Virus Throne

Chapter 148. Barbecue

The fourth awakened instructor looked at the radar and found that he had reached the coordinates.

He sent a signal to the pilot and pressed a button, and the special isolated cockpit opened the top of the cabin.

The fighter jet diving to the ground rolled up a fierce gust of wind. The instructor observed the terrain and loosened his seat belt.

"Whoosh!" The whole person was swept out of the cabin by the airflow in an instant. He quickly adjusted the angle and dived towards the jungle where the macaw corpse fell.

"Crack, crack..." The instructor drew out a sword while falling and cut off countless drooping vines and branches blocking the road.

"Boom!" He fell heavily to the ground and quickly observed the surroundings.

Because the time was short, the smell of blood did not attract any powerful mutant beasts.

A few bronze-level mutant wild monkeys were not a big deal for him.

Seeing the parrot corpses scattered on the ground, and some limbs hanging on the tree.

He sent away the mutant wild monkeys and began to carefully observe the severed corpses.

While studying the wound, he recorded the video, "It should be a very sharp blade, very fast, but the control seems not enough."

Soon he inspected the bodies of more than a dozen parrots, and what he needed to collect was the beaks of the macaws.

While collecting materials and putting them into his backpack, he sent the video back to the core training camp headquarters of the cult.

He also attached his own request to check the specific situation of this student.

A new student, mastering an awakening skill that he had never heard of, and also had such a strong lethality, his curiosity was aroused.

Soon his request received a reply, only two words: top secret!


I am a core member of the cult, a four-time awakener instructor, and I can't even check the information of a student?

Now he only knows the class and name, how many times he has awakened, and what awakening skills he has mastered, but this information is not open to him.

This is a very rare thing, which means that a cult member who is more senior than him has issued a gag order.

More senior than him?

A figure instantly emerged in the instructor's mind, Admiral Gu Lie with explosive muscles.

The instructor seemed to regret that he had taken the risk to check this Barikaka.

Curiosity killed the cat. The instructor shook his head helplessly, protected himself with a sword, and soared into the sky.

Xu Youran took Lianna and drove the flying sword all the way, heading straight for a more distant no-man's land.

The maximum speed of the flying sword can reach almost five times the speed of sound, but with Lianna, he did not dare to exert full speed and controlled it at about three times the speed of sound.

At a speed of more than 3,000 kilometers per hour, it passed through the sky like a gust of wind and lightning, leaving a huge sonic boom.

After running for more than 300 kilometers, Xu Youran slowly slowed down. So deep, there should be few students disturbing him.

Moreover, this area is high in mountains and dense in forests, and there should be something to gain in this area.

Moreover, the Amazon jungle is so vast, maybe there are more powerful mutant beasts hidden somewhere.

If they are besieged by groups of horned eagles or encounter diamond-level mutant beasts, they will have no place to cry.

Lianna, who was experiencing the soaring sky, found that Xu Youran slowly slowed down, and knew that he should be active in this area.

Xu Youran controlled the flying sword to slowly land, and his spiritual sense swept out frantically.

There are not many mutant beasts within a three-kilometer range, only a few silver-level tapirs.

Although the tapir, which is nearly four meters long, looks ugly, it is a pure herbivorous animal.

It looks a bit like a wild boar, but it has a long nose and no fangs.

The mutated tapir is also mainly herbivorous. If humans do not disturb them, they generally will not take the initiative to attack humans.

Even if a powerful tapir kills a human, it often does not eat the corpse. They are simply defending their territory.

Xu Youran looked at the time. The most dangerous night in the Amazon jungle is about to fall. It seems that he will have to spend the night in this area.

The canopy of trees that blocked out the sun made the light on the ground very dim, and there were drooping vines and lush weeds and mosses everywhere.

A clear stream not far away should be used as a water source.

Lianna, who had lived in South America since childhood, was no stranger to the Amazon jungle. Her hands flashed with lightning and she observed the surroundings vigilantly.

Since Xu Youran suggested that she focus on lightning, her bloody hands became an auxiliary skill.

Although Xu Youran's spiritual sense was enough to warn the surroundings, she didn't want Lianna to become dependent.

In case Lianna was left alone, she would need strong strength and enough experience.

"Swoosh!" Xu Youran's flying sword, without making any sound, had already drawn a beautiful arc like lightning and headed straight for the silver-level mutant beasts.

The tapirs, who were leisurely eating tender grass, never thought that disaster would come from the sky before they could react.

"Puff!" A huge head shot up into the sky, and the blood gushing out quickly dyed a large area of ​​grass red.

The remaining three tapirs were immediately startled, and looked around in panic for the enemy. One tapir was ready to run away.

"Puff, puff!" Two cold lights flashed, and two more big heads flew into the air.

The last tapir ran away in an instant, completely frightened.

What's going on?

Where did this enemy come from?

Why did several companions suddenly die?

Stop talking nonsense, run first...

Xu Youran would definitely not let it escape like this. The movement here has alarmed Lianna.

The silver-level tapir fled madly, and the tree trunks blocking the road were broken one after another. The terrified tapir also made strange sounds of "squeak, squeak, squeak..." while running.

