Virus Throne

Chapter 627. Between Life and Death

The Miluo crocodile had just been awakened, and had not yet revealed its full appearance. Reading

It only raised its huge horns that had turned into two small mountains, and its black hole-like mouth opened and closed at will. For the awakened and mutant beasts fighting in the sky, it was like the end of the world.

If the doomsday-level strongman Xu Youran had seen before was a calm and deep starry sky.

The Miluo crocodile at this moment was a raging silent sea.

Before Li Weixuan's knife fell, Xu Youran just turned his head and glanced.

In a flash, several awakened people and hundreds of mutant beasts were all covered by the Miluo crocodile's mouth.

Although the Miluo crocodile was extremely large, its movements were as fast as lightning. This might be just a normal operation for it, but it was a disaster for these people.

The terrifying strength of the doomsday-level strongman finally made Xu Youran, who had always been unscrupulous, feel a little awe.

The next moment, he might be crushed to pieces and buried in the belly of the Miluo crocodile.

It opened its mouth so wide, it was definitely not for yawning.

Xu Youran, with his hair standing on end, was extremely conscious, and all the billions of brain cells in his brain were mobilized.

He had survived several near-death experiences before, and in addition to luck, strength and a strong will to survive were also the top priorities.

This time, he was facing a complete crushing in strength, leaving him with no power to fight back, and even escaping became a luxury.

"Ding!" At the critical moment, in this one thousandth of a second, Xu Youran slashed Li Weixuan's long sword with his sword.

This was the second time Li Weixuan attacked him. The first time, he used the power of the Star-Destroying Hand and the long sword to escape the encirclement, which was equivalent to Li Weixuan helping him.

This time, he resolutely chose to let Li Weixuan help him. Xu Youran was ready to borrow the power of Li Weixuan's sword to escape.

However, this time Li Weixuan might not have the good luck like last time. Xu Youran planned to let Li Weixuan, who was used to sneak attacks, be a scapegoat.

"Boom!" The violent shock wave exploded, and the two people who collided were like two kites with broken strings, and were blown away by the shock wave.

However, there was a big difference between these two kites. Li Weixuan used the momentum to unload the force, which was the combat habit of most awakened people, and could reduce the damage as much as possible.

Xu Youran went all out, not only the power of the five elements, but also mixed with vitality.

At this critical moment of life and death, he could not communicate or reason with the Miluo crocodile at all, so he didn't care whether he was exposed or not.

What's more, the two people were blown away in completely opposite directions. It was unknown whether Li Weixuan could react to the problem and send a message in time.

"Boom!" Xu Youran used the power of Li Weixuan's sword to activate the power of elements, vitality, spiritual awareness, mental scanning, star force field traction, and starry sky walking body movement. He used all his life's strength to fly backwards.

Not only did he not resist the powerful force of Li Weixuan's sword, he even used it to accelerate himself.

Li Weixuan was a sixth-time awakener after all. This sword was angry and sneak attacked with full force. If he couldn't kill this wild awakener, he would seriously injure him.

The violent power brought Xu Youran not only acceleration, but also extremely serious injuries, but he didn't care at all.

Li Weixuan was blown away at a very fast speed, and Xu Youran was more than ten times faster than him.

Seeing this wild awakener, who was hastily chopped away by his sword and vomited blood, Li Weixuan was ecstatic.

Although it seemed that there was a huge change under his feet, he didn't even have time to investigate in order to make a contribution with one sword.


You've been harassing us all the time, and this time I've finally dealt you a hard blow.

This knife definitely hurt him badly, and a few more knives would definitely kill him.

But why didn't he resist his own power, and seemed to use an inexplicable force to bombard his knife?

While Li Weixuan was ecstatic, he also had some doubts. The sword of the wild awakener seemed to be more than just elemental power.

Strange, what's going on?

It felt very strange. I've practiced for hundreds of years, but I seem to have never encountered it.

A strange thought suddenly emerged in my mind. Could it be...

Could it be that the power is the vitality of the cultivator?

Could this wild awakener be a cultivator?

Damn it!

Did I find a spy?

This is a rare achievement!

Although Li Weixuan has practiced for hundreds of years, he has never been to the interstellar battlefield.

I just heard my teacher and family describe the true qi and vitality of the cultivator, but I have never touched it, so I was a little confused for a while.

The true qi and vitality of the cultivator are completely different from the power of elements, and it is actually very easy to distinguish.

Once released, the awakened will be extremely sensitive.

It cannot be said that Li Weixuan is not alert enough, it can only be said that he has been in the greenhouse for too long and has forgotten what a cultivator is.

Suddenly Li Weixuan was startled again, as if something happened under his feet just now.

The situation around him seemed very wrong, and an extremely strong sense of crisis surged in his heart.

What happened?

The Miluo crocodile raised its head and opened its mouth. Its raging arrogance shocked everyone and the mutant beasts. Li Weixuan's knife and collision with Xu Youran actually happened only in this short moment.

The faster the speed, the slower the time. It seems as long as a century, but in fact it is only a short second.

And this second completely determines the life and death and fate of many people.

Li Weixuan attacked with a knife, and Xu Youran turned back and drew his sword.

This scene appeared on the light screen of the Liujiaweiyi command room, and the perspectives of other people also appeared on the light screen of Liujiaweiyi.

The ten natural disaster god generals could not feel the magnificent momentum of the Miluo crocodile that suppressed the world, but they could see the scenes on the battlefield from many angles.

