Immortal Xue Ying was refined, she was refined by the source when she used her supernatural power to fuse the law of the source...

DU Chen was startled inwardly, and the halo of corrupted order that shrouded his body buzzed and trembled.

No, the fallen order can no longer be practiced against. The closer the fallen order is to the source, the more it loses its core essence. Once it resonates with the source to the limit, the fallen order not only failed to refine the source, but was refined by the source, then he It will also be swallowed by the original vein like Immortal Snow Cherry and Blood River Arhat.

DU Chen's heart moved, and he stopped the resonance between the fallen order and the source.

As soon as it stopped, DU dust immediately felt the surrounding pressure increase.

But this pressure made Du Chen regain his self-independence and was no longer assimilated by the original context.

so close……

If he hadn't seen Immortal Xueying awakened by the refining of the source, he would probably have walked on until the fallen order and the source were completely integrated, and he would also become one of the projections here.

But if he no longer resonates with the source, how can he go to a more core place?

After thinking about it for a long time, DU Chen reactivated his divine power and turned the black light wheel of fallen order.

If it is said that reversing the fallen order has allowed him to continuously reduce the rejection, and now that he is trying to function, he will be even more rejected.

The virtual and real space around him seemed to have turned into monsters with indescribable appearance and terrifying aura trying to devour him.

If you want to refine the source, you will naturally have to withstand the counterattack of the source.

One by one monsters roared and threw themselves on DU Chen. For a moment, DU Chen seemed to be carrying multiple shackles on his back, which made him feel extremely heavy and wanted to fall.

Meanwhile, he finds himself in a wilderness.

A chill hit.

Du Chen looked at his body, it wasn't a virus, but his flesh and blood body in his previous life, he was completely an ordinary person without any supernatural powers or special abilities.

What kind of test is this...

This wilderness has no end in sight at a glance, it is so large that it has no boundaries, and there are no living things within the sight range.

DU dust walked in the wilderness for ten days in a row. Except for the gray and hard land and stones, he didn't see a single grass or tree.

Once again he felt parched and tired.

So Du Chen stopped to meditate and rest. Although he has become a human body now, he still has the knowledge of the peak god king in his mind. He found a bigu kung fu method that is most suitable for ordinary people, and it can be done after two hours of practice. Guarantee the energy needed for physical exercise throughout the day.

But even with the bigu ability, the current body is still weak, and it is necessary to rest from time to time so as not to be injured due to fatigue.

Two hours later, DU dust got up again and walked forward.

There is no limit to how big this place is. Du Chen stopped and walked, and even fell ill once. After walking for forty days, he finally saw a monster lying on the ground.

This monster was the one that fell on him in the original context and brought him here.

"Are you here?" The monster lazily raised its eyelids and said, "You seem to be very tired."

"Walking for forty days without eating or drinking, of course I'm tired." Du Chen panted slightly. After arriving in this wasteland, he no longer has the ability to sense, so he doesn't know when he will find this monster.

"Oh? You have infinite divine power. You can turn the stones here into food and water for eating and drinking." The monster grinned.

"..." DU Chen remained silent.

"You were originally an ordinary human being. Because of the gift of the source, you have your current personality and everything. It can be said that everything you have is given by the source. Without the source, you will starve to death, die of thirst, and die of sleeplessness. Exhausted." The monster's vertical pupils had an elusive look: "Well, I will return your power to you, and you will no longer be an ordinary person. You can create this endless wasteland at will and turn it into a forest of wine pools and meat. Whether it’s cyberpunk or cyberpunk, create whatever you want, and you will be the eternal ruler here. How about it?”

Is the eternal ruler...

Looking around, DU Chen found that his location was no longer an endless wasteland, but the top of a magnificent supreme palace.

This shrine is suppressed above the sky, and its scale is so vast that even the stars are as small as a mote of dust compared to it.

There are many gods and demons standing in the main hall of the shrine, bowing down to him and bowing their heads in submission.

There are many worlds under the sky, each piece is more vast than the original Milky Way Continent, there are countless creatures, and various civilizations complement each other.

Wouldn't it be more pleasant to be the eternal and supreme ruler here than to be the ruler of the starry sky?

After all, although the masters of the starry sky have boundless supernatural powers and are superior to many planes, they are also fighting each other openly and secretly, attacking and killing, and even have the danger of perishing and being suppressed in the competition for the original world.

But here, not only can you enjoy the same authority as the ruler of the starry sky, but you don't have to worry about foreign intrusion, and you can be king forever.

stay here?

Or refuse?

Even if he went back, he didn't grasp the origin of the refinement process. On the contrary, it was more likely that he would be rejected by the origin, either be refined or kicked to some Gada plane, and the refinement would most likely fail.

And stay here, immediately become the master.

Du Chen looked at a wild world not only far below the Supreme Shrine.

There is no civilization yet, and hundreds of millions of monsters conquer each other, killing corpses and blood, and all kinds of weak races survive in the cracks.

There was even a big demon who broke a pillar supporting the sky with one head, causing the crystal wall to shatter, the chaotic divine water poured in, and hundreds of millions of living beings were destroyed.

At this time, DU Chen had a thought, an old man in this wild world suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and began to collect broken space crystal walls, and use these crystal walls to build a ship.

Although this ship is not big, every grid inside contains the power of time and space, and it can hold anything.

The old man spent hundreds of years, leaving a pair of genes from all the creatures he could find, and putting them in the ship.

Hundreds of years later, the broken sky was repaired by a demon god, but the chaotic divine water that flowed into the world has killed almost all life in the world, and only the top few innate gods and demons survived.

DU Chen thought again, a foreign god in a developed world suddenly had a whim, thinking that a treasure would be born in the wild land, so he came across the crystal wall.

Seeing the raging Chaos Divine Water, the Outer God used a bottle to take away the Divine Water, and the Wild Continent reappeared.

At this time, the old man spread the genes collected before to the wild continent, and endless life multiplied again.

In view of this, the congenital gods and demons who had caused a catastrophe in the previous war made an agreement not to take action at will, but to cultivate their own forces. If there is any dispute, let the disciples take action.

It can be seen from the branch of time that this world has become the strongest among all worlds in the development of countless years...

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