Virus Throne

Chapter 128. City of Angels

Hadi Lun looked around and found that only Lianna was watching from a distance. He whispered, "I don't know when your injury will recover, but one more person means more strength. Soon, I will go to a place for adventure. I can't have too many people, but I must be strong enough. I may need your help."

"If my injury can recover a little, you can call me then. In addition, I can keep it secret from anyone except my cousin." Xu Youran thought for a while and looked at Lianna in the distance.

"Lianna is a pitiful child. I feel relieved to have you take care of her. If you want to go to the core training camp, you can ask to take her with you." Hadi Lun was quite satisfied with Xu Youran's answer.

The place to go is very dangerous. If you don't have a certain strength, you will die. There will be a lot of fighting.

Xu Youran hopes to recover a little before going. It is responsible for himself and his teammates' lives.

Hadi Lun is very satisfied with Xu Youran's strength. With two gold-quality awakening skills, if all the injuries are recovered, he may not be his opponent.

Moreover, after more than a month of observation, he gradually recognized Xu Youran's character.

He was strong, but he did not bully others. He was eager for military merit, but he had a way to get it.

Once Xu Youran recovered from his injuries, he would be a great help with his two gold-quality awakening skills and almost invincible fighting skills.

However, he did not know that Xu Youran had six gold-quality awakening skills and his killer sword of unknown civilization.

The mutant beast was too huge and had strong defense. His flying sword had just been sacrificed at that time and was not proficient in its use.

If it was a battle against a human awakener, his flying sword of unknown civilization would definitely be a first-class killer.

A flying sword of more than 30 centimeters long would be enough to behead.

After saying goodbye to Hadilon, Xu Youran and Lianna came to the training room building.

A group of students greeted them from a distance and cheered, but few people came up to talk.

Before, Xu Youran had never shown his strength. He was easy-going and everyone could laugh and play together.

Xu Youran's powerful strength today has invisibly discouraged those students who have awakened three times.

Let Lianna practice on her own, he came to the third floor, found a resistance training room and walked in.

After closing the door, Xu Youran collapsed to the ground with a "thump".

The nearly exhausted mental power barely kept his body from collapsing and deteriorating.

But the severe pain that tore his whole body apart made him unbearable.

He curled up and lay on the cold ground, sweat dripping one by one.

Ever since he used the blood-killing throat, he has been attacked by severe pain all over his body.

But at that time there were two fourth-time awakeners present, he could only hold on and pretend to be strong to scare the two away.

If the two fourth-time awakeners found out about his weakness, they would definitely take the opportunity to attack him.

And there was Hadiren and those students, Xu Youran couldn't guarantee that they were all kind-hearted.

How many of those who have been hanging around in the factory area and can still survive to this day are good people?

Good people have long been crushed to dust by them. They flatter Xu Youran and lick his ashes just because they mistakenly believe that he has strong strength.

Those people are not stupid. Why is it normal for others to practice, but Xu Youran makes so much noise when practicing?

With such serious injuries, why can he not die, save his life, and recover?

No one would believe that he has no secrets.

It's just that everyone has maintained restraint when he can display his strength.

Xu Youran can't show any weakness in front of these people who eat people without spitting bones.

He can't give them the opportunity to become jackals. Jackals will only become obedient hounds in front of hunters.

At this moment, when he was the only one left, he curled up on the cold ground and silently repaired his wounds.

I hope to recover some mental strength as soon as possible and have the power to protect myself again.

Although he has lost his memory, he is unfamiliar with the culture and environment here.

He knows very well that he really doesn't belong here, at least not in this city.

Even the smelly air mixed with the sea breeze here made him extremely disgusted.

Except for Lianna, this is a brave, strong, honest girl with a heart full of love.

In order to protect herself, she would not hesitate to scratch her beautiful face. How determined she was.

He always had a feeling in his heart that he should have a way to heal Lianna's face.

But the damn amnesia made him seem to have forgotten a crucial thing.

And with Xu Youran's current strength, he really couldn't protect Lianna.

Maybe restoring the stunning Lianna would not only bring disaster to herself, but also to Xu Youran.

Relying on the various magical effects of the resistance training room, Xu Youran was quickly recovering his almost exhausted mental power.

A few days later, the news finally came from the headquarters of the cult.

As a seriously injured fourth-time awakener, Barikaka needed to enter the core training camp for recuperation.

In the core training camp, there will be equipment more suitable for his recovery, as well as mentors for fifth-time awakeners.

No matter which one, it is very attractive to Xu Youran.

