"It's the fourth day~"

Upon waking up, Ye Fei felt refreshed and energized. It was still dark outside, so he decided to have a quick breakfast in the dark before going out to practice swordsmanship. Yesterday, he had managed to rapidly improve his strength to Rank One perfection in just one day, which had decreased his control over his body. He needed to quickly familiarize himself with the changes in his body.

After walking for a while in the dark, Ye Fei felt quite inconvenient and thought about buying some lighting equipment. "It's not ideal to always stumble around in the dark. I'll take a look at the Trading Platform later to see if there are any lighting options."

When Ye Fei reached the door, he saw that Wang Qing was already awake, standing at the door lost in thought. Wang Qing had been awake for a while, but he didn't want to disturb Ye Fei. Since it was still dark outside and he didn't know what to do, he waited at the door for Ye Fei to wake up.

"Lord Overlord, you're awake."

"Mhm," Ye Fei casually responded.

"Let's find a place to sit and have something to eat. It'll probably be bright soon," Ye Fei said as he sat down near the Spirit Spring next to the door. Wang Qing quickly found some meat and bread and handed them to Ye Fei.

"Lord Overlord, please have some."

"Mhm, you should eat too. Don't be so restrained. From now on, when you're hungry, eat on your own. When you're thirsty, drink from the Spirit Spring. You don't have to wait for me."

Ye Fei took the food and started eating heartily. Before he could finish a few bites, it suddenly became bright outside.


"Although it's already the fourth day, I'm still not used to this light switch-like day and night cycle," Ye Fei muttered to himself. He paused for a moment and then continued eating.

"Don't just stand there. Keep eating and after you finish, continue with yesterday's work. Our territory is still weak, and we both need to work hard," Ye Fei reminded Wang Qing, who was lost in thought.

Wang Qing quickly responded, "Understood, Lord Overlord. I will work hard." He then started eating heartily.

After breakfast, the two of them drank some Spirit Spring water and began their new day. Ye Fei watched Wang Qing capturing rocks with the Void Crossbow, but once he saw that Wang Qing was proficient in operating it, he stopped paying attention and opened the Trading Platform. He found that the Body Tempering Pills he had listed were already sold out, earning him 10 Origin Points.

He double-checked his Origin Points balance and found that he now had 31 points.

"Today, the territory generated 1 point, and I earned 10 points from selling the Body Tempering Pills. So now I have a total of 31 points. It seems that the clan's luck bonus added another five points overnight."

"So, the clan's luck has added a total of 17 points throughout the day. 17 points... that's the minimum income for the territory in 17 days."

Ye Fei calculated in his mind and felt that he would be able to purchase the Territory Talent he had been longing for in just a few days.

As he browsed the Trading Platform, Ye Fei wanted to see if there were any cheap lighting devices and also if there were any good items he could take advantage of. After searching for a while, he found that most of the items on the Trading Platform were daily necessities. It seemed that everyone had sufficient supplies, so taking care of oneself wouldn't be a problem.

Ye Fei quickly scrolled through the listings and didn't find what he was looking for, but he did come across something else interesting.

[Spirit Gathering Grass: Rank One, rare grade. Note: Can gather and attract spiritual energy from the heavens and earth, improving the concentration of spiritual energy in the vicinity. When planted in an area with abundant spiritual energy, it can slowly increase its level.]

"Spirit Gathering Grass, it's a perfect match when planted near the Spirit Spring."

The selling price for Spirit Gathering Grass was five Origin Points, but Ye Fei felt that the price was a bit high. Besides, he didn't plan on using Origin Points for shopping; he wanted to trade with goods.

He clicked on the profile of a user named Feng Ling and sent a private message.

"Hello, I'm interested in trading two Body Tempering Pills for your Spirit Gathering Grass. Currently, this type of spiritual plant doesn't have much use for a long time since everyone's territories are small and there's hardly any spiritual energy within the territories."

"So, this Spirit Gathering Grass, which can't absorb chaotic energy to create spiritual energy but can only condense existing spiritual energy, doesn't have much use at the moment. If you agree, let's make the trade. If not, then forget about it. We're all busy."

Ye's words are true. I estimate that most people's territories may not be able to cultivate such spiritual herbs. Only those like him who have slightly improved the soil quality of their territories have the possibility.

Actually, he doesn't have much use for Spirit Gathering Grass right now. But in the future, when his territory grows, this kind of spiritual plant will definitely come in handy. He wants to cultivate it now since he has the opportunity. That way, when he needs it in the future, it will be readily available and its level will be higher from being nurtured for a long time.

