A boy who had been doused in water just shouted excitedly, regardless of the fact that his clothes were all wet.

Not only him, everyone on board, even those in the cabin, heard the wind and looked into the sky.

"Roar~" Lei Huang roared again, the voice was full of pain and sorrow.

The Phoenix King spread his wings, and his 100-meter-long body covered the sky and the sun. At the same time, the colorful lights fluttered around his body, as if a god descended.

Just showing up makes all living beings tremble.

Its golden-red eyes looked at the long-distance ship and Lei Huang standing on the deck screaming in grief. With a flap of its wings, a blazing white flame exploded from Lei Huang's body, sweeping the entire ship.

In just an instant, the large ship carrying hundreds of people was engulfed by the blazing white sacred flames, and was wiped out in ashes.

Just like the Metropolitan Police Department in Hualan City, there was not even a single residue left.

Not only that, the blazing white flame burned the ship and did not go out. Instead, it burned blazingly on the sea, with the ship as the center, and spread along the sea surface in a circle.

The seawater vaporized the moment it encountered the flames, and the entire sea surface collapsed like wet cement being stepped on.

The white sacred flame seemed to fall on gasoline, spread and burned wildly, and swept a hundred miles in a few breaths.

Then a strange phenomenon appeared.

On the vast ocean, a white round pit with a diameter of hundreds of miles appeared.

If you look at it from space, it looks like a small pimple on the face of the planet, but those who are watching this scene at the Alliance Satellite Monitoring Center are all trembling.

What kind of divine power, mighty power, incredible power is this...

At this moment, DU dust is racing with the sacred flame.

Obviously, this is a trap.

He knew something was wrong when the rainbow appeared in the sky, because there was an invincible will in that rainbow.

This kind of will is different from Lei Huang or Yaknom who met in the crystal cave. If the latter two are a mountain, then the tyranny of this kind of will is an entire planet.

There is no possibility of even confrontation.

Du Chen immediately asked the Gyarados to play with water, and sprinkled the virus-laden water on everyone on the boat. At the same time, he asked Xanadu to take him to use teleportation to escape underwater.

He used teleportation all the way in the water, and with Xanadu's king-level strength, he could teleport tens of kilometers every time.

But he didn't expect that the blazing white terrifying flame followed all the way behind, evaporating all the sea water without leaving a drop.

Moreover, there is not a single wild elf in the water, obviously Suicune and Yandi had already expelled them with arrogance.

Every time he flashed out of the secondary space, he could feel the fierce and powerful force behind him, and only by entering the secondary space again could he feel a moment of peace of mind.

What's even more frightening is that the crazily burning holy flame seemed to have no end. He teleported for hundreds of miles continuously, and the flame followed him closely, like a gangrene, as if it wanted to follow him to the ends of the earth and devour him.


Am I going to die like this...

I knew it had evolved into a tyrant virus...

DU Chen was anxious. The direction of evolution into Veronica is good, but there is one thing that is not good. In order to maintain the suppression of the high position on the low position, DU Chen must ensure the survival of the emperor strain. Once the emperor strain dies, he will immediately die.

However, the tyrant virus does not have a superior and inferior organization. As long as there is a virus body alive, it will not die completely.

But now it's too late to regret...

Suddenly, after Du Chen was pulled into the teleportation subspace again by Xanadu, a small green hand stretched out from the side and held him down.

When the little hand touched him, the flickering subspace light in the small area around them stopped instantly, while the subspace outside the range was not affected, and the light was still flickering.

It seems that time stopped in this small area, and he and Xanadu also stayed in the subspace...

How could this be? The secondary space rejects tangible matter, and can only enter the folded space for a moment when moving in an instant, but he and Xanadu actually stayed in it with their material bodies at this time.

Next to him, holding him down was a petite Celebi...

Like him, this Celebi stopped all movements, like a sculpture.

Celebi stared at him with both eyes. Although he couldn't sense pheromones in the secondary space, it was clear from her eyes that this was Lila, not the real Celebi.

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