Virus Throne

Chapter 319. First meeting with the Conqueror

Xu Youran's body is still on the way, the Great Qin Destroyer Legion has begun to board the plane, the coalition forces in Madagascar have begun to mobilize manpower, and the awakened ones in the temple defense base are entering the wormhole.

The weakest link among them is the temple defense base, which can even be said to be a mob.

Having never experienced any battles, the three forces each have their own plans, but they have to shoulder the heaviest responsibility to resist the first wave of offensive from the Conqueror Legion.

The warriors of Da Qin knew very well how powerful the enemy they were about to face was.

The awakened members of the sect were somewhat dubious.

The Awakeners of the European and American Alliance are completely forced to operate.

But on the surface they were scolding each other, as if they had been tricked by Da Qin, but in fact they were secretly happy in their hearts.

Only twelve fourth-time awakeners can be selected to enter the ruins to explore.

Those who have awakened five times are not allowed to enter the ruins. This is the condition set by Great Qin.

Seeing those who have awakened four times and gain something every time they come out of the ruins, these lord-level experts have already become anxious.

Now, no matter what the reason is, Da Qin foolishly let them enter the ruins, and they will definitely make a fortune.

From a data point of view, the temple defense base is actually the strongest.

A total of twenty-two people have awakened five times, nearly five hundred people have awakened four times, and more than 10,000 people have awakened three times.

A large number of third-time awakeners mainly come from the sect’s numerous training camps located on the South American continent.

Many acquaintances of Xu Youran and Liana are in this team.

Ace, Elton, Connie, Oriel, Tyrant Bear, Elder, Arrita...

Many of the acquaintances were still three-time awakeners, but they followed the large army into the wormhole.

When a group of five-time awakeners entered the transit star first, they saw a tall, dark figure standing not far from the wormhole.

Seeing a group of masters, the figure just said hello in the distance and made a few gestures with his hand.

Everyone saw a green wolf mask on his face and looked at Zhang Zhan with some curiosity.

"This is Major General Xu's Nascent Soul body. Major General Xu's body can arrive in thirty minutes." Zhang Zhan took a deep breath and said solemnly, "The Conqueror still has twenty minutes to arrive. We must at least survive. Just ten minutes.”

Experts from other forces indeed saw Xu Youran's Nascent Soul body on the transit star.

At the same time, he was also infected by the heavy atmosphere of the Great Qin warriors, and the doubts in his heart began to slowly dispel.

"Fake! There can't really be any conqueror..."

"If Da Qin is lying to us, his acting skills are too good, right?"

"We have so many experts here, so there shouldn't be any problems..."

All the experts from the European and American Leagues were beating in their hearts.

The masters of Da Qin and the sect were also very worried.

Xu Youran had been describing the power of the conquerors, but they had not witnessed it with their own eyes.

Therefore, there is no accurate understanding of the strength of the conqueror.

The reason why Xu Youran chose the battlefield near the wormhole was carefully considered.

On the surface, the situation on Earth and Star seems to be peaceful, but in fact there are turbulent undercurrents beneath the calm water.

There are also pioneers who are lurking in the secrets, but have not been dug out.

Just now he just spied on it from a distance, not daring to get too close.

But that powerful momentum and invincible belief had already made him feel a little desperate.

What came over this time was not a large army of conquerors, but it was definitely a lot of people.

Once there is a slight negligence, it will be too difficult to let the conqueror enter the wormhole and find the conqueror on such a large planet.

Many conquerors are no different from the Earthlings. Mixing into the billions of Earthlings is like a drop of water mixing into a vast ocean.

The damage such a conqueror can cause on Earth will be immeasurable.

If the conquered discover the contradiction between the Earth and Star forces and take advantage of it, there is no need to resist at all and they can just wait to die.

Therefore, he placed the battlefield near the wormhole to prevent conquerors from sneaking into the Earth Star.

Unfortunately, he is only the body of Nascent Soul, not a clone, and cannot communicate with others normally. Otherwise, he should be able to better arrange the defense line.

He had described the power of the Conqueror Legion many times to the senior officials of the Great Qin Military and the Religion.

But he still felt that it was not enough. Many things cannot be described in words and need to be experienced by himself.

Even if the strength can form a crushing force, the conqueror will never rush forward or be greedy for merit.

All the virtues of a perfect warrior can be found in these conquerors.

A journey of several hundred kilometers, but more than a thousand strong men walked for nearly an hour.

Every conqueror knows that once entering the battlefield, self-preservation is always the first priority.

Be careful a thousand times. If you neglect it once, there may be no future.

There are countless opportunities to gain military exploits, but only one chance to lose your life.

No matter how much you look down on the natives like Dixing mentally, you must not make mistakes tactically.

There were sentries in all directions to explore the road, and strong men in the sky and on the ground were on guard. The large forces maintained a standardized battle formation and advanced steadily.

More and more coalition awakeners are entering the transit star.

The soldiers of Da Qin were solemn and solemn, and they were alert and ready.

The awakened members of the sect looked left and right, looking here and there, as if they didn't care.

The Awakeners of the European and American League were arming arms, laughing and joking, and even whistled when they saw the beauty, as if they were here for a trip.

