Virus Throne

Chapter 572. One is missing

Xu Youran, who was in the hellish purgatory, had his five senses sealed off. While he had almost no ability to observe the outside world, his perception of himself became more acute.

And as time went by, this perception would become more and more acute.

This acute perception brought endless and intense pain.

In this repeated torture that was worse than death, Xu Youran wanted to cry, but he couldn't.

He wanted to scream, but he couldn't make any sound.

The damage caused by the Yinfeng Belt was not fatal, but just countless fine wounds that scraped off his flesh layer by layer.

Then he was burned again by the blazing high temperature and irradiated by the light, which burned the countless fine wounds.

People always say to sprinkle salt on the wound, but the blazing high temperature and radiation are countless times more painful than salt.

He himself was thinking that if he died here one day, he would definitely die of pain.

Every second here seemed as long as a century to him, and time had almost no meaning.

He didn't know what he was still insisting on, nor what he was still looking forward to.

From the initial expectation, to the later disappointment, and then to the final despair.

He would rather die now than continue to endure this pain.

But since he had entered the Infernal Purgatory, even death was a luxury.

When people are in extreme pain, they will go into a coma to protect themselves, but he couldn't even fall into a coma.

What kind of place is the Infernal Purgatory? Where would prisoners be allowed to faint and escape from pain?

In a daze, he didn't know how much time had passed, maybe a day, maybe a year, or a hundred years.

He felt different. The chains that bound him seemed to be released, and someone was holding him and running all the way.

The change in his physical sensation made him know that he should leave the Infernal Purgatory. The extreme pain could finally stop.

He felt that every cell in his body was cheering, and the excited Xu Youran wanted to cry again.

Without the baptism of the Infernal Purgatory, he would never understand that he would be so happy after losing all the power to resist, being tied up by chains, and being held in someone's hand.

Without the endless pain and torture, he finally returned to the world again.

As if he was too unsightly in this state, someone put a robe on him to cover his body.

There were countless fine wounds and layers of burnt blood scabs.

No blood seeped out because his blood was almost drained out.

At the moment when he finally left the Infernal Purgatory, Xu Youran was thinking in his heart that he could do anything now, even death.

As long as he didn't have to go back to the Infernal Purgatory again, he could do anything.

Even though he was a tough man, his will almost collapsed completely after going through the Infernal Purgatory.

He felt that he seemed to have walked a long way in the robe, and then was thrown on the ground and lay for a long time.

Although he lost his mental power and closed his five senses, he still keenly noticed that there seemed to be some people around him.

He didn't know how many people there were, but their situations should be similar to his own.

Could it be other members of the Illusion Brigade?

In the darkness, he continued to silently wait for the unknown fate.

Is this going to execute himself?

But if he wanted to execute himself, there was no need to go through so much trouble. He would die sooner or later if he was thrown into the Infernal Purgatory.

However, he finally left the Infernal Purgatory.

If there was a hell in this world, it would definitely not be more terrifying than the Infernal Purgatory.

Finally, he was caught again.

When he was thrown to the ground, it seemed that there were many people around him. He could only vaguely feel that there were many people and didn't know where he was.

"Bang!" Someone slapped him on the head and removed the shielding of his five senses.

A vague halo appeared in front of his eyes. Although he still closed his eyes, he could feel the light.

The air was filled with a refreshing fragrance, and I didn't know where it came from.

He felt the bitterness and saltiness in his mouth. It was the blood that dried and condensed in his mouth, blocking his throat.

"Cough, cough, cough..." He lay on the ground, coughed violently, and spit out the dried blood clots in his mouth.

Although he left the Infernal Purgatory, the endless torture stopped.

But his miserable wounds were still there. When he moved slightly, he felt severe pain.

However, this kind of pain, compared with the pain in the endless purgatory, is like being in a happy paradise.

With the sea of ​​mental power sealed, he couldn't use his mental power to reduce the pain or repair his injuries.

At this moment, Xu Youran was only one breath away from death.

But after leaving the endless purgatory, even without mental power to recover, his body, which had been awakened and strengthened many times, began to recover slowly.

The pain remained, and the recovery was extremely slow.

"Hua La La..."

The sound of metal chains kept coming, and there must be many people with the same fate as him.

There were sounds of coughing, spitting blood, and many whispers in his ears.


Familiar exclamations.

He recognized it, it was the voice of Nüba.

Nüba had heard of the endless purgatory many times, but had never been there.

She didn't know what it would be like to enter the endless purgatory.

She only knew that it was the most dangerous place in the entire Void Mountain.

The most vicious thugs in the Void Mountain galaxy were imprisoned there.

None of the criminals imprisoned in the Infernal Purgatory can walk out alive.

What awaits them will be endless torture and pain until they are sentenced to death, or simply wait for death there.

She had imagined countless times what kind of torture Demon Slayer would suffer there.

