Voiceover System From Konoha

Chapter 223 Investigation

In the middle of the night, Hokage's office was brightly lit, Tsunade Jiraiya, Mito Monyan went to sleep with Koharu.

All the high-level members of Konoha gathered.

Mitomonyan's face is not very good, Danzo can not care about the lives of the clansmen, and even abandon the clan at critical moments.

He couldn't do it, the family was as important as Konoha in his heart.

"Tsunade, the murderer is becoming more and more unscrupulous, and the old man dares to do it blatantly when he is still at home.

This time it was only an ordinary clansman who died, and the next time it will be the old man who will die for no apparent reason. "

It was rare for Mitomen to lose his temper, and his huge voice echoed in Hokage's office.

[Tsunade's face darkened in an instant, he didn't sleep in the middle of the night and listened to a bad old man yelling, Tsunade felt like he was going crazy]

[Tsunade has some doubts in his heart, this incident was directed and acted by a few old guys. 】

[Because of the Shimura family, Konoha has been under martial law for the past few days, and there are many dark ninjas on duty at night, and they even let the murderer succeed]

[Unless the murderer himself is hiding in the Mitomon family, Tsunade can't think of other possibilities]

Hokage's office fell into an eerie silence, and Jiraiya looked at Tsunade and Mitomon Yan, not knowing what to say.

Turning to bed Xiaochun didn't say a word, and she was not sure about this kind of thing. The purpose of this meeting was to force Tsunade to release Danzo.

Xiaochun is not sure whether Yan has reached some kind of agreement with Danzang, and based on her understanding of Danzang, she is proficient in doing such things.

Veins suddenly appeared on Mitomonyan's forehead, and Zilai was also a little worried that he would pull them directly.

"Nonsense, we directed and acted on our own to attack our own clansmen, Tsunade, you think we are fools, I, Mitomonyan, can't do this kind of thing."

[Mitomonyan said the righteous words, but he felt a little guilty in his heart. This familiar feeling, why is it a bit like Danzo's method, this is forcing the palace]

Tsunade glanced at Mitomonyan in surprise, hearing the narration, the old guy didn't participate.

Yan suddenly became angry: "What? Tsunade, you think the old man will participate in this kind of thing, and you underestimate the old man too much.

The old man wants to release Danzo because of Konoha, and he will use upright methods to discuss with you, instead of using these unsightly methods.

This incident will be investigated by the old man himself.

The murderer continued to attack the high-level clansmen, and he obviously had a huge hatred with the high-level Konoha. "

Tsunade nodded: "I will send two teams of Anbu to assist seniors, this bad incident is not just about the Shimura family and Mitomon.

It was aimed at Konoha. The three people who died were all villagers of Konoha. Once there are clues, Konoha can dispatch ninja troops to kill the murderer at any time. "

Mitomon Yan's face softened a little, it seemed to be the case, he nodded at Tsunade, got up and walked out, and went straight to the secret room where Danzo was imprisoned.

Turning to bed, Xiaochun sighed: "Yan was impulsive today, because the death of his clansman made him lose his composure, and when he got old, he started to think about it and couldn't let it go.

You all should rest early, you will be busy tomorrow. "

[Turning to bed Xiaochun feels uncomfortable, Yan has always played the role of a military adviser among several of their companions, and is usually calm, but I didn't expect that the older I got, the more I went back]

Tsunade smiled and said: "It's nothing, if only you understand him so well, he's half buried, and he's still clinging to his rights."

Xiaochun glared at Tsunade, "Don't point fingers at Sang and Huai, after all, Konoha is where we have fought all our lives, and suddenly letting go, I feel panic in my heart.

Just wait for him to figure it out, I'm getting old, I can't compare with you young people, I can't sleep for three or four days a night. "

Xiaochun walked out without looking back.

Tsunade and Jiraiya also looked serious.

"Tsunade, do you suspect that Danzo did what happened this time?"

"Well, Danzo is currently the most suspected, but it is also possible that someone wants to deliberately create this illusion to make us suspect Danzo.

After all, Danzo has offended too many people over the years, and those who want him to die can line up from Hokage Rock to Konoha Gate.

Check it out slowly, seeing how aggressive the enemy is in killing people, I'm afraid they won't give up easily, and sooner or later they will show their feet. "

Zilai also sighed, he just came back for a vacation, and unexpectedly caught up with this bullshit.

According to Jiraiya's character, after Tsunade came to power, he will continue to travel the ninja world, and he has stayed in Konoha for a long time now.

And looking at the current situation, I'm afraid he won't be able to leave in a short time. He misses the pretty girl in Yunokuni Hot Spring a little bit.

"Jiraiya, don't be an idiot."

Tsunade could tell at a glance what Jirai was thinking too.

"Consultant Yan probably won't be able to find out the real murderer, and you need to take action next." Tsunade said.

Jiraiya also nodded, as soon as Tsunade spoke, he understood that the Toad Clan of Mt.

You can put a few in each corner of the Shimura family and the Mitomon family, and be responsible for observing the situation of the two families.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, the two of them have long since lost their sleepiness, and they have been discussing the next plan to deal with Yun Yin and Yan Yin in the office.

In the secret room where Danzo was imprisoned, Mito Menyan walked in with a calm expression.

He got angry in Hokage's office before, and he was completely pretending to show Tsunade.

This incident was confusing, and he was not sure whether it was Danzo's behavior or some guys wanted revenge.

Danzo is still doing the old moves, sitting cross-legged on the ground with his eyes closed, with a cup of tea on the table in front of him.

It seems that Danzo is frozen twenty-four hours a day, and it looks like this every time.

"You're here to ask me if I did the Mitomon family's affairs." Danzo said first.

Yan shook his head: "I know it's not you, if it was you, you would have greeted me in advance.

Otherwise, if you are alone and no one is outside to support you, even if you make a fuss, you will not be let out. "

[Danzo nods secretly, as expected of an old buddy who has known him for many years, he really understands his character, Danzang thought he would have to explain himself]

[Danzo thinks too much, Mitomon Yan just doesn't want you to think that he has no plans, but in fact he is the first to doubt you]

A trace of anger flashed in Danzo's eyes, and Yan calmly said: "The narrator is still so annoying, and still likes to sow discord.

Tsunade sent two teams of Anbu to assist me in thoroughly investigating this matter, and I hope that the roots will also move.

The enemy is obviously targeting us old guys, they can't deal with us, they can only deal with ordinary people in the family.

When this incident is over, I will hand over all my rights. Tsunade has done a good job. I am afraid that if I continue, I will get lost in my rights.

We are almost seventy years old. After working hard all our lives, it is time to let go of everything and rest. "

A hint of sarcasm flashed in Danzo's eyes: "Tsunade, she is too weak, I don't trust Konoha to anyone.

I will let the roots pay attention to searching for the murderer of this incident, Yan, you go back first, I need to rest. "

[Danzo is a little disappointed, although he never hoped for it]

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