This time, the direction in which Xu Youran flew backwards was outside the range of the Miluo crocodile's huge mouth.

However, due to the reaction force, Li Weixuan accelerated and fell into the huge mouth of the Miluo crocodile.

If Xu Youran could escape, Li Weixuan would definitely be credited with great credit. He contributed a very beautiful assist with his own life.

Yes, he used his own desperate situation to complete the redemption of Xu Youran.

The time was only a short second, but in the hearts of the ten strong men, it seemed as if ten thousand grass mud horses were running wildly.

This Li Weixuan was simply a hopelessly stupid pig.

Although both of them were within the range of the Miluo crocodile's huge mouth, it still took a moment for the mouth to close.

If he hadn't sneaked up with this knife, there might have been a slight chance of escaping.

But his perfect knife was not only used by the wild awakener as an opportunity to escape, but also sent himself into a desperate situation with no chance of survival.

If there was a selfless selection in the Southern Cross Nebula, Li Weixuan would definitely beat the crowd and become the supreme.

When he reacted, his mental power instantly probed out, and a huge mouth like a black hole was slowly closing.

The breath that made everyone tremble almost scared Li Weixuan to pee.


What is this?

Miluo crocodile!

It's over...

Only then did he react, why Xu Youran not only took all his strength, but also hit himself.

It turned out that the wild awakener was not weak, but wanted to quickly escape from this range to gain a glimmer of life.

And he himself foolishly became someone else's scapegoat, and he was actually happy about it.


So much hate!

I hate it so much!

Li Weixuan could no longer see the night sky, and there was no ground under his feet. The blood in his body seemed to stop flowing because of fear.

He seemed to smell the fishy smell of countless years of unbrushed teeth in the mouth of the Miluo crocodile.

The giant mouth seemed to close very slowly, but that was just a visual difference.

Because the mouth of the Miluo crocodile was really too big.

In the last moment of his life, Li Weixuan sent the last message of his life in the Kingdom of God system.

"Save me..."

"Buzz..." The giant mouth seemed to have just opened and closed casually once, and the surrounding space was torn into countless space cracks by the huge bite force.

Several powerful awakeners from the Southern Cross Nebula, including the natural disaster god Li Weixuan, and hundreds of mutant beasts, turned into meat paste in the huge mouth of the Miluo crocodile.

This little bit of dregs was not even enough to fill the teeth of the huge Miluo crocodile.

"Boom!" The edge of the giant mouth closed, and the violent shock wave blew away everything around.

Xu Youran, who flew backwards, barely avoided the giant mouth's bite this time, and survived again.

"Shua!" In order to make better use of this shock wave and escape further, Xu Youran subconsciously swung a sword.

Facing the doomsday-level mutant beast Miluo crocodile, his sword was like a mantis trying to stop a chariot, and he might not be able to break the defense.

But as a professional warrior, his rich battlefield experience told him that he must use this sword, otherwise it would be difficult to avoid the next bite of Miluo crocodile.

In the moment of life and death just now, he made the right judgment, otherwise his end would definitely be as miserable as Li Weixuan and others.

This time, relying on the rich experience accumulated from countless battles, he instinctively swung this sword.

I have a sword, destroy the city and capture the stronghold!

I have a sword, overturn the rivers and seas!

I have a sword, I am invincible!

I have a sword, slay demons and eliminate monsters!

Sword intent, exorcise demons!

Thousands of suns exploded in Xu Youran's hands, and more than a dozen sword lights condensed to the extreme, wrapped in the magnificent power of heaven, swept across the universe, slashed at the Miluo crocodile's mouth that opened again.

The five elemental powers merged, mixed with all the vitality of the late Nascent Soul cultivator, Xu Youran swung this sword with all his strength.

Yes, the Miluo crocodile was about to open its black hole-like mouth for the second time, and its huge head like a giant mountain seemed to have stuck out a little.

"Boom!" A shocking sound of a bang sounded.

Xu Youran was like a nuclear fusion artillery shell fired from a gun, and was directly blasted into the sky.

The Miluo crocodile was also stung by the power of Xu Youran's sword, and its lips were stung, and it subconsciously shrank its head.

Its huge mouth, which was still covered with rocks, weeds, trees, and wild flowers, seemed to be pierced by Xu Youran's sword, and faint red blood was overflowing.

"Roar!" The Miluo crocodile roared, and countless fine cracks appeared in the space.

Xu Youran had just been injured in the fight with Li Weixuan, and this time he was trying his best to attack a doomsday mutant beast.

The huge recoil not only accelerated his escape, but also made him more injured.

He spewed blood and fled madly.

The long sword was shattered, the ice armor was shattered, and the steel body was full of cracks, but he escaped again with his rich experience in survival.

Xu Youran seemed to be able to feel the cold sweat on his body, which was the cold sweat of all-out effort and the cold sweat of fear.

If it weren't for the last sword fight, he might have fallen into the giant mouth of the Miluo crocodile again.

No matter how fast he ran away just now, it would definitely not be faster than the speed of the Miluo crocodile sticking its head out to bite again.

He was lucky and powerful enough to avoid the first bite, and Li Weixuan "sacrificed his life to save him".

If the Miluo crocodile came again, he would definitely be finished.

Xu Youran admired himself, I am so damn smart.

The loud "boom" sound was accompanied by the roar of the Miluo crocodile.

This doomsday-level mutant beast, the true overlord of Liujia Star, and even the king of a nearby starry sky, was completely enraged by Xu Youran's sword.

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