Virus Evolution Starts From Pokemon

Chapter 175 Deploying Troops and Generals

Although the participants in the Whirlpool Islands Contest are mainly water-type elf trainers, and although the king of electricity is an electric-type trainer, he subdued the ocean emperor Gaioka, who dares to say that he is not a water-type master.

Thinking of this, DU dust returned the message to Liang Jie.

But his news this time surprised Ryosuke.

After all, since Dianci inexplicably became the person in charge of the hive, Ryosuke sent him a lot of emails every day, and Dianci never replied. This was the first time in history.

Ryosuke did not neglect, and immediately responded to the contest organizer's attitude.

Although it can be regarded as an official competition held every three years, the Whirlpool Islands Competition is a small local competition. Most of the usual guests are famous local water system trainers, and few of them have heavenly kings. This time, they were invited directly. When it comes to the electric times, the surprise for the organizers is naturally not small.

In the name of going there next time, there must be a wave of publicity.

After all, the Whirlpool Islands can also be regarded as a tourism economic area. The more people who come to watch or participate in the competition, the more income will be generated for the local area.

Of course, as a heavyweight guest, DU Chen doesn't need to be present from the preliminaries, just attend the important games later.

Du Chen spent nearly two weeks integrating all the industries in Kanto, Joto and Fengyuan, and divided the functions of each independent unit to ensure that they do not conflict on the overall level and can maximize their performance. for the hive service.

At the same time, the alliance is also dispatching troops. It seems that Damaranch has the ability to distinguish between the infected and the infected, and has gathered a large number of people to go to Hezhong.

The main person in charge is the strongest champion leader in today's alliance, the apprentice of Ma Shide, the Galar champion Dandi, and the deputy is Mi Keli, the head of Fengyuan Liuli City Gymnasium, who also has the strength of a champion leader.

With Liu Bo, the owner of the ice department in Kaji Town, the capital city, Yukang, the palace guardian of Fengyuan vs. the pioneering area, Wusong, the king of Sinnoh's super power department, and Lianwu, the local fighting king of Hezhong, and Bingju, the king of evil department Action captain. Then cooperate with the local hall owners and policemen of Hezhong to complete the deployment of the crusade against the plasma regiment.

From DU Chen's point of view, the scale this time does not look like a crusade against a black and evil organization.

From the perspective of comprehensive strength, although the Plasma Group occupies the most developed Hezhong area, its overall strength is not as good as the Rockets in its heyday.

This time, the alliance dispatched two champion leaders on the bright side, plus at least five heavenly kings. This power is really overkill to deal with a plasma group.

And draw Liubo, Yukang and Wusong...

Damaranch has recruited a Heavenly King-level powerhouse from Joto, Fengyuan, and Sinnoh. Is there any other intention in this?

In addition to monitoring the movement of the alliance, Du Chen also asked the personnel of the Age of Gods to go to the crystal cave to mine the crystal resources inside.

Of course, it is not intended to carve crystal jewelry to sell money, but to study the method of crystal storage and release of energy.

Once this technology is researched, it will immediately trigger a technological revolution. As long as the cost can be controlled, it can even replace the energy use of underground mining, which can be comparable to ∞ energy.

During the period, I also went to Sinnoh's snow-covered Qiefeng City. Jindai himself was there with the three gods, trying to crack the entry method of the bottom of the Qiefeng Temple.

This temple is located in the northernmost part of Qiefeng City. It is older than the main city. It extends all the way to the ground. Every time you go down, you have to crack a lot of codes. God is an expert in this area.


Seven Islands, Team Rocket base.

There was a humming sound in the air, and a high-speed flying gaseous sphere directly landed on the top of the base building.

The gaseous sphere disappeared, and the tall and straight Sakagi and the sharp-looking Dapin were revealed.

Unlike the previous image of a straight suit with Zhizhu in his hand, Sakagi is somewhat embarrassed at this time, and the suit is still stained with a lot of dirt.

He escaped under the siege of the three heavenly kings Zhiba, Kona and Juzi.

"Boss." Real Bird has seen Sakagi come back from the surveillance, and immediately came out to greet him: "It's great that you came back safely."

"Yeah." Sakagi nodded, "Where's Silver?"

"The young master is at the base." Makoto said.

After the last incident, Silver's true identity is no longer a secret in the Rockets, especially among the high-level people like Real Bird.

When he came to the main control room at the core of the base, Sakagi inserted the data he had collected in the various bases of Kanto Hive into the computer.

His raid on the base of the hive was not just to vent his anger, the main purpose was to obtain information about the hive.

The Rockets were indeed defeated, but how were they defeated? Why was it suddenly defeated?

These questions have been lingering in Sakagi's heart.

But since he lost his identity as the owner of the pavilion and Hiruf, and the Rockets were wiped out in large numbers, he has lost his main source of intelligence. In addition, the honeycomb model is special, and the internal intelligence is strictly controlled, and there is basically no possibility of active leakage. Sakagi was blind to this mysterious organization, and basically relied on the news to understand it.

How can he not know how watery the news is? Simply go out in person and take it directly by violence.

Of course, this action is not without gains.

Viruses...Umbrella...Special Protein Promotion...Legendary Elf Cloning Project...

Key words jumped on the screen one by one, and Sakagi quickly realized the key to the matter.

"Father, you are back..." Yin suddenly appeared behind him without a sound, and handed him a glass of water.

"Hmm..." Although he wondered how Yin entered the secret main control room, the guilt towards Yin made him not extend his emotions, but took a sip from the water glass.

"You are looking at the information of the hive." Yin glanced at the content on the screen, turned to Sakagi and said, "I have a very detailed information here, father, do you want it?"

"Detailed information?" Sakagi frowned, and he instinctively felt that something was wrong.

"Well, it was given to me by the hive leader himself." Yin nodded and said to him, "I'll give it to you after you finish drinking the water."


Soon, the preliminary round of the Whirlpool Islands Contest was over, and the list of the top 64 had been selected.

Ryosuke sent a message that it would be time to be there.

Now that decided to go, DU dust did not waste time.

The Whirlpool Islands are located on the No. 41 waterway between Chengdu Mainland and Zhanlan City. They consist of the four largest islands, Red Rock Island, Silver Rock Island, Huangyan Island and Qingyan Island, and some sporadic small islands.

Because there are whirlpools all over the islands, tidal whirlpools must be used to pass through, so they are called whirlpool islands.

There has always been a legend that Rogia, the sea god, lives in the underwater cave below the Whirlpool Islands, but from Lila's memory, DU Chen knows that there is actually an ancient palace relic underneath.

Of course, the legend of Poseidon has become a way to attract tourists locally, and the locals will also sell a lot of gadgets about Poseidon.

But in the past few days, it is not the sea god who is used the most to promote the Whirlpool Islands, but the man who controls the ocean emperor, the leader of the hive, the four heavenly kings of Kanto, and the guests of the Whirlpool Islands Contest.

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