Virus Throne

Chapter 726. Challenge Paris



"Bloodbath of Troy!"

"Kill Hector!"

"Kill Paris!"

"Long live Achilles!"

Dozens of Greek heroes raised their right fists and roared in unison, seemingly venting the endless sorrow and pain in their hearts.

Although the Trojans were repulsed in the sneak attack last night, the Greek army suffered heavy losses, which was the largest casualty since the war began.

Cross's death in battle completely angered Achilles and also angered the Greek heroes.

Wang Gangdan stood up, took a few steps forward and came to Achilles, holding several broken sword fragments in his hands, "Great Achilles, this is the master's broken sword. It was once your sword. The sword, let me return it to its original owner."

"Okay." Achilles took the fragments, raised his hand and touched them gently, his eye circles turning slightly red.

"Whoa!" He turned around, "Boom!" and punched the huge rock.

The vibration of landslides and ground cracks came, and Achilles had split a large crack in the huge reef.

"Crash... clang..." Achilles placed the fragments deep in the crack.

"Boom!" Achilles punched again, smashing the huge rock and completely burying the crack.

"Cross, I will bury our swords here. It will replace your eyes and see me bloody Troy!" Achilles waved his hand and pointed at the coalition camp, "Gather all my warriors in Greece, I will let Hector paid with blood!”



Achilles officially returned to the battlefield, and the entire Greek camp was in a state of excitement.


The sound of the trumpet resounded throughout the world, and the Greek army was on guard, with momentum like a rainbow.

On the wall of Troy more than ten kilometers away, the old Trojan King Priam hunched his back, squinted his cloudy eyes, and looked absently in the direction of the Aegean Sea.

Beside him was his queen, Hecuba, the mother of Hector and Paris, her face full of sorrow.

All the heroes of Troy stood in a row, all looking at the Aegean Sea in the distance.

On the sea of ​​endless future, there are thousands of large warships from Greece anchored.

Greek warriors, who were as numerous as ants, were carrying boxes of weapons and armor to the coast.

The warm sea breeze brought the salty smell of the sea water and the fragrance of blood. The wind was faintly mixed with the melodious sound of horns.

Hector's face was extremely calm, but his eyes betrayed his heart.

The moment he killed Cross, he knew that he had personally angered the bravest lion in Greece.

Today, he will face the most powerful enemy in the ten years since the war began, Achilles!

For this legendary hero, he admired, worshiped, hated, and feared...

Although I have never fought against each other, I am not unfamiliar with it either.

If he had killed Achilles last night, today would have been a feast for Troy.

But what he killed last night was Cross, the legendary hero's closest friend.

Today, he will face the raging wrath of this demigod.

Paris, who provoked the trouble, was actually helpless. He was just a trigger.

Without him, Paris, there might still be Chris, Reese...

Standing on the city wall, looking at the Greek army gathering in the distance, his whole body was trembling slightly.

Who can remain calm in the face of Achilles, who is closest to a god?

The entire city of Troy fell into silence. Everyone seemed to have a big stone pressing on their chests, and they were so nervous that they couldn't breathe.

The Trojan prince Hector killed Achilles' best friend, and the news spread throughout the city. Achilles' rage and grief horrified everyone.

"Ula!" "Hit me!"

Nearly 100,000 Greek warriors finally completed their assembly. Except for a few sailors left on the warship, everyone put on armor and picked up spears and swords.

Huge siege engines, towering catapults, chariots filled with giant crossbows, ladders, giant door-rammers...

All the siege weapons of the Greek army were ready. The nearly 100,000 troops were arranged in neat formation, with shining spears pointing to the sky and sharp swords in their hands.




Powerful horns sounded one after another, tens of thousands of cavalry were the first to clear the way, and the Greek army came out in full force, with such overwhelming momentum that it blocked the clouds and the sun.



A roar like a mountain roar and a tsunami came, and the legendary Greek hero could no longer suppress his rage.

What Hector and other Trojan heroes saw was the powerful pressure of the Greek army.

The old King Priam seemed to see more things. The clear sky began to become more and more gloomy as the army approached.

Achilles finally came, the person he least wanted to see, finally came.

It carries the wrath of heaven and brings the breath of death.

Priam's heart suddenly felt empty, as if he was about to lose one of his most beloved treasures.

Time flies like water, and heroes grow old.

He is old and can no longer hold a spear or a sword.

He looked around at the silent children and let out a long sigh.


The iron hooves of the Greek army gradually approached, the earth trembled under their feet, and there was a faint black air lingering in the sky. It was the shadow of Hades, the king of Hades, waiting to harvest the heroes who died in the battle.

A group of Greek heroes rode forward on warhorses that looked like monsters. The first one was nearly two meters tall, and his naked upper body was covered with scars and knotted muscles.

"Beat!" Agamemnon raised his spear and roared when he was still several kilometers away from the towering city walls of Troy.

"Ula!" Nearly a hundred thousand Greek warriors stopped in unison, roaring like a tsunami.

