Virus Evolution Starts From Pokemon

Chapter 376 Asari Punisher

In every corner of the universe there are some common laws, such as respect for the strong.

"My name is DU Chen." The man's index finger stroked Netherine's chin: "You can call me the God of Eternity."

"God of Eternity, sounds like the title of a god." Netherine's coquettish face bloomed with a smile, and her magnetic voice exudes charm all the time: "We have a religion in Secia, and we believe in the goddess 'Elsim ’, but now He has been replaced by the ‘Siali Cult’.”

"Hehe, I know Elsim, she has a lot of complaints about it." DU Chen said with a smile.

Naturally, he didn't stay in the house these years, but went in and out of various gods in the galaxy star field, and conducted communication and research with the main gods and god kings here.

Elsim is an ancient goddess who has believers in many ethnic groups, and often enlightens the primitive races, gives them enlightenment, and allows them to develop more quickly.

The "Xiali religion" mentioned by Netherine is the latest religion among the Asari people. It does not worship a certain god, but believes that "all things are one."

The core content of this belief is: the universe is a whole consciousness, every life in it is just a part of the great whole, and death is the process of returning the energy of one's own life to the consciousness of the universe.

Followers of Siari do not believe in reincarnation and the afterlife. They believe that the energy returned to the universe will eventually be filled into the newborn body.

This world view is correct in essence, and has already touched the rules of the universe-level peak god-king.

Everything in this universe is the Great God, so the birth and death of any creature in the universe is the new metabolism of the Great God.

It is precisely because the development of this belief has touched a higher level of gods, so the goddess Elsim, who is the king of the gods, did not directly hinder it.

"..." Hearing Du Chen said that he knew Goddess Elsim, even the frightening Night Breeze Demon twitched.

At this time, the door lock of the VIP room suddenly started to operate by itself. This is because someone is using a universal tool to crack the password.

"Someone..." Netherine reacted quickly, and her eyes suddenly became sharp.

Being hunted down for hundreds of years, she has developed an extremely cautious character.

This sexy and charming chick with a hot figure suddenly had a blue light on her body, and a black energy ball gathered on her right hand. The air around the ball was twisted, obviously being drawn by its energy.


The password of the VIP room was cracked, and the door opened automatically. A mature Asari in red combat light armor walked in with a calm expression.

"I found you, Netherine." The mature Asari looked at Netherine, who had not yet had time to put on her clothes, and then glanced at DU Chen who was sitting calmly on the sofa, looking like a human youth.

"Samara?" Netherine called out the pursuer's name in surprise and resentment.

"It seems that I came at the right time to stop your crime." Samara apparently thought that DU Chen, who looked like a human being, was Netherine's prey, but because of her appearance, Netherine hadn't succeeded yet.

But she didn't know that the two had already had some "in-depth" communication.

Samara sighed, and looked at Netherine with complicated eyes: "Your actions have made the Code Council unbearable, so they sent me to take you back to Planet Carini."

Planet Carini is a planet under the rule of the Republic of Asari, with a beautiful environment and suitable for habitation. All Asari variants "Adayaksi" will be sent to the monastery there and banned from leaving for life.

"Hehe, do you think I'll be caught without a fight?" Netherine said with serious eyes, "I'll never go back to that place again, and I won't even die."

Seeing Netherine's crazily improving ability, Samara blocked the door, and said to DU Chen who was still sitting still, "Human, please leave here, I am the disciplinary envoy of the Asari Republic, A fugitive is being hunted and I hope you will not get involved in this fight."

Before Samara finished speaking, Netherine, who was floating in the air, had already made the first move.

The gravitational impact slammed towards Samara, and Samara jumped up high. At the same time, a blue power erupted from his body. When he grabbed it, Netherine's body was stiff in the air. Can't move at all.

And the ground on which Samara was just standing was torn by gravity into spiral twists.

Immediately afterwards, Samara's eyes turned white, and a mental shock wave roared out, hitting Netherine, who was fixed in the air, directly against the wall.

"As expected of the highest level punishment envoy, it is really powerful." Netherine touched the blood at the corner of her mouth, and looked at Samara with cold eyes: "You kill me, I will not go back even if I die."

"Kill you?" Samara's eyes showed sadness: "No, you are my daughter, I will not kill you. But I can't let you do evil outside."

"Don't call me daughter, you won't be my mother the day you send me to Carini," Netheryn yelled.

Compared with Netherine's coquettish and charming appearance and charming and magnetic voice, Samara's appearance is more solemn and serious, and her voice is ethereal and pure.

And these two completely opposite people are actually a mother-daughter relationship.

"Wait." A male voice interrupted the conversation between the very different mother and daughter.

"A mere Adayaksi, do you need to be so nervous?" It was DU dust who spoke.

Hearing the word "Adayaksi", Samara's eyes froze. He thought that this human being was just Netherine's prey, but he didn't expect him to know...

Could it be an associate of Netherine's development?

Glancing at her daughter who was barely naked, she denied this judgment again.

Regardless of whether they are accomplices or not, once they have a relationship with Adayakshi, they will definitely die.

There are not many people in this Milky Way star field who know the name "Adayaksi", but if people who really know it, if they meet, most of them will go weak on their feet and back away. A person who is not afraid of death dares to harass.

And this man is so calm, he doesn't even take it seriously...

"'Adayaksi' is not a disease, but a talent." DU Chen said to Samara: "Asari who have this talent, the natural nervous system and spiritual power will be stronger than most People, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are geniuses."

"But you claim to be the most developed race in the galaxy, but you still use methods such as imprisonment to keep them trapped for a thousand years. You are really blind and reckless." Du Chen shook his head and laughed.

Every "Adayaksi" is many times stronger than ordinary Asari, and it is really inappropriate to imprison them for a lifetime just because the creatures that are glued with them cannot bear their energy.

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