Virus Evolution Starts From Pokemon

Chapter 372 Magic Alliance

"Shalier, we meet again." Androst stepped forward and greeted a human-looking female angel with a height of more than three meters and two huge white wings on her back.

"Androst, Misso, hello, it seems that we will work together in the Castle of God in the future." Shalier showed an angelic smile.

She is an angel created by Du Chen. Since Du Chen captured the planet under the Lord God, she has fought several wars with many other similar worlds.

Du Chen took a destroyed world as a research and development base, made many improvements with the genes obtained from Pokémon World, Marvel Universe and other places, and created many warriors in different shapes.

Among them are the angel Shalier from the plane of Heroes, the motherlander from the plane of the black-robed pickets, the golden beast from the plane of Journey to the West, and the mutants from the Marvel Universe.

After hundreds of years of development, except for the single species of the motherland, all other species have developed corresponding ethnic groups.

Today, the Angel is his secretary, the Homelander is his entourage, the Golden Beast is his pet, and the mutants with different abilities are his army.

Now that the civilizations of these planets have entered the Citadel one after another, the first angel Shalier created by DU Chen is now the president secretary of the Magic Union, responsible for the development of the planets under DU Chen in the Citadel.

President of course is DU dust himself.

Shalier brought Misso and Androst to the office building of the Magic Alliance in the ring area, and some members of the alliance were already waiting inside.

Judging from their appearance, most of them are human, and a few are non-human, but they all have physical bodies.

"Shalier, to what extent has the fallen order developed in God's Citadel?" Misuo asked curiously when only the high-level officials of the various planets were left.

Because the development process of each planet under DU Chen is different, in order to prevent the powerful world civilization from annexing other weak civilizations and erasing the development potential of these civilizations, the planets under DU Chen all develop independently. touch.

Including the mutual exchange of magic alchemy technology, it is also carried out within a certain range, and it cannot be too far ahead, so as to prevent civilization from being too impacted and completely collapsed.

So even Miso and Androst, who are in the supreme position of Thedas, don't know the specific situation of other planets, let alone their development in the Citadel.

"It has been more than 80 years since we first entered the Citadel of God, and it has affected about 300 civilizations, of which 20 civilizations have had a profound impact." Shalier said.

"Twenty..." Androst and Misso looked at each other. They didn't expect that it would take nearly a hundred years to expand only more than twenty civilizations.

Seeing their thoughts, Shalier smiled and said: "You are not familiar with the star domain level development model, the galaxy star domain is really too big, even if it is God's Citadel, less than 1% of the galaxy star domain has been explored. And this 1% already has billions of planets.”

"Although there are always a small number of races that can enter the Citadel, being able to enter the Citadel also shows that their development level is not lower than ours. At least they all have at least thousands of years of civilization traditions, like the Asari and the Salari. With a history of tens of thousands of years and a large number of colonized planets, it will not be possible to capture them in a short period of time." After Shalier finished speaking, he shared a piece of information with Androster and Miso with a universal tool .

The universal tool is shared by all races in the Citadel system, which is very convenient, but the Magic Alliance still has some tricks in it, which can escape the supervision of special departments of the Citadel, such as "ghosts".

"Ghosts" are agents of the "Special Tactics and Reconnaissance Department" and they only obey orders from the Citadel Council. They are elites from various armies in the Galactic Star Field, and they have the right to eliminate threats to peace and stability in any way they think necessary. All No matter what the identity of the people in the castle, they avoid it.

Misuo and Androst took a brief look at the information shared by Shalier, and basically had a grasp of the current progress of the Magic Alliance, and also understood the difficulty of its task.

First of all, the galaxy star field is too big.

If there is no mass repeater, it will take hundreds of years to go to a planet a little farther away. Even if there is a mass repeater, it will not be able to reach the door of the house in a short time. After the superluminal jump, you still have to fly honestly.

Another one is that the civilizations that can enter the space age have not weak war power. If they invade by force, let alone whether they will violate the treaty of the God's Castle Council or attract counterattacks from their allies. These civilizations that have just developed into space can't bear it.

And if civilization is used to attack, most of the member planets of the Magic Alliance have special structures and biological structures. Limited by the environment, these civilizations have no advantage at all in other places.

For example, it is not easy for the magician of Thedas to go to the "Planet Tuzenka" of the Krogan, because Tuzenka has no Shadow Realm...

These environmental and physiological restrictions have caused the characteristic differences of civilizations, and these irreversible differences have also caused the extremely slow expansion of the power of the Magic Alliance.

Speaking of which, it took tens of thousands of years to unify even a small Thedas. Even after they became the rulers appointed by Du Chen, it took hundreds of years to complete the substantive unification, let alone the vast and boundless land. within the scope of the universe.

"The Snake Nebula, the Horsehead Nebula, the Hourglass Nebula, the Kepler Nebula..." Misuo fell into thought as he looked at the vast area of ​​the Milky Way star field in the data.

A tiny Tidus, in front of the Milky Way star field, is hardly even a grain of sand in the ocean.

"You don't have to worry, the president said, there will be an opportunity soon, and then it will be the time for us to shine and expand rapidly." Shalier said.

"Opportunity?" Androst and Misso's eyes lit up.

They naturally knew that the president Shalier was talking about was the ruler of the Golden City, the God of Eternity, and the real ruler of the Magic Alliance.

As Shalier was his secretary, he naturally had a deeper understanding of the relevant situation.

"You should already know from the information that the executive committee of the Citadel Council used to be composed of representatives from the Asari Republic, the Turian Empire, and the Salarian United Nations. However, three years ago, there was a human that developed on Earth. The Star Alliance got a seat." Shalier looked at Androst, his eyes clearly said: Humans are really good.

Androst and Misso nodded, of course they saw it.

The birth of the Citadel Council was completed nearly 3,000 years ago by the Asari and the Salarians. In the following two thousand years, among the many races in the Milky Way, only the Turians were among the more than 1,300 races. Obtained a seat on the Executive Committee of the Citadel years ago, and no race that joined the Citadel Council can become a member of the Executive Committee of the Citadel.

And humans on earth who have just entered the interstellar era for forty years can actually get a seat on the executive committee, which is hard not to attract the attention of all galactic races.

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