After Du Chen compiled this place last time, he sent a lot of king-level elf genes and legendary elf genes.

Among them are the Three Holy Birds, Black Xanadu and Celebi.

Now this laboratory is trying its best to replicate all kinds of powerful elves, anyway, there are plenty of genes.

When the technology is more mature, DU Chen is still thinking about whether he can copy Gaioka or Cracked Seat...

"Look at this." DU dust took Lila to one of the columnar incubators.

What floats in this incubator is not an elf, but a purple-haired female human with a beautiful face, snow-white skin, and a slender figure...

"This..." Seeing the cloned human in front of him, Lila, the champion leader, was shocked: "You, why are you..."

"Hahaha." Seeing Lila who started to stutter, DU Chen couldn't help laughing.

From shooting down his plane to intercepting him, to saving him from Phoenix King's sacred flame, this woman has always been decisive and determined, and she seldom loses her composure.

"This is made out of your gene that Hu Di found." DU Chen laughed.

Many king-level elf genes in the distance were sent by Du Chen to Lila's Hu Di with teleportation, including her genetic material that Hu Di asked Lila to find in Lila's house.

Since the nutrient solution here can accelerate the growth of organisms, within a short period of time, a body that was exactly the same as Lila's before was cultivated.

"This is the gift you were talking about?" Lila turned her head and looked over with complicated eyes.

"En." Du Chen nodded: "This body is not infected by the virus."

Lila narrowed her eyes and said, "If you're not infected, then you've lost a lot of abilities."

"Haha, yes, without the virus, you will lose a lot of abilities. If you don't want it, forget it." Du Chen smiled.

Lila looked at DU Chen seriously for a while, then said softly: "Thank you."

After speaking, her spirit burst out of Celebi's body and entered the human body in the incubator.

Celebi returned to the calm state of mind when he was manipulated by Bixias, and the human body in the incubator suddenly opened its eyes.

DU Chen could feel that this originally quiet body suddenly had a fluctuation of consciousness, and a huge spiritual power was released from this body.

Lila's eyes flashed blue, the green liquid in the incubator began to boil, and cracks appeared on the glass on the surface.

Ka Ka Ka ~


The huge glass of the incubator shattered and fell, and the nutrient solution inside flowed all over the floor.

Lila came out step by step.

She shook her hand, moved her shoulders a few times, and a look of surprise appeared on her face.

"Here you are." It wasn't until Du Chen handed over a white robe that she realized that she was naked and naked from the surprise of regaining her human body.

Being Celebi for too long, I didn't realize that human beings need to wear clothes...

Grabbing the white robe and putting it on, Lila's fair face was flushed, her long wet purple hair was draped over her shoulders, her eyes rolled, and she looked shy and charming.

After all, this powerful superpower, champion leader genius trainer, is just a twenty-year-old girl.

"This Celebi is for you." Du Chen threw her an empty high-level ball.

Although he, as the emperor strain, can control all the infected elves, except for the wild elves like Xanadu, the master elves are commanded by their original trainers, and DU Chen will not snatch them.

Especially now that he has absorbed Deoxys and Fanmeng, etc., he already has very powerful power, so most of the time he doesn't need to command the elves to fight.

When Lila returned to her human body, she naturally continued to direct her original spirit, and DU Chen also returned Lei Huang, who had become a ghost spirit, to her.

Regardless of whether it followed Lila sincerely or falsely, it was also Lila's elf before.

"I plan to set up an independent supervision department. Now that the hive system has been formed, I need someone who can dissociate from the system and supervise from an objective perspective." Du Chen said.

The so-called ignorance of the true face of Lushan Mountain is only due to being in this mountain. The bigger an organization is, the more loopholes it must have. However, due to the limited perspective and thinking patterns of the people inside the organization, they may not be able to discover or even pay attention to it intuitively and objectively. These loopholes.

In order to break the situation where the authorities are obsessed, we need outside personnel to observe with unrestricted thinking.

That's why Du Chen didn't intend to infect Lila, a human body. Anyway, she wasn't under compulsory control before, so he just let her go free now.

Of course, letting her go free does not mean there is no limit. Although her body is not infected, her elves are all infected. Once there is any inappropriate move, DU Chen can control her elves at any time.

Losing her elf, she, the champion leader trainer, is nothing more than an ordinary psychic.

"You want me to set up this monitoring department?" After all, Lila is a high-ranking member of the alliance and is well versed in the way of organization construction, so she immediately understood what DU Chen meant.

"That's right, you used to be the minister of UB and Feng Yuan's battle maharajah, so you naturally have a suitable candidate in your heart." After Du Chen finished speaking, he used mental communication to summon a large number of elves from Lugia to the Forest of the Oath Lila was informed of the matter.

"It seems that they are going to do something." Lila thought for a few seconds and understood the urgency of the matter.

"Let them use it to their heart's content." Du Chen sneered, you gathered the leader-level wild elves together, just for me to take them all at once, saving you the trouble of looking for them one by one.

Moreover, the war between elves and humans is not necessarily a bad thing for him.

Most people's elves are likely to be unable to go all out due to the entanglement of their positions, but the elves of the hive will not, they will faithfully execute the orders of the hive.

Under such circumstances, the hive can naturally gain a dominant position in the war, marginalize other strong players who have not joined the hive, and then take the opportunity to absorb them and continue to grow themselves.

At this time, Du Chen received the pheromone message from Du, and the Four Heavenly Kings Kona, Chrysanthemum and Zhiba besieged Sakagi and forced him into Heiyun City to hide.

And just now, Damaranch suddenly returned to the Quartz Plateau, and with him were the legendary Four Swordsmen Pilizion, Delakion, Copalion and Keldeo.

After receiving the message from Du Chen, DU Chen planned to go back to the Quartz Plateau.

Now that Fengyuan has grown so huge, as the leader of the hive, he naturally wants to meet the leader of the alliance.

As for Sakagi being forced into Heiyun City by the Four Heavenly Kings, Du Chen didn't care.

Heiyun City is located in a city near Light Red City, which is the place where Xiao Zhi subdued the stinky mud in the original game.

That city has a well-developed old industry, but because of the huge pollution of the old industry, it has become almost uninhabitable for humans. Now it has gradually been replaced by newer industrial enterprises that are more environmentally friendly, and the city has begun to fail.

It is fitting for a down and out person to flee to a defeated city.

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