After sending the message, Ye Fei looked for a reply but didn't receive one. He didn't know if the other party disagreed or was too busy to notice the message, so he stopped paying attention and began his cultivation plan, earnestly practicing basic swordsmanship.


In another Void Territory, a small wooden house stood in the center of the territory. In front of the house, a 20-square-meter garden was created, with two or three extraordinary plants growing in it.

At the edge of the territory, a well-proportioned and beautiful woman was quietly fishing.

Feng Ling had been in the Endless Void for four days. Although she was very worried about her family in Blue Star, she had to accept reality.

Her luck was good, and she had a high chance of catching fish while fishing. She didn't have to worry about food and drink. She was also lucky enough to obtain a Spirit Field card and opened a Spirit Field in her territory. She planted the seeds she caught while fishing, and the entire territory flourished.

"I wonder if the Spirit Gathering Grass has been sold. It hasn't been sold overnight. It seems there is no market."

"I don't want to lower the price either. It would be too much of a loss. It seems that the first harvest of the Spirit Field won't be sold. If it doesn't work, I'll withdraw it and continue to nurture it. I'll sell it when there is a market in the future."

While fishing, Feng Ling thought to herself. She understood that there was currently no market for Spirit Gathering Grass. However, this was the first time her Spirit Field had produced a finished product that she could sell, so she wanted to give it a try. It would be best if it sold, but if not, she would just take it back and continue to nurture it.

Feng Ling made up her mind and opened the Trading Platform, ready to withdraw the Spirit Gathering Grass. At that moment, she noticed a message.

Opening the private message, Feng Ling read the message sent by Ye Fei and fell into contemplation. She wanted Body Tempering Pills, which were currently very useful and could quickly enhance her strength. They were in high demand. However, she felt that two pills were a bit too few and wanted to see if she could add one more.

When she saw the name of the sender in the private message, she was stunned.

"Absolute Beginning? Could it be the Absolute Beginning who wrote the Fishing Method of All Things?"

After discovering that the buyer was a celebrity in the Blue Star Channel, Feng Ling didn't plan to negotiate the price anymore. She had briefly learned about this Absolute Beginning. He never spoke in the channel, ignoring both praise and criticism. He was mysterious and aloof, probably not someone who liked to waste words.

"I said two pills. If it doesn't work, then forget it. I guess he won't bother negotiating. Well, two Body Tempering Pills are not bad."

Feng Ling agreed to the transaction, added Ye Fei as a friend, and left a message.

"In the future, if I have any spiritual herbs for sale, I will prioritize you if the price is reasonable."

Feng Ling wanted to establish a good relationship.


Continuous training allowed Ye Fei to quickly grasp the growing power. He felt that if he practiced for another day or two, he would completely familiarize himself with his body and fully unleash his strength.

Looking at the diligent Wang Qing, Ye Fei became even more satisfied. Buying Wang Qing was the wisest decision he had made in his life.

"If all my subjects were like Wang Qing, I wouldn't have to worry about anything."

Ye Fei was about to take a break when he suddenly sensed movement at the Void Gate. He quickly walked over and saw a plant appearing in front of the Void Gate.

"This is Spirit Gathering Grass? It seems they agreed to the trade."

Picking up the Spirit Gathering Grass, Ye Fei walked to the side of the Spirit Spring and found a place to plant it. However, he didn't have the planting skill and was afraid that the Spirit Gathering Grass would die, so he poured some Spirit Spring water on it.

After watering the Spirit Gathering Grass with Spirit Spring water, it immediately became more spirited. The drooping leaves straightened up, and the spiritual energy emitted by the Spirit Spring slowly condensed towards the Spirit Gathering Grass.

"Hmm, the effect is not bad."

Ye Fei looked at the accumulated Spirit Spring and calculated the amount of water used. There was no pressure to water the Spirit Gathering Grass with a little Spirit Spring water every day. He decided to let Wang Qing water the Spirit Gathering Grass with Spirit Spring water every day.

"The goods have been exchanged, but it's a bit hard on Wang Qing."

Originally, he had planned to give Wang Qing five Body Tempering Pills, but this time he used two of them to exchange for the Spirit Gathering Grass, so Wang Qing would have two fewer pills for now.

Wang Qing, not far away, felt someone looking at him. When he turned around and saw Ye Fei, he grinned.

Seeing that simple and honest smile, Ye Fei waved his hand guiltily.

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