Virus Evolution Starts From Pokemon

Chapter 305 The King of Order and the Lord of Chaos

Now the Saha Origin has replaced the Supreme Intelligence to serve the Leviathan Empire across several cosmic planes.

The Leviathan forces in each universe can be compared to the branches opened in various places. Now the origin of Saha is the CEO of the company, who makes rules and takes charge of the industries of all branches.

Every time DU Chen occupies a planet or plane, it is equivalent to opening a branch there, and the origin of Saha will also gain control there.

In the power of the rules at the origin of the Saha, everything from the planet's rotation speed and gravity index to a weed sprouting from the soil and the blood fat content of a pregnant woman are all under control.

And every life that exists in the power of DU Chen's rules, its life and death become data for the origin to collect and analyze, and then the origin will calculate the most suitable development for each life, including his situation, opportunity, fate, etc.

Then through one thing, let the beings walk on the track arranged in advance for them at the origin.

Of course, this does not include the Leviathan Federation, because the Leviathan Federation is already an open world, and DU Chen's authority here has also declined, so the control of the Saha World is more concentrated within the scope of the Leviathan Empire.

Since the origin of Saha can be large or small, Du Chen directly moved the council office into the origin, then left the Pokémon plane and returned to the Marvel universe.

In this way, he usually only needs to bring the origin of Saha. By controlling the origin, he can easily enter and exit various planes and manipulate the Leviathan Empire at any time.

When DU Chen came back, Black Phoenix had already killed more than 10 billion people.

At this time, it is wandering in the universe, devouring one civilization after another.

Du Chen used teleportation to bring the addicted black phoenix who was killing to the kingdom of the dead, and came to the goddess of death.

At this time, the goddess of death maintained the appearance of a black-haired woman, looking at the black phoenix with interest in her eyes.

His authority covers the entire universe. I don’t know how many trillions of life and death cycles enter his kingdom every second. Ten billion is just a drizzle. This is just a test of Black Phoenix’s heart and execution ability, to see if this person can undertake the mission .

After all, conquest of the multiverse is not something ordinary people can do. How many unrivaled heroes who have caused a bloody storm in one world or a certain planet can only disappear at the level of the interstellar universe.

However, Black Phoenix killed far more than 10 billion lives in a short period of time. This kind of attitude that treats life like nothing makes the goddess of death appreciate it very much.

Including her behavior of directly attacking the earth at that time also satisfied the goddess of death.

It took more than ten years to train Thanos to destroy Titan with his own hands, but this black phoenix is ​​going to destroy the earth that gave birth to her and raised her for more than 30 years, without hesitation.

Even if he is so cruel to his own hometown, he will definitely not hesitate to treat other universes.

"Ma'am, you are satisfied with the candidates I provided." Du Chen said with a smile.

"Very good." The corner of the Goddess of Death's dark green lips showed an evil smile: "I've already told you what you want to know."

As soon as the voice of the goddess of death fell, a region where reality and illusion intertwined, order and disorder entangled appeared in DU Chen's mind.

As a half-cosmic god, when DU Chen "saw" this place, he naturally knew the location of this place.

The figure dissipated, and DU dust left the kingdom of death.

What he has to do now is to find Thanos and complete the mission of the Life Tribunal.

As for how the goddess of death uses the black phoenix, he doesn't care.

When DU Chen's figure appeared in the chaotic intertwined area, two tyrannical consciousness appeared at the same time.

Lord of Order and Lord of Chaos.

These two are the great gods who control the order and disorder of this universe, and this is their domain.

"You have broken into a place you shouldn't have broken into." The Lord of Chaos with countless stars in his eyes said to DU Chen.

His voice is like disordered noise and reversed words. If ordinary people hear his voice directly, blood rushes all over the body, bones shift, nerves become disordered, and even the molecules and atoms of the body move in disorder. cause to dissipate in space.

Fortunately, DU Chen is not an ordinary person. He has absorbed the Soul Stone and the Soul Stone and will not be affected by him at all.

"I know what you're here for, but I don't allow you to go there." The neat-looking King of Order who manifested with a giant golden face finished speaking, frowned and continued: "Although I don't know why I Do it."

"It's okay, I don't need your permission." Du Chen's spiritual power was activated, turning the consciousness of the two great gods upside down.

The consciousness of the King of Order was filled with chaos, while the thoughts of the Lord of Chaos were sorted out and became orderly.

The two great gods couldn't adapt to this reverse change for a while, and they stagnated for a moment.

But a moment is enough.

DU dust has strode forward and entered the depths.

Like an infinite road, DU dust crossed to the end in an instant.

There, Thanos is walking onto a platform with a golden orb on top of it.

Just a second before Thanos reached out to touch the ball of light, time suddenly stopped.

Then, he retracted his hand, and the person stepped back step by step.

"No." A blue light flashed in Thanos' hands, his eyes suddenly cleared up, and he got rid of DU Chen's time reversal.

"You don't want to control me." Thanos broke free from the power of the time stone, and reached out to grab the golden ball again.

"Come back." Du Chen used the power of the reality gem to modify reality, and erected a wall between Thanos and the golden ball to separate them.

"You, damn it." Thanos gritted his teeth and turned around, punching DU Chen directly.

But this punch that can penetrate the space has no effect on DU dust, and it can't hurt a single hair of DU dust.

On the contrary, I suddenly fixed myself on the spot, as if I had become a sculpture.

Magic, hold spell.

In human form, DU Chen walked slowly in front of Thanos, and took the blue space stone from his hand.

So far, all six infinite rough stones have been obtained.

"Last time on Titan Star, you were fast." DU Chen said with a smile, "This time all six rough stones are in my hands, what else do you have to fight with me?"

"Damn it, it's just one step away, just a little bit." Thanos looked at the golden ball and gritted his teeth.

"Oh?" Du Chen was surprised: "What is this thing, do you think I can fight against me who can grasp five rough stones by getting it?"

Could it be the heart of the universe?

In the original, the Heart of the Universe is part of the OAA, the super artifact of the Marvel Universe, far surpassing the Infinity Stone.

After Thanos of a certain plane gets the heart of the universe, he can kill Galactus and Eternity in a flash, and reshape the universe with a single thought, and even the life court is swallowed by him.

DU dust walked up to the golden ball, reached out and grabbed it.

Unexpectedly, his hand went straight through the golden ball without actually touching it.

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