The city gate of Troy was not opened, and everyone stood on the city wall and stared blankly at this tiger and wolf army.

"Despicable Trojans, you are a disgrace to this land. The gods of Olympus are watching you, and you are ashamed of the sunshine and rain." Agamemnon was riding on a horse with incomparable steeds. The spear pointed at Troy, "You insidious and cunning shameless villains, come out and die, otherwise our army will wash your city with blood!"

Hector bowed slightly to Priam, faced the Greek army several kilometers away, and said loudly: "Greeks, your homeland is the land behind you. You are the ones who invaded Troy across the Aegean Sea. The real sinner!"

"Your shameless villain Paris came to our country, and we treated him as an honored guest. We received him with the richest food and the most fragrant wine, and even asked our wives and daughters to pour wine for him." Agamemnon roared. , "But what did Paris do? He stole our treasures and captured our wives and daughters. All the gods of Olympus were angry about this!"

"Hector, you are more insidious and cunning than Paris. When we were celebrating the festival, you led an army to sneak attack on our camp and killed our best friend. Today, it is not just me, Agamemnon, but also Agamemnon. Chileus also wants you to hand over your life!"

"Hahaha... hand over your life? What kind of etiquette do we need to treat you bloody and cruel invaders?" Hector looked up to the sky and laughed, "The only things that can greet you jackals are spears and sharp swords. Go back your homeland, or leave the body before Troy.”

"You want my body? Hahaha..." Agamemnon rode forward alone, "I'm right here. If you have the guts, come down and get it!"

"Click, click..." Mene also rode up and stood side by side with Agamemnon, "Paris, hand over my wife, and I will leave you with the whole body!"

"If you fight, then fight!" Hector roared, "Trojan warriors, open the city gates and kill the invaders!"

"Boom...Boom..." Troy's huge city gate opened, and thousands of Trojan cavalry swarmed out, followed by tens of thousands of Trojan warriors.

The Greek warriors uniformly wore iron-green armor, while the Trojan warriors wore dark brown armor. Both sides pointed their spears sharply at the other side.

Hector knew that he had to lead his army to attack and could not stay in the city and let the Greeks attack the city.

Those huge siege weapons will bring a devastating blow to Troy.

"Rumble..." Thunderous hoofbeats sounded, and dozens of Trojan heroes rode up to the front of the formation, equally murderous.

"Hector, let's not talk about your affairs. Your brother Paris is a coward. Since he dares to do such a thing that is outrageous to both humans and gods, he must have the courage to bear it." Agamemnon waved his hand and pointed at Mene, "My My brother Mene is here. He cannot bear the humiliation of having his wife taken away. He wants to have a fair fight with Paris. Do you dare?"



The Greek coalition forces shouted in unison, "Bang, bang, bang..." Countless spears hit the ground, shaking the mountain for a while.

Hector narrowed his eyes slightly, filled with murderous intent, and glanced back, only to find Paris hiding on the city wall, "Paris, come down and kill the person who insulted you, and use his blood to wash away your stains." name!"

"I...I..." When Paris saw the imposing Greek army, his legs were already shaking like chaff. He was speechless and speechless, and he did not dare to go down to fight.

Helen looked at Mene riding on a tall war horse under the city wall, with a brilliance in her eyes.

His beard and hair are slightly gray, he has aged a lot, and he must have suffered a lot over the years.

Although time is not forgiving, his strong, tall figure and heroic momentum are still the great hero of the Greeks.

She glanced at the timid Paris next to her with some disgust. He was just a young and handsome boy, sinister, despicable and shameless.

"Paris, pick up your sword, don't let me look down on you." Helen, the most beautiful woman, said contemptuously, "Mine is right there, go down and kill him, and then I will belong to you forever!"

When Priam heard Helen's words, he turned his head slightly and looked over with deep meaning.

With his rich experience in ruling Troy for many years, how could he not see the true purpose of the Greeks.

Helen is just a chess piece, and only the obsessed Paris would be so determined.

But this Paris was his own child, his favorite youngest son.

Or maybe over the years, I have been overly pampered, which has actually harmed Paris.

But who am I?

I am the King of Troy, how I pamper my children, that is my problem.

What right do the Greeks have to come to my city and kill my children?

"Paris, my child." Priam raised the scepter in his hand and gently tapped Paris on the shoulder, "Go, fight for your woman like a man, and be a Trojan hero! Even if you Even if you die in battle, I will be proud of you.”

As if he had received his father's instructions and blessings, Paris gradually stopped trembling, bowed deeply to Priam, hugged Helen again, and walked down the wall with his sword tightly in his hand.

"Click... Click..." Paris rode his warhorse and slowly appeared in front of the two armies.

"Huh..." Paris, who was fully armed, let out a long breath, looked back at Helen who was looking at him coldly on the wall, and finally made up his mind.

He turned his head and looked at Mene who was furious on the opposite side, "I, Paris, accept your challenge!"

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