Shocking shouts resounded in the Ice Ridge Mountains. This ten thousand year old frost-white mountain range was soaked in bright red. From a distance, the white top of the Black Mountain was dyed vermilion, which was strangely beautiful.

Androst's body was surrounded by a golden halo of radiance, and a sword slashed out into a thousand-meter-long golden flame.

The golden flame plunged into the endless wave of magic, and the flames rolled like a storm, but the storm trapped Androst in it.

This is the power of the elf god Miso, who has integrated the power of the rules of the nine elf gods into herself, and she has become the strongest god in the history of the elves.

If it wasn't for the fact that the soul shards hadn't been recovered, Androst could be killed with one shot.

After all, Androst is only the prophet of the Creator, not the Creator.

But even so, Misso was able to trap Androst with magical powers, preventing her from supporting the human army.

On the battlefield, hundreds of thousands of coalition forces from both sides are fighting frantically. The humans, dwarves and elves who once fought side by side are now facing each other with swords and swords, and they have not held back at all.

And on the battlefield, there are several circles that are independent of ordinary soldiers, and that is where the top powerhouses fight.

Aidan confronts Lavelan.

One is the former protagonist, half-into the shadow world, with invincible force.

One is the current protagonist, who is equipped with an artifact and tears the space with magic.

Where the two are fighting, no other soldiers within a hundred meters can approach, otherwise they will be torn apart by Shadow Blast and Rift Magic in an instant.

The creator's opponent is a giant dragon with a length of 100 meters.

But this dragon is not a real dragon, but transformed by the witch Morrigan.

The black-haired and golden-eyed Morrigan is the magic advisor of Queen Celine of the Ole Empire. She is the daughter of Flamas, the eldest daughter of the millennium. She is one of the top mages in the world. Together ended the fifth dry tide.

He once held a dark magic ceremony with Alistair, conceived Alistair's son, and inhaled the soul of the fallen beauty god Uthermer into his body.

After the fall of the Ole Empire, at the invitation of King Alistair, she brought her son who possessed the soul of the ancient god to join the Tribunal.

Over the years, she has been intensively researching Flamas, that is, Miso's magic book, and now she has the power to transform into a dragon.

Although the founder is a great magister, compared with Morrigan, he is still suppressed at a disadvantage.

To the south of the battlefield, Corifias was fighting a red-haired human female mage covered in blood-colored energy.

As the strongest dark descendant under the Great Demon, Corifias, whose comprehensive strength would never lose to Aidan, was suppressed by this mage head-on for a while, and was beaten back and forth.

"Korifias, I smashed you into pieces last time, but I didn't expect you to have the ability to possess a body. I won't be careless this time." The red-haired human female mage said.

"Hmph, speaking of it, I would also like to thank you for releasing me from the seal. In return, I will skin you and cramp you, and humiliate you to death." Corifias grinned, his body full of dark magic,

Strands of dark magic energy were generated out of thin air, spiraled out of his hands, and filled the sky in an instant.


The sky seemed to be breathing violently. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of terrifying dark magical energies gathered in the sky like hundreds of rivers returning to the sea, squeezing each other and turning into a pitch-black ball.

As soon as the sphere appeared, everyone around felt a sense of panic that the end was coming.

Especially the soldiers nearby, their entire bodies seemed to be pulled by an invisible storm, and they couldn't stay away even if they wanted to.

Ka Ka Ka ~

Countless black lightning flashed around the sphere, and then fell to the ground like a whip.

Everyone who is struck by the black lightning will be torn to pieces in an instant.

And that pitch-black sphere is erupting with terrifying gravitational force, constantly pulling distant objects towards it.

"It's terrible magic." The female magician resisted several black lightning bolts in a row.

Each bolt of lightning will cut off a large piece of the blood-red energy surrounding her body.

"Hawk, don't keep your hands anymore, kill him at all costs." Not far away, the dwarf archer Varek shouted.

at all costs...

The red-haired female magician hesitated for a second, seeing that every time the black lightning fell, a large number of people would die, and her eyes became firmer.

Two clusters of bloody rays of light lit up in Hawke's eyes, and the ground a thousand meters away centered on her was shaking

The dots of blood were suspended from the ground, and stopped in the air as if weightless.

Some of these blood drops are bright red, some are dark red, and some are black like mud.

It was the blood of men, elves, dwarves and darkin.

In the next second, the blood flocked to Hawke like crazy, and condensed into a blood spear.

The spear is ten meters long, suspended in the air, and looks like a ghost.

"Death." Hawk threw a volley.

The blood spear turned into a red thread and pierced the black ball bursting with lightning.

Crackling black lightning hit the bloody spear, but it couldn't shake it at all.

The bloody spear goes straight forward, Ka~

There was a crisp tearing sound.

Corifias stared at the sky, his eyes widened instantly, and his pupils shrank sharply.

He lowered his head slowly, looking at his chest.

The bloody spear did not pierce the black magic in the air, but pierced him.

Waves of surging power surged in his body, as if a giant dragon was struggling violently, trying to break out of its body.

"Ah..." Corifias grew countless red magic crystals all over his body, trying to use magic to dissolve the blood magic that had invaded his body.

Hawk's eyes flashed fiercely.

A surging bloody flame swept across the four directions like a whip, burning all the darkin nearby to pieces.

Then he clenched his right fist, and the power of the blood magic was raised to the maximum.

Corifias' heart suddenly exploded, and all the blood in his body began to converge towards one point in his body, his tall and thin body was visibly dry and compressed.

Marianne Hawk yanked from the air, and a fist-sized blood cell burst out, tearing a big hole in Corifias' chest.

"Uh~ no..." Corifias' body trembled. Even though all the blood was emptied, his heart exploded, and his body was seriously injured, he was still alive: "God, please save your humble servant..."

The surrounding darkborns have been emptied, especially at this time there are several magicians who are creating barriers. Once he dies, there will be no darkborns to possess him, and he will never be resurrected.

"No one can save you this time." Hawke murmured in a low voice.

When the dry tide came ten years ago, she fled into the free city of Kirkwall, started as a small mercenary, wiped out gangsters, rescued elves, resisted the invading Kunali army, and suppressed the contradiction between Templars and mages.

She became a known defender, gained a lot and lost a lot, including her loved ones and loved ones.

But the biggest mistake in her life was releasing Corifias, who had been sealed for thousands of years.

Because of Corifias, the sky was torn apart and the whole continent fell into flames of war.

Now, she wants to solve this fallen magister with her own hands and make up for her mistakes.

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