But when eight chains dragged eight broken "corpses" into the hall, she found that she still underestimated the horror of the Infernal Purgatory.

Needless to say, it was almost impossible to tell which one was Xu Youran. She couldn't even confirm that they were eight people, eight living people.


From the weak breathing of these "corpses", she could feel that there were only six living people, and two were real corpses.

The two silent corpses, although wrapped in robes, seemed to have been cut into pieces and experienced countless high-temperature burns.

They were almost two skeletons with countless fine cracks on them, which was horrible.

Even though she had been to interstellar battlefields and seen countless bloody scenes, she still wanted to vomit after seeing this scene. She was so horrified that she wanted to vomit.

She was also very panicked, so panicked that her hands and feet were sore that she could hardly stand.

She couldn't tell which one was Xu Youran from the appearance. She was very afraid that he would be one of the two dead.

Her heart was beating wildly, and she covered her mouth with both hands, not daring to make a sound.

She didn't scream until Xu Youran struggled to get up and started vomiting blood.

Among the six living people, she found Xu Youran, although he was unrecognizable.

In fact, the two of them had practiced together for many days, and their souls had merged, so she could completely sense it.

It was just that the scene was so shocking that she almost lost her ability to think.

After clarifying which "corpse" Xu Youran was, her eyes immediately turned red.

Could it still be considered a person?

It couldn't even be called a complete corpse.

Even though she was wrapped in a robe, all the parts of her body that were exposed outside her clothes were too miserable to look at directly.

She wanted to rush over and pick up Xu Youran right now, but she knew she couldn't, and she even had to deliberately hide her thoughts and feelings.

She wanted to completely draw a line between her and him, and use his death to prove her innocence.

Of course, she had to die after her father's trial.

Xu Youran slowly opened his eyes, and the dazzling light made it almost impossible for him to see anything for a short time.

Until he slowly adapted to the light, he raised his head with difficulty.

This was an extremely huge and magnificent hall, and there seemed to be many people in the hall.

Although there were so many people, he still saw Nüba at first sight.

There seemed to be an extremely huge throne standing high in the distance.

Nüba stood under the throne, covering her mouth with her hands, and a glimmer of crystal flashed in her eyes.

Although he had not been in the endless purgatory for a long time, it seemed like a lifetime ago to him.

He wanted to say hello to Nüba, but he couldn't raise his hand, so he had to force a smile.

But his face, which looked like an evil ghost, looked so scary and horrifying at the moment, and had nothing to do with a smile.

Nüba didn't respond to him, but just stood there blankly.


Xu Youran's heart moved, and he raised his head a little more with difficulty and looked above the throne.

This was the first time he saw the legendary Supreme of Void Mountain, Emperor Xuanyuan.

It was such a majestic figure, with a handsome and resolute face and deep eyes, as if he contained the endless starry sky.

The dazzling light fell, and the figure of Emperor Xuanyuan was like a god.

There were two peerless beauties sitting next to him. I think they should be the wives of Emperor Xukong. One of them had some similarities with Nüba's eyebrows.

That should be Nüba's mother, Concubine Tongyu, who was really beautiful.

Xu Youran was thinking about all sorts of things. When he got here, he knew very well that his life was about to end.

Is he going to convict himself and sentence him to death?

Alas, No, No die.

The ancients never lied to me.

He turned his head again with difficulty and looked around.

A handsome man in brocade robes stood with Nüba. What did he do?

I don't know, and I don't care. It has nothing to do with me anyway.

The three old men were all wearing formal official uniforms. Nüba was standing, but the three of them were sitting. They seemed to have high status.

Whether it was the Void Emperor, the young man in brocade robes, or the three old men, each of them was amazing.

The overwhelming pressure made him easily judge that they were all awakened seven times even if he lost his mental power.


That was Prince Shaohao. We killed his people and robbed his things.

Xu Youran could only barely move his head, his whole body was still sealed, and his mind was very slow and confused.


There are so many seven awakeners, any one of them can easily kill him.

He turned his head again and saw several other "corpses" that were moving with difficulty.

Seven people, two of them are dead.

But it doesn't matter, you just go ahead, we will come later.

Who is so anxious and walks so fast?

After careful identification, he can barely identify them.


Kenshin is dead, and the other dead one should be Zhumie.

Who else survived?

Wuxie, Raizen, Mephisto, Jijie, Zhusheng.

Unexpectedly, the little girl Zhusheng was so strong and could last longer than her brother.

But judging from the situation, he was not far away from death, just one breath away.


Let's all hit the road together in a while.

Two are dead and five are alive. Including myself, there are eight people.

Why is one missing?


Where did Hisoka go?

Xu Youran's mind was confused and he didn't react for a while.

Obviously we went to nine people, but we still had to arrest nine people.

Why is there one person missing?

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