Virus Evolution Starts From Pokemon

Chapter 385 Mars Archives

"Quick." Shepard held out his hand to Anders who was still on the ground.

"I'm not going." Admiral Anderson looked at the flames of war around him, turned to Shepard and said, "You have also seen the current situation, there are tens of thousands of casualties every moment, and they need a leader .”

Apart from Admiral Hackett who is currently in space, Anderson is currently the highest-ranking military general on Earth.

Now that the earth is facing the attack of the Reapers, he has the responsibility to stay here.

"Anderson, you can't do this. You are the captain, and you must command the Normandy." Shepard knew that if Anderson didn't show up, he would have to deal with those hypocritical politicians alone.

"A leader is needed here, and you have proven yourself, you can do it." Admiral Anderson said: "We must unite all races and mobilize all warships to have any hope of defeating the Reapers. Go talk to the council , convince them, let them help."

"They may not listen to me." Shepard spread his hands.

"Then find a way to force them to listen." Anderson said: "Let's go now, this is an order!"

"Did you forget? I've been suspended, and I don't need to accept your orders now."

Hearing this, Anderson took out a military badge and threw it to Shepard: "You are reinstated, Lieutenant Colonel."

After finishing speaking, Anderson boarded the transport ship that landed behind him: "You know what to do, Lieutenant Colonel."

Shepard watched Anderson leave in the transport ship. At the same time, another laser swept across the sky, shooting an 888-meter-long Starlink Everest-class dreadnought in half.

Humanity's strongest space weapon is vulnerable to the Reapers.

The Normandy-2 battleship ejected blue flames from the tail, accelerated into the air, and quickly broke through the atmosphere.

At the same time, more overlord-level reapers descended, and it can be seen from space that the entire earth has fallen into the flames of destruction.

Into space, the Normandy is making its way to the mass repeater.

No matter what race, to go to the Citadel, you must pass the quality repeater.

"Commander, Admiral Hackett sent a call request." Normandy pilot Jack reminded.


A blurry projection appeared in the call room.

It can be seen that he is a soldier with white eyebrows and hair. Although he is old, his waist is still straight.

"Admiral, how is your side?" Shepard said hastily.

Hackett is the supreme general in charge of space defense. The Reapers invaded the earth silently. Shepard once thought that Admiral Hackett had an accident.

"We have suffered heavy losses...the number of enemies is too is impossible to win by conventional means." Due to the poor signal, Admiral Hackett's voice was intermittent.

"Anderson has ordered me to go to the Citadel Council for help." Shepard replied.

"Of course, seeking help is a must, but first, I want get to the outpost on Mars before we lose control of the solar system..."

"...I have been researching the Prothean archives with Dr. T. Suni, and found a way to stop the reaper...the only way..."

"...will get in touch with you as soon as possible. Hackett over."

After the intermittent signal ended, Shepard gave a military salute, and then said to the pilot Jack: "Change the course, let's go to the Mars archive."

The headquarters of the Human Star Federation government is located in the Arcturus space station, but at the same time, sentries have been set up in many places in space.

Especially in the solar system, the hometown of humans on Earth, and the outpost on Mars is the most important frontline outpost for humans, and it is also the place where humans found absolute evidence of the existence of aliens after they first entered the space age.

And Dr. T. Suni is a historian of the Asari tribe, dedicated to the study of Prothean relics, and it was she who discovered the existence of the Sky Furnace.

Although she still doesn't know the true origin and use of the Sky Furnace, she already knows that it is a weapon against the Reapers.

Finally started.

Du Chen was in space, watching a huge Reaper fleet pass through the mass repeater, from the center of the galaxy to the place where there is civilization in the entire star field.

Not only the human earth, but almost every place that has reached the space-level technological level has ushered in their attacks, including Palevin, the capital of the Turians, the most powerful military force in the galaxy.

At the beginning, the reapers spread mass repeaters all over the Milky Way Star Field, on the one hand to promote the development of various races, and on the other hand to facilitate their own harvesting.

Back then, Leviathan became the most powerful overlord of the galaxy under the control of the God King of the Galaxy. He was far more powerful than the current Asari, Turian, and even the Prothean of the last reincarnation. In the end, he was still defeated. Reaper destroyed.

And the God King of the Galaxy also saw that the Reaper is a more useful ruling tool than Leviathan, so this use has been used for tens of millions of years, suppressing the main gods of the Galaxy Star Field.

But this time under DU Chen's intervention, the enemy the reaper faced was stronger than ever before.

When the Normandy was heading towards Mars, the mass repeater flashed, and an Asari battleship also appeared in the solar system.


When DU dust saw this battleship, he knew that Elsim's oracle had played a role.

In the original work, the Asari did not appear at this time, but were afraid of the Reapers attacking, so they wanted to remain neutral.

Now that the initiative to send warships over has already seen a huge change in history.

Of course, this warship was not here to fight, but went to Mars to help Dr. T. Suni.

Because what is stored in the Mars Archives is part of the design of the Sky Furnace.

When the Normandy landed on Mars, everyone could see a solar storm covering the sky thousands of miles away, completely connecting the ground and sky of Mars, like a huge wind curtain.

"Is there a sign of the Reapers here?" Shepard asked.

"No." Driver Jacket replied.

"Etty?" Shepard evokes the Normandy's AI artificial intelligence system.

"The base does not seem to have lost power, and the residents may have been evacuated." AI Yidi replied with a concise and beautiful female voice.

After the Quarians created the AI ​​Geth, but were kicked out of their planet by the AI ​​Geth rebellion, the Citadel Council ordered that any race be prohibited from developing a complete AI system.

Now, except for the geth that has been controlled by the Reapers, there are only a handful of places in the entire galaxy where AI is set up.

The stealth frigate HMS Normandie is one of them.

"Let's go, the solar storm will soon disable all the electronic machinery here, we must be fully prepared."

Shepard led the team to land not far from the entrance of the Mars base in a transport plane, and a storm visible to the naked eye mixed with lightning was hitting from thousands of miles away.

"Attention, find the enemy."

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