Virus Evolution Starts From Pokemon

Chapter 383: The Harvest Begins

The personality of the gods is consistent with their divine power, the higher ones can see through the lower ones, but the lower ones cannot see through the upper ones.

DU Chen's fallen order is the personality of a peak god king, but he released the aura of an ordinary god king at this time, because once the full momentum erupts, he will immediately be noticed by the supreme god of the universe.

But even an ordinary god king is enough to shock the gods present.

Most of the true gods are kings on a certain planet, while the gods rule the galaxy or even multiple galaxies. As for the king of gods, they are at least the overlord of a star field.

For example, among the hundreds of billions of galaxies in the Milky Way star field, there are countless main gods, but the number of powerful gods in the divine throne does not exceed five fingers.

There is such a big difference in the gap of one personality.

Of course, this is also a special situation in the galaxy star field. There are some super-large star fields in the universe that have more than double-digit god kings, but the galaxy star field has lost the authority of many main gods in the galaxy because of the 50,000-year harvest by the reaper. It is difficult to improve the personality.

If Du Chen mentioned that the Qingtian Furnace disappointed all the gods, then the display of the God King's personality now gave the gods present hope.

"Eternal God King, how do you plan to operate?" Urgas asked.

The gods present have been oppressed by the God King of the Galaxy for a long time, especially an ambitious demon god like Urgas, who is unwilling to be trampled under his feet forever. Now that DU Chen gave him hope, he naturally couldn't wait.

"Hehe, everyone, I have also captured the trajectory of fate in a hundred years, and only saw a little bit of the direction of fate. This matter has also been fulfilled in the furnace." Du Chen laughed.

Another Sky Furnace...

Just now when DU Chen mentioned Qingtian Furnace, the gods didn't take it seriously, but he mentioned again that the gods took it seriously.

"In that case, I can send down an oracle to let the Asari tribe accelerate the furnace." Elsim said while thinking.

The previous resignation to the 50,000-year harvest was due to the inability to stop it, but now that there is an opportunity, it is natural not to miss it.

Du Chen knew that Elsim seemed to be calm about harvesting, but he cared more than anyone else in his heart.

Otherwise, since you have resigned to your fate, why bother to actively support the weaker races after each harvest, so that they can accelerate their development?

Now the Asari are the strongest organic species in the Milky Way, and this is her painstaking effort.

"Although I don't think the Asari clan is the key to success or failure, it's okay to speed up." Du Chen didn't veto Elsim's proposal, although according to the plot, the human "protagonist" Shepard is the key to ending reincarnation, But the plot of the original work is not fixed, and the continuation of the reaping cycle is also a kind of future.

Because DU Chen knew the plot in his previous life, he knew what was going to happen next. He secretly communicated with the gods present for a while, and then left this huge planet.

DU dust that entered space did not go too far, but stayed on a nearby satellite.

Soon, a green streamer left and flew towards the direction of the central sun.

DU dust appeared in front of the green streamer in a teleport.

Because he appeared too fast, the green light had no time to stop, and hit DU Chen directly.

DU Chen's black degenerate vestment turned into a mass of black mist, and grabbed the streamer, which was enough to penetrate an asteroid, and the green streamer suddenly turned into a demon god with four eyes and two horns.

"Flass, during the discussion just now, didn't you say that you want to organize the Yago people to join the God's Castle Council to resist the Harvesters? What are you going to do at the Central Day?" Du Chen asked with a smile.

"I..." Foras forced a smile: "Since I have decided to resist the God King of the Galaxy, I still have some artifacts in the Central Sun. I need to take them out, and it will be more helpful to our plan."

Phras is the peak of the main god, but he was caught by DU Chen's black mist, like a mouse pinched by a lion, without the slightest resistance.

He could even feel that DU Chen's divine power had penetrated into his body, and he could be crushed with a single thought.

"Oh, that's it." DU Chen's smile remained unchanged: "Very good, then hurry up and get it, it will be used later."

After finishing speaking, DU Chen let go of his big hand composed of black mist, and Frass felt his body instantly relaxed.

DU Chen didn't make things difficult for him any more, and Frashi turned into a green streamer and flew away again, faster than before.

"This guy belongs to the God King of the Galaxy, just let him go?" A heat wave came from beside DU Chen, and Urgas' figure appeared from a crack in space. Through the crack, DU Chen could see the tumbling inside magma.

"As long as we interfere with the Reaper's reincarnation, Galaxy will definitely notice it, and it doesn't matter if it's earlier." Du Chen said indifferently: "But this guy, hehe, you don't have to worry."

"Well, then I'll go prepare as well." The space crack opened by Urgas closed, and the heat brought by the magma just now was instantly eliminated by the low temperature of space.

Foras constantly uses the ability of space jumping, and each time he can span tens of millions of kilometers.

As the most loyal lackey of the God King of the Galaxy, he must tell his master the secret he heard, but there are many people on this planet, and if he fails to keep his movements in order, the Eternal God King will find out.

Then he will definitely die, so the best way is to communicate with another planet.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came out, he was blocked by the Eternal God King.

Fortunately, my words were not doubted...

Phras kept flying, without even noticing that his four eyes had been filled with black mist, and layers of black mist were also lingering around his body.


The Federation Council is holding a hearing.

The high-level Human Star Federation is sitting in the chair of the hearing, listening to the report of Admiral Anderson and Lieutenant Colonel Shepard standing below on the Reaper.

Surrounding the hall were officer representatives and civilian recorders from the various units of the Federation.

"The Reapers are far stronger, more advanced, and smarter than us. They are not afraid of us, let alone have mercy on us." Shepard stared at the chairman officer at the hearing with red electronic light eyes: "I have I have already warned you, facing them, we can only fight back if we survive first."

"Survive? Is this your suggestion?" A black general showed a mocking expression.

Shepard's expression turned cold, and before he could refute, he was interrupted by a communication soldier next to him.

"Admiral, we have lost contact with the moon base." The female messenger said with a terrified face.

"The moon, how could they be so close?" Admiral Anders was surprised when he heard this.

"How did they break through our line of defense?" The officers of the Star Federation Council looked at the communication soldiers in different ways.

"Sir, this is the image from the British headquarters." The communications soldier opened the huge communication panel.

After a snowflake passed, a soldier appeared in the image, and behind him was the flames of war and gunpowder smoke.

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