Not only did the spirit bodies swarm, but the wild magic storm was also like a grinding wheel that was turning bigger and bigger, constantly devouring the surrounding area.

Faced with this situation, both Androst and Miso chose to retire.

At this time, Corifias and Aidan were dead, the great demon was injured and flew away, and the creator was already the actual leader of the Darkin.

From the very beginning, he didn't intend to fight to the death with other races in the mainland, but simply wanted to make the dark race a normal race.

In today's situation, all major forces have suffered heavy losses. After retreating, they will have to cultivate for many years, and there is no spare energy to fight against the dark descendants. It is just suitable for the dark descendants to occupy the Ole Empire and develop.

Soon, several major forces faded away, preparing to return to their sphere of influence.

At this moment, the magical storm that was constantly circling and whistling suddenly burst into a rumbling sound.

Countless streams of pure and flawless light shone through the storm, obliterating it without a trace.

A magnificent, unforged, splendid and eternal city of gold appeared in the center of the storm.

"Golden City?"

"My God, it's the sanctuary of the Creator."

"Is it really the Golden City? What is said in the Light Psalm is true..."

Be it human beings, elves, or even all kinds of spirits, the eyes of all beings are attracted by this golden city suspended in the air and oppressing the world.

It is said in "Song of Light" that the Golden City is located in the center of the Shadow Realm and is the palace of the Creator.

It became the Black City polluted by the greed and arrogance brought by the Tavant Magister.

Now that the Golden City has reappeared, does it mean that the pollution of Magister Tavent has been cleaned?

The immeasurable light erupting from the Golden City is more dazzling than the sun, pure and bright, so that everyone who has just experienced the frenzy of fighting has peace of mind, and no more killing intent arises.

Only Androst felt a "thump" in his heart.

The City of Gold appeared, but the feeling of this city was completely different from before. Although it was still dazzling, it did not have that sacred and fiery aura.

Immediately afterwards, five rays of light erupted from the Golden City, reflecting them directly, capturing the great demon, Androst, Marek's spirit body, Miso and the dwarf god.

Androst just struggled a little, then found that he had no power to resist, and could only watch helplessly as he was pulled into the Golden City by the light.

Under the reflection of the strong light, Androst and the others did not enter the incomparably magnificent city, but directly entered the most central sanctuary of the Golden City.

The temple is resplendent and magnificent, and it is so big that you can't see the edge at a glance.

You can only see a thousand-meter-high throne in the center, and a giant made of pure light is sitting there.

"You are not the creator, who are you?" Androst looked around and asked first.

"I am your god." The giant of light said, and an invisible energy filled Androst's consciousness.

Her will was instantly transformed and became his faithful follower.

"Yes, great god." Androst's expression suddenly became respectful, and he knelt on the ground and saluted.

In front of the giant of light appeared several symbols of condensed light, which were mapped into the heads of Androst, Mizo, the dwarf god, the great demon, and the spirit of Marek, planting their own divine power in their wills.

"From now on, you are the leaders of humans, elves, dwarves, spirits and dark descendants. You are in this world, inherit my will."

After speaking, the representatives of the five selected races were thrown back into the world.

This giant of light is naturally DU Chen. After another high-level planet's light palace devoured the creator's main god, he has seized the authority of all the planets under his rule.

Of course, this time he was discovered by many gods in this universe, but DU Chen kept an eye out, when he killed the main god, he only showed the power of an ordinary god king, so there is no one who has attracted the peak god king of the universe. look.

But even so, he felt the gaze and malice of many god kings at the same time.

But these things are not important, the soldiers come to cover up the water and the earth.

The important thing is that he has completed the most important first step of arrangement.

After expanding his authority to the galaxy level, DU dust began to try to unify the divine power of destruction and alienation.

In fact, in the choice of authority among most gods, the gods choose to hold multiple priesthoods.

Athena, for example, is the goddess of war and wisdom.

But after exploring the whole world, DU Chen found that his alienated divine power and destructive divine power can fully accommodate each other, adding more power.

When DU Chen shattered the entire universe, these two kinds of power were condensed. All the changes before the destruction of the universe condensed the power of alienation, and the destruction of the universe itself became the power of destruction.

Both originate from the same source and have their own causal relationship.

From the perspective of pure alienation, no world or creature will always be in extreme alienation.

Just as water freezes into ice, and ice turns into water.

Although the two are always transforming into each other, there is a certain fermentation period, not an instantaneous change.

But DU Chen's alienation is very extreme, it must be an earth-shaking, upside-down mutation, it's fine to use it on a single creature or a small area, the bigger the level, the more involved it will be, and it will affect the whole body.

Alienating the entire planet will cause the entire galaxy to change, and the change of the galaxy is due to the change of the star field.

So it is not suitable for direct use.

In comparison, the power of destruction is very simple.

Destroy the whole to be incomplete, and destroy the incomplete to be whole.

Destruction of life will result in death, destruction of death will result in life, or neither life nor death.

This is too direct, as if DU Chen collided with the divine power of the Creator of the Dragon Age world, and instantly wiped it out, far less useful than viruses and corrupted energy.

This is also a disadvantage.

But after studying the corrupted energy and OBA's divine power of OBA under all things, Du Chen used the countless original energies accumulated in the Saha origin to condense a more powerful and mysterious divine power.

Fallen order.

The depravity here is not to pull the creatures into the abyss of life and death like the power of degeneration and corruption, and turn them into monsters that are neither human nor ghost, nor is it to make people's will sink and be lost forever.

It is to break the shackles of the existing rules, break through the shackles, and complete a breakthrough and a new life.

It's as if the dragon world shattered the veil. This can be said to be the fall of the world, but it is also the new life of the world.

And order is a reasonable constraint on the whole, just as excessive freedom will lead to chaos, and excessive order will form oppression.

There needs to be a balance between the two, a balanced order.

The fallen order, like the virus, has the characteristics of continuous transmission, but it is different from the corrupted energy and OBA's green god power under all things, which belongs to the evil god energy, but a detached and liberated power.

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