The face under the mask of the Nascent Soul Body was still expressionless, but he was extremely anxious.

He saw many acquaintances among the awakened people of the cult, and he also wanted to remind them of some precautions.

But the war was coming, and it was too late to say anything at this time.

He had said too many times about the Conqueror, and he was tired of it.

But how many people really took it to heart and took it seriously?

Ace, who was holding a cigar in the crowd, waved to him, still looking lazy, but with a firm light in his eyes.

That was Ace's enthusiasm for fighting and Ace's trust in Xu Youran.

Many people around him thought that Xu Youran had deceived everyone, but Ace believed in Xu Youran like Lianna and others.

He also waved to Ace, but he was still a long distance away from the main force.

Under the command of the Great Qin Military, more than 10,000 awakened people lined up not far from the wormhole.

But it felt more like a group of comedians than a powerful military formation.

Xu Youran could only pray in his heart, hoping that there would not be too many conquerors coming this time.

Although this was unrealistic, it might be the only way for this group of people to survive.

He had followed the conquerors on missions before, and knew the ruthlessness and caution of these professional warriors.

A lion fights a rabbit with all its strength. All the conspiracies, tricks, and tactical formations are illusory in the face of overwhelming strength.

If you can fight two against one, you will never fight one against one, even if you are facing ordinary people, who are absolutely weak.

He did not see the battle of the twelve awakeners with his own eyes, but the battle just now perfectly confirmed his point of view.

Facing the defenseless weak fourth awakener, a conqueror killed him with force.

When the enemy thought they were confident of their strength and were ready to fight alone, other warriors had already launched a sneak attack.

Facing an enemy that had obviously lost its combat effectiveness, one person had to feint and the other one had to attack from behind.

This is the conqueror, and celebrating the victory alive is what they want to see.

Xu Youran sighed secretly, slowly floated in the air, and looked into the distance.

It's almost there... It's almost there... Getting closer... Getting closer...

The sense of crisis in the dark became stronger and stronger, and her heart was beating violently and crazily.

Xu Youran's body, which was hurtling in the stratosphere at ten times the speed of sound, was still desperately stimulating her vitality.

The powerful mobility of the Nascent Soul cultivator was brought to the extreme.

If the Earth was given another ten years of development time...


Even if the Earth was given another three years of development time, the cultivation level of all awakened people would be improved by a level.

The Earth would not be so passive, and Xu Youran would not be so nervous.

But there is no if, the Conqueror has no humanity at all, and only brings destruction.

It's almost there... It's almost there... Getting closer... Getting closer...

The vague outline of the South American continent seemed to be in sight.

The Nascent Soul body suspended in the sky saw the Conqueror first.

Finally, the Conqueror arrived before Xu Youran's body arrived.

It seemed that the earth began to tremble slightly, although the vibration was so subtle.

Many masters in the coalition were attracted to the attention, and more people began to calm down.

Depression, tension, and anxiety seemed to be contagious. Everyone began to become serious involuntarily and looked at the distant horizon.

All humans on the Earth, except Xu Youran, were the first to see the true face of the Conqueror.

Two captains of the five awakeners who were responsible for outpost reconnaissance slowly appeared in the eyes of everyone suspended in the air.

In order to maintain the battle formation, the position of the sentinel was not too far away from the main force.

In order to prevent being killed instantly by the enemy, but unable to pass on military information to the main force in time.

These two five awakeners, one wearing a red mecha and the other wearing a golden mecha, were about five meters tall.



"Oh my god!"

"It turns out to be true!"

The lord-level strongmen of the European and American Alliance and the Church exclaimed.

Many things are like this. It is better to see it once in person than to hear others say it a hundred times.

The moment he saw the two mechas, all of Xu Youran's descriptions of the Conqueror immediately came to his mind clearly.

The five-meter-tall combat mechas, if according to the news he brought back, should all be made of diamond-grade materials.

It was equivalent to two Xu Youran using the Iron Body. This intuitive comparison of strength immediately made everyone's heart sink to the bottom.

"Is that the Conqueror?" Zhang Zhan narrowed his eyes and asked in a deep voice.

The Nascent Soul Body turned around and nodded. According to convention, the two sentinels would not attack.

Sure enough, when everyone saw the two sentinels, the two sentinels also saw the more than 10,000 awakeners.

Although the distance was still far, they reacted quickly and turned around and left without any hesitation.

This is a real professional warrior. All the showmanship, showing off, probing, mocking, arrogance, and pretense are completely non-existent.

Turn back, join the main force, crush them with strength, and crush all enemies.

This is the Conqueror's tactics, without any fancy, simple, pure, direct, and effective.

Not only is his IQ online, it is even far above the average.

The moment they saw the two giant mechas in the sky in the distance, more than 10,000 awakened members of the coalition fell into a dead silence.

A giant mecha full of explosive power, a three-meter-long sword flashing with a cold and chilling light, and a row of ferocious gun barrels on the shoulders...

The earth was shaking more and more violently. Although no more conquerors were seen, the invisible murderous aura in the air made it almost impossible for everyone to breathe.

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