Besides, the orders of the sect cannot be disobeyed, unless one does not want to continue to survive in the South American continent.

Xu Youran, who had initially recovered some of his mental strength, could now barely perform a gold-quality awakening skill, which was considered to have some self-protection ability.

He called Lianna and packed up briefly.

The two were ready to set off for the core training camp in the state capital. In order to avoid trouble, Lianna also followed Xu Youran's example and put on a scarf.

When saying goodbye to everyone, Lianna hit Ralph's chest, "Hey, boy. You have to work hard. It's not far from the fourth awakening, right? I'll wait for you in the core training camp."

"Don't worry, I'm very confident that I can enter the fourth awakening." Ralph smoothed the long hair that fell on the side of his headscarf, "Clark should be in the core training camp, you have to be careful of him."

"Do I need to worry about him?" Lianna raised her thumb and pointed at Xu Youran, "Clark is just a little strict, and he can't be said to be a bad guy. If he dares to cause trouble for me, I will beat him to a pulp."

Xu Youran nodded and raised his thumb, but he was saying goodbye to Hadilon in the distance.

The meaning is to tell Hadilan that he has recovered well and should be able to help by then.





"Mmp, you bastards, can't you enrich your vocabulary?" Xu Youran finally couldn't stand these rough guys anymore.

Although the state capital district and the North District belong to the city of Rio de Janeiro, they are very far apart.

And that is a paradise for the rich and the strong, as if they are not born in the same world as the slums in the North District.

There is a natural barrier in people's hearts.

Even after the disaster, it did not change the impression in everyone's hearts.

A team of ordinary soldiers with live ammunition was responsible for escorting the two to the state capital district.

The hot weapons in their hands are okay for dealing with ordinary small mutant beasts, but they are basically ineffective against mutant beasts above bronze level.

However, the biggest role of these soldiers is to maintain order, not protection.

A four-time awakener with double gold quality, a leader among the three-time awakeners, why would he need the protection of some ordinary soldiers?

Moreover, the headquarters of the cult is in Rio Center, Rio de Janeiro, which is the gathering place of the most powerful group of awakeners in South America.

Every day, countless awakeners frantically hunt mutants around Rio de Janeiro.

The small mutants that lack wisdom have been slaughtered long ago, and the large mutants have become the war merits that everyone is vying for, and they are afraid that there are not enough to kill.

Therefore, in this city known for its chaos, the threat from mutants after the catastrophe is the lowest.

Xu Youran and the others need to face more threats from humans along the way.

Countless ordinary people who survived became refugees and mobs after losing government control.

It’s just because they are afraid of the power of the awakeners that they dare not easily attack the awakeners.

But driven by hunger and survival, there are always some people who will take risks.

The convoy drove on the narrow road in Rio, with the hideous muzzles pointing to both sides of the street.

Poor people of all skin colors, with pale faces and thin bodies, have wild eyes like hungry wolves.

The closer you get to the state capital, the closer you are to the safe zone.

Several mountains surround the beautiful Rio Bay, and the first thing that comes into view is the slums built along the hillside.

The low shacks are stacked up layer by layer, ugly but with a different kind of beauty.

A huge peak rises in the distance, that is Corcovado Mountain, also known as Jesus Mountain.

A 38-meter-high statue of Jesus stands on the top of the mountain. It is a world-famous tourist attraction and the origin of the name of the City of Angels.

Millions of survivors live in these slums built on the mountain.

There are the original locals here, as well as refugees who migrated from other cities or even other countries because they knew there were few mutant beasts here.

Through the car window, Xu Youran could see that many poor people of all skin colors were wandering on the roadside with various long and short guns in their hands.

Xu Youran and his team's motorcade had the scepter symbol of the sect, so no one dared to make a move.

However, it is conceivable that there is probably no public security here.

The statue of Jesus, with open arms, gazes at the land with loving eyes.

But in this land blessed by God, tragic tragedies are happening every moment.

In the rich area across the street, teams of ordinary soldiers patrol with live ammunition 24 hours a day.

But no one cares about the slums here. Surviving here is everyone's most important job.

In order to survive, everyone in the slums will do everything they can.

Murder, rape, drugs, rampant firearms, groups of "jackals"...

There are only two ways to escape from this sea of ​​suffering.

Become an awakener, keep getting stronger, and become a superior person.

Or fall on the road infected with the virus, become a pile of dry bones, and never have to worry about how to survive again.

This is the law of the jungle built of steel and concrete, and this is the picture Xu Youran saw.

This is the "City of Angels"!

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