Virus Evolution Starts From Pokemon

Chapter 368 Changes in Civilization

If activated with the right force, there is a good chance it will activate.

Soon, they found a way to activate this alchemy item in the sacred knowledge given by the elven god Miso.

The alchemists and magicians linked the highly concentrated Lyrium magic crystal with this huge alchemy item, adjusted the output of magic power, experimented with the time magic cycle many times, successfully found the power of the magic power output, and activated it completely .

Several warriors with the spirit of giving up their lives entered the alchemy props, and under the control of a magister, the alchemy props were activated for the first time.

With the roaring sound and blue flame spray, this insect-like alchemy tool flew into the sky...

That's one small step for them, but one giant leap for Thedas.

Through time and space, DU Chen quietly watched the Krogan's spaceship take off under the modification of Thedas magister and alchemist, and secretly admired it.

The time has come...

Raiding a universe is not something that happens overnight. After Du Chen seized the planet under the Lord God, he began to vigorously expand his fallen order.

Perhaps because the previous main god was partial to magic, he controlled dozens of planets. Except for a few planets that were still in a barren state, most of them took the route of magic and martial arts, similar to Dragon Age.

And for those planets that are still in the wild, the main god has already sowed the seeds of magic inheritance there. After the fermentation of time, one day the inheritance will become the cornerstone of civilization and lead that world into magic civilization.

After Du Chen captured these planets, he chose agents on all the planets, and spread the degenerate order through the agents to strengthen the expansion of authority.

The degenerate order is to make the civilization under one's own hands constantly create and change civilization within a certain order.

The evolution of civilization is an extremely complicated matter, which has both the characteristics of the times and strong ethnicity.

But no matter which race, the ultimate direction is the expansion of the territory and the enhancement of power.

Take Thedas as an example, after nearly three hundred years of development, there are very few fighters in the world, let alone a fighter as powerful as Aidan, and there may not be a single one in decades.

Because society doesn't need fighters anymore, the ax of a master berserker is not a plasma bomb thrown by an ordinary person.

Now a dwarf alchemist is worth more than a thousand ordinary soldiers. The lords who originally relied on the abilities of soldiers to expand their territory and defend their country now only need some alchemists that are more subtle, have a longer range, and are more accurate. Props will do.

Moreover, the advanced and powerful alchemy props only need the manipulation of an ordinary person to completely detonate an army in the past, so there is even less room for soldiers to survive.

The magician is just the opposite. After the veil was broken, more and more people sensed the return of magic power, and the number of magicians increased sharply.

When the number of a group increases, they will demand protection of their rights.

The voices of one or two or even one or two hundred people are ignored, but the voices of ten to twenty thousand people have to be paid attention to.

At the same time, because the mages helped many cities resist the invasion of demons in the early days, they gained a good reputation and their status was greatly improved.

Over the next few years, as the demons were gradually wiped out, the magician was no longer a source of danger that could turn into abomination at any time, so the magician who could perform miracles became a respectable status again.

After nearly three hundred years, magicians have become a hot development direction nowadays. If they can become officially recognized magisters, their social status will be unprecedentedly improved.

Like the dwarves, the rise and change of the magician civilization is also the catalysis of the fallen order.

After launching the Krogan spaceship, the development of Tidus will enter a new chapter, and the magic civilization will usher in its most glorious moment.

The Krogan's gene was obtained long before DU Chen was in the Pokémon world.

The tasks completed at that time allowed him to obtain 300,000 random biological genes.

One of them is the species located on the planet Tuzenka in the plane of mass effect, the biped reptilian high-intelligence life form, and the krogan Eustav.

As early as when Du Chen played the original game in his previous life, he saw a krogan's head in the palace of the Ole Empire in the game, don't hang it on the wall as a hunting trophy.

This means that Mass Effect and Dragon Age are on the same plane.

Moreover, at least one team of the Krogan came to Tidus and was hunted down by the Ole people as a monster.

That's why DU Chen took a little care when expanding the fallen order. Sure enough, he found the krogan spaceship that had been placed for many years in the castle of a former Ole lord.

Of course, the castle now belongs to the Dark Kingdom, it's just that the darkin have no interest in it.

And this krogan spaceship is the opportunity for Thedas civilization to enter the space age.

Of course, DU Chen can also use his own power to help them improve, but their own improvement and progress is the best promotion for the authority of the fallen order.

After the study of the krogan spaceship by the magisters and alchemists of Thedas, they deduced many advanced technologies in reverse. Although there are no related manufacturing materials, the people of Thedas who are good at magic and alchemy have found out through countless experiments. suitable substitute.

These alchemy items improved by scientific and technological principles have further improved the comprehensive level of Tidus.

It is precisely because of the continuous excavation of the value of krogan technology that the Kingdom of Fereden, where the krogan spaceship was discovered, has become the most powerful country in Thedas.

Due to its crushing strength, Ferelden quickly unified other countries including the Dwarf Kingdom and the Elf Kingdom, brought them under his command, and changed the Kingdom of Ferelden to the Empire of Ferelden.

This is an epic event in the history of Thedas.

After this incident, Thedas is no longer an independent country for each race, but has completely become a country where multiple races live together.

After entering the space age, every descendant of Thedas knows that after Felaiden unified Thedas, he stipulated a unified official civilization, a unified unit of measurement, and a unified cultural axis.

This has laid a solid foundation for the rise of Thedas civilization in the future.

But only Misso, Androst and other elders who have witnessed the changes in history know what a cruel struggle lies behind this light sentence.

The human kingdom Feladen ruled the world by force, but how could the elves, dwarves, and Kunali be willing to use human culture and prophecy to replace the civilization of their own race that has been passed down for thousands of years?

In particular, the Kunali people who believe in "kun" have caused countless turmoil in the past century, trying to restore their independent cultural beliefs.

But for the sake of the overall development of Tidus, how could Feryden agree?

Although Ferelden officially did not completely ban the cultural civilization of other races, it still weakened it from all levels, especially from the perspective of children's education. Human civilization assimilated.

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