Virus Throne

Chapter 355. Shortcut to Immortality

In the Earth-Star Alliance Combat Command, the dull and depressing atmosphere lasted for a long time.

Apart from the somewhat promising speculation that something might have gone wrong with the Conqueror's teleportation wormhole, there is no other good news.

But what if something goes wrong with the teleportation wormhole?

What to do with these four thousand conquerors now?

I can't fight and I can't hide, I can't hide.

Their home is behind them, where can they hide?

Even if Xu Youran is handed over, it will only cause Earth Star to be destroyed faster.

Xu Youran's injuries this time were not as serious as last time.

All major organizations will still do their best to collect spirit stones for him to use for recovery.

The number one combat power of the Earth Star is not just talk.

More than 80% of the results of this battle were created by Xu Youran alone.

Since the research couldn't produce any results, we had no choice but to break up the meeting and go back to rest.

More than sixty of Earth Star's strongest combatants left the command center with pale faces.

When Xu Youran walked out of the headquarters, soldiers coming and going in a hurry were carrying out treatment work in an orderly manner.

The consciousness swept out, and many soldiers were returning to the transit star one after another, and many wounded were lying in the field hospital.

Diamond quality medicine has miraculous effects in medical treatment, but it is not a panacea.

Moreover, Xu Youran's scope of care was limited, and many people did not receive timely treatment on the battlefield.

In the field hospital, he also found many familiar faces.

Clark was lying on the hospital bed with a pale face, obviously having passed out due to excessive blood loss.

One of his arms was missing, and the powerful vitality of the Wood Awakener could not restore the severed limb.

Zhang Tianbing, a doctor by training, is now lying in the hospital with only one breath left.

All the bones in his body were broken, his internal organs were ruptured, and even the gods could not save him.

Xu Youran walked to the field hospital with a heavy heart, his consciousness still expanding the scope of his exploration.

Dongfang Bai and others were fine, but Liana was in severe physical exhaustion due to turning on the rampage mode, and fell asleep in her barracks.

Sitting on the sofa nearby, looking at Liana with blank eyes.

Thousands of conquerors brought not only fear to the Earth-Star Alliance forces, but also a sense of despair.

Arriving at the field hospital, Xu Youran endured the stinging pain in his mind and gave each of the hundreds of wounded a life-threatening release.

Seeing the color slowly returning to Clark's face, he came to Zhang Tianbing's bed.

Many familiar comrades were there, and when they saw Xu Youran, they nodded and said hello.

He pursed his lips tightly, sat on the chair beside the bed, and slowly reached out and grabbed Zhang Tianbing's palm.

Zhang Tianbing, who was on his deathbed, seemed to recognize Xu Youran.

Pulling the plug gave him some relief from the pain, but it couldn't save his life.

He tilted his head slightly and put on a smile that was uglier than crying.

Xu Youran shook his hand hard, her eyes turning red.

Thinking of those days fighting side by side and those days sleeping in the helicopter cabin, I have mixed feelings but don’t know where to start.

Their acquaintance was not a happy one, but their interactions were pleasant, and their cooperation in battle was even more tacit.

In order to help Xu Youran hold back the gold-level violent ape, Zhang Tianbing and Guo Ziping did not choose to retreat, but rushed forward without hesitation.

All these scenes flashed before Xu Youran's eyes, as if it was just yesterday, but now they are about to be separated forever.

He raised his head and looked at Guo Ziping, who was also seriously injured and was sitting in a wheelchair.

He looked at the dying Zhang Tianbing with despair. The muscles on his face seemed to be a little distorted. It could be seen that he was trying his best to control his emotions.

Ever since Xu Youran disappeared, he had been fighting in a team with Zhang Tianbing for such a long time.

There is great terror between life and death, but true love can only be seen between life and death.

The comrades-in-arms friendship intertwined with blood and fire made it really difficult for him to accept this result.

Xu Youran's throat was dry and his voice was hoarse. He still wanted to say something, "Lao Zhang, we will take good care of your family. Is there anything else you want to say?"

If the earthen pot is not broken outside the well, the general will inevitably die in battle.

Everyone here is an outstanding soldier of the Great Qin Army, and they are used to seeing life and death on the battlefield where they live and die in seconds.

You can be sad and cry, but you will never be pretentious.

The energy that had just been restored was slowly passed through the palm of his hand, giving Zhang Tianbing a glimmer of vitality again.

His eyes seemed to be brighter and the expression on his face softened a lot.

Everyone knows that this is a moment of reflection, this is the last moment of his life.

He trembled his lips slightly and said intermittently, "Youran, thank... thank... you."

Then he turned his head and looked at Guo Ziping, "Old Guo, follow... follow Youran, well... do your best. Protect Da Qin for me... for me..."