Lianna stared at that direction vigilantly, and glanced at Xu Youran with a puzzled look.

Xu Youran smiled slightly, "Five hundred meters to the left rear, there is a herbivorous tapir, you go and practice? The surroundings are safe, I will be on guard."

Lianna immediately understood what he meant. A single silver-level mutant beast, and a herbivorous one, is a good target for practice. "Okay!"

Before he finished speaking, he had already rushed in the direction indicated by Xu Youran.

Xu Youran also followed behind, lagging behind a few hundred meters slowly.

His consciousness and flying sword always focused on that direction. If Lianna was in danger, his flying sword could kill the tapir instantly.

The herbivorous mutant beast, the tapir, can survive in the dangerous Amazon jungle because of its huge size, thick skin and strong reproductive ability.

As for its combat power, it is definitely a level 5 scum.

The mutant beast's escape speed is still too slow for Lianna, who has awakened three times.

Lianna caught up with the mutant beast, pulled out a lightning arc with both hands, and pounced on it frantically.

A big battle began. Lianna's short blade, lightning arc, and lightning constantly caused huge damage to the mutant beast.

The mutant beast with thick skin and flesh was not to be outdone and counterattacked frantically.

Xu Youran was on the side, leisurely harvesting the spoils. The retractable soft nose on the tapir's body was the most valuable material on it.

Fortunately, the size was not large and could be put in the backpack. The number was too small, and Xu Youran was too lazy to call for people to clean up the mess.

The battle over there was still going on, and the sound of trees breaking was constantly heard, and the tapir's crazy collision could not be easily ignored.

It knocked down several trees as thick as a person, and shoveled up the soil and grass on the ground while running.

Lianna was very agile and flexible, and used the tactics of swimming and fighting to constantly consume the vitality of the tapir.

Xu Youran picked up the golden sword hanging on his waist and began to cut the hind leg of a tapir.

He had low requirements for food. The concentration of spiritual energy in the jungle was very high, and meditating for a while was enough to maintain the normal functioning of his body.

But Lianna couldn't do that. She needed enough food to be converted into energy to maintain high-intensity combat.

A huge hind leg was cut off by Xu Youran, and he carried the thigh to the stream and began to wash it.

There are countless aquatic mutants and fish mutants in the Amazon River. The most frightening ones are piranhas, electric eels, anacondas, giant pythons, and black caimans.

However, such a stream in the forest naturally wouldn't have those ferocious mutants. There were only a few small fish, and it was unknown whether they were mutant or not.

Xu Youran was not polite either, and he also pierced all the small fish with his long sword.

The golden awakening skill that countless people wanted, or the golden long sword that countless people coveted, was used by him to cut thigh meat and pierce small fish.

If this scene was seen by others, he would probably be drowned by saliva.

After a sweep of his spiritual sense, he finally found that Lianna was still fighting over there. Although she was obviously in the upper hand, it might take some time.

Lianna was not just fighting, but she was honing her fighting skills and awakening skills while fighting.

It was rare to have such a good teacher who could guarantee her safety 100% and create such a good one-on-one opportunity for her.

Lianna naturally wanted to take this opportunity to hone her awakening skills.

Although she knew that she might be extremely far away from Xu Youran, she didn't want to be left too far behind.

Struggling between survival and death since childhood, she understood one thing very clearly.

If you rely on the mountain, the mountain will fall, and if you rely on people, people will run away. Only by relying on yourself can you eat enough.

Even if Xu Youran really reigned over this world, she didn't want to be just a vase beside him.

Besides, with her honor, she could only be a broken vase at most.

Xu Youran hummed the samba tune she learned from other students while collecting dry branches.

After cleaning the long hair on the hind legs, he cleaned the palm-sized fish.

He took out a few small metal cans from his backpack, which contained salt, chili powder and other seasonings.

Other students' backpacks were full of compressed food and medicines. In addition to blankets and sleeping bags, his backpack also contained seasonings and toiletries, a standard camping set.

The battle on the battlefield over there finally ended. Although Lianna was not injured, she was exhausted.

She was panting heavily, cutting off the nose of the mutant beast, and looking around.

Xu Youran sent a message to her with his spiritual consciousness, "Three hundred meters to the east, there is a stream, I'm here."

Lianna shook her head helplessly. This cousin was getting more and more amazing, and she didn't even need to call.

When she rushed over, she saw Xu Youran's cleaned thighs, a few small fish on the golden sword, and a pile of dead branches next to it.

Lianna was shocked. What was going on?

Did her cousin really think they were camping?

Xu Youran looked at the panting Lianna and waved his hand quickly, "Hurry up and make a few arcs and start a fire."

"What are you going to do?" Lianna pointed at what Xu Youran had carefully prepared in surprise.

"Barbecue, what else should we eat tonight?" Xu Youran pointed to the sky as if it was a matter of course, "It's going to be dark soon, we'll stay here tonight."

"Fuck! You're barbecuing in the Amazon jungle?" Liana was completely confused. How big of a heart does her cousin have?

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