Xu Youran's eyes were red and she patted the back of his hand gently, "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, Da Qin will never fall. Is there anything else you want to say? What words can you leave for your parents?"

Zhang Tianbing's twisted face seemed to force out an awkward smile, "Oh... it's a pity that I'm not married yet... I don't even have a girlfriend..."

Many soldiers around him couldn't help laughing, but turned their heads, laughing and crying at the same time.

"Sigh...Looking at your worthless look, women will only affect the speed of drawing our swords." Xu Youran held back her tears and comforted him with a smile, "We are all singles, and we are all here with you."

"You?" Zhang Tianbing curled his lips in disdain, but it seemed that his injury was aggravated, and the corners of his mouth were twitching in pain, "You are different. Youran, Lao Guo, live..."

His voice suddenly became much louder, he looked up at his comrades around him, and shouted, " all have to live..."

After shouting this, Zhang Tianbing's head hit the pillow again, and he murmured, "Although, it is not all have to live..."

Xu Youran held his hand tightly, and Guo Ziping gritted his teeth.

Zhang Tianbing's eyes suddenly opened wide and looked at the ceiling, as if there was an infinitely beautiful world waiting for him there.

The spirit in his eyes became more and more shining, and a soft and warm smile appeared on his face, "I have no regrets in entering China in this life, and I will be a flower grower in the next life..."

Before he finished speaking, his eyes lost their spirit in an instant, and he exhaled in one breath and there was no sound anymore.

Major Battalion Commander Zhang Tianbing died heroically at the age of 32.

Xu Youran slowly let go of Zhang Tianbing's hand, which was still warm, and raised her hand to stroke his eyes. He would sleep forever in the darkness, but his spirit and will would never die.

Slowly stood up and saluted Zhang Tianbing's body.

The comrades around him also raised their hands to salute. Guo Ziping put down his saluting hand and finally could no longer suppress his sadness, tears rolling down.

The captive breeding plan of the advanced civilization in the universe is the life and death separation of countless people on the indigenous planet.

The torrent of fate rolled forward, and countless people stood up to block the giant ship, but were crushed to pieces.

But the fire of faith in the pursuit of freedom will never be extinguished.

Generation after generation, they took up the sword and walked towards death without hesitation.

They regarded sacrifice as a shortcut to immortality.

Their names will be engraved on the monument to heroes, and they are inspiring more comrades to move forward courageously.

Xu Youran raised his head in a trance, glanced around, and asked hoarsely, "Where is Zhang Haiyang?"

Guo Ziping, who was crying, seemed to have lost the ability to think, and just stared at Zhang Tianbing's body.

A soldier beside him sobbed and said, "Deputy Battalion Commander Zhang, died. The body... the body was all broken..."

Xu Youran's heart ached again, and another comrade-in-arms left this world.

The big bearded man who fought side by side at the beginning was gone, and even his body was gone...

He nodded silently, bit his lips tightly, slowly separated the crowd, and walked out of the field hospital.

In the dead silence of the human base, everyone was immersed in great grief and despair.

The full of grief and anger suppressed in his heart, making it seem that even breathing became extremely difficult for him.

He wanted to roar to the sky and vent the rage in his heart, but his whole body seemed to have no strength, and even speaking became a burden.

With heavy steps, he slowly came to Lianna's barracks.

Knocked on the door and pushed it open.

Sitting on the sofa, she was a little dazed.

When she was in the battle just now, she didn't seem to feel anything.

But after returning to the base, she felt like she had escaped death and was in another world.

Recalling every detail of the battlefield, she was only a hair's breadth away from death countless times.

If she was a little slower, she would die.

If she was a little faster, she would die too.

She didn't react until she saw Xu Youran slowly walk into the door.

She immediately jumped off the sofa and threw herself into Xu Youran's arms. Tears seemed to have opened the floodgates and rushed.

Xu Youran hugged her tightly and buried his head in her hair.

There was no girl's hair fragrance, no charming reverie, only a strong bloody smell that lingered.

After a long time, he gently patted her back and said hoarsely, "Don't be afraid, I'm still here, and your uncle is still here."

He nodded vigorously, and his mental state improved a lot. He let go of Xu Youran and wiped the tears from his face with his hands.

This proud beauty seemed like a wronged child at this moment.

Xu Youran raised his hand and gave her a spur to help her recover, and waved to Lianna, who was still in a coma, to spur her as well.

He helped her sit back on the sofa, "Have a good rest, I still have things to do..."

The pale face regained some color, and he nodded obediently.

Walking out of the room, Xu Youran stumbled and shook his body.

Overdrawn, his body had long been overwhelmed.

The soldier next to him saw it and hurried to help him up.

Xu Youran smiled, shook his head, and indicated that he didn't need anyone to help him.

At this time, he couldn't fall down, let alone dare to fall down.

Everyone in the world is watching him. If he falls, hope will fall...

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