Void Overlord: Ten Thousand Races Struggle For Hegemony

Chapter 101 The Birth Of Spiritual Veins

Looking at the steaming Spirit Spring, Ye Fei put six source energy essences into it. Little Black quickly promoted the Spirit Spring. Some of the spiritual energy emitted by the enlarged Spirit Spring was attracted to the Overlord's Mansion.

"This time the population of the territory has increased, and the upgrade of Spirit Spring is enough for the territory's consumption."

In the Absolute Beginning territory, Ye Fei treats its residents very high, and the new residents who are about to join will also receive such treatment. If the output of the Spirit Spring promotion had not been increased this time, Ye Fei might have had to make adjustments in the future.

After upgrading Spirit Spring, Ye Fei took out the spirit stone vein card and prepared to place the spirit stone vein under Spirit Spring. The spirit stone mine can slowly recover in places with abundant spiritual energy and become a renewable resource. Ye Fei particularly values ​​this. , there is no place in the entire Absolute Beginning territory with higher aura than here.

When Ye Fei used the spirit stone vein card, a miniature spirit stone vein gradually took shape underground in Spirit Spring.

The spiritual energy that escaped from the Spirit Spring began to gather and move towards the underground. At this time, the two spiritual plants in the Overlord's Mansion, the Spiritual Tree and the Spirit Gathering Grass, also experienced some changes. The spiritual energy gathered in the Overlord's Mansion also moved towards the underground spirit stone mine. And go.

"Is there still such a chain reaction? The spirit stone mine should be directly manifested, and it shouldn't absorb so much spiritual energy, right?"

Looking at the spiritual energy gathering in front of him, Ye Fei also felt a little strange. If the spiritual stone mine relied on the spiritual energy of the territory to condense on-site, then the spiritual energy in the Absolute Beginning territory would probably be consumed. The impact would be great. If you want to recover, you need to It takes a lot of time.

However, according to previous experience, such a situation should not occur, and the spirit stone mine should be readily available.

Ye Fei communicated with Little Black and began to observe the changes in the territory. Little Black also got out and flew to the underground spirit stone veins to explore.

After a while, Little Black flew up and brought good news to Ye Fei.

"Spiritual veins?"

Little Black told Ye Fei that the underground spiritual stone veins are full of spiritual energy, and the spiritual power continuously provided by the Spirit Spring and the Yunling Tree reacted with the spiritual stone mines and gave birth to a miniature spiritual vein.

This miniature spiritual vein will continue to absorb spiritual energy during the gestation stage, and the spiritual stone mine will not be able to produce this spiritual vein until the spiritual vein is formed.

"No, I don't know how long it will take for the spiritual veins to take shape. The territory's spiritual energy cannot always supply it. The spiritual energy must be used everywhere in the territory and cannot stop."

Ye Fei looked at the gathering of more and more spiritual energy, and the range of the spiritual energy absorbed by the spiritual veins was getting wider and wider. It would not be long before it would affect the normal use of spiritual energy in the territory, which he could not accept.

"Is there a way to speed up the formation of spiritual veins?" Ye Fei asked Little Black.

After Little Black sensed Ye Fei's thoughts, he went to the core area of ​​the spiritual mine to check the gestating spiritual veins. After a while, Little Black returned to tell Ye Fei the news he wanted.

"Investing source power essence can speed up the formation of spiritual veins."

With this method, Ye Fei immediately gave a Rank Three source of energy essence to Little Black to let him generate spiritual veins.

Little Black started working with Rank Three Yuanli Essence. Ye Fei was waiting for news from Little Black. After a while, Little Black didn't come up, but a voice appeared in his mind. Little Black told Ye Fei a Yuanli Essence. Not enough essence.

Ye Fei threw in the last Rank Three Source Power Essence, and received the supplement of Source Power Essence. Little Black continued to work, and after a quarter of an hour, he slowly returned to Ye Fei.

Seeing Little Black who was extremely tired, Ye Fei was a little worried. This was the first time he saw Little Black like this, so he quickly took him back to the conscious space to let Little Black have a good rest.

The spiritual veins bred at this time no longer absorbed the spiritual energy of the territory, but began to continuously gush out spiritual energy. The concentration of spiritual energy in the surrounding area increased at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there were also some changes in the Spirit Spring and the Spirit Gathering Grass.

Ye Fei felt the changes brought about by the spiritual energy. With the Overlord Mansion and Spirit Spring as the center, the entire core settlement area was enveloped in the mist generated by the spiritual energy, just like the Spirit Spring was evaporating.

Opening the territory information, Ye Fei found that there was information about a miniature spiritual vein in his territory information.

[Spirit Vein: Miniature, Middle Grade, it can gather the energy of mountains, rivers and earth to create spiritual power and condense spiritual ore. There are many wonderful uses, please explore by yourself. ]

"The spiritual stone mine was born from the spiritual veins. My spiritual stone mine, the Spirit Spring containing the spirit tree and the source of energy essence, in turn produced the spiritual veins?"

This is a very valuable piece of information. Ye Fei is ready to edit the relationship between spiritual veins and spiritual stone mines, and the reasons for their mutual nurturing, to earn a share of the family fortune. If he can analyze the reasons clearly, he believes that when Blue Star Overlord is slowly growing, and this sharing will definitely bring him a lot of profits.

So Ye Fei carefully observed the spirit veins and spirit stone mines, and studied the Spirit Spring, the Spirit Yun tree, and the Spirit Gathering grass. Really having no clue, he asked Little Black again, and went to the mall to spend some Origin Points. Purchased some relevant knowledge.

Finally, based on the reality at hand, Ye Fei came to a preliminary conclusion. The birth of this spiritual vein was not as easy as imagined. The right time, right place and right people were indispensable.

First of all, the basic conditions of his Absolute Beginning territory are good, and the basic biosphere of the territory is complete. The reason for his life talent and the continuous investment in Heart of Stone and Earth Crystal make the land in the Absolute Beginning territory full of vitality and rich in earth energy.

Secondly, because of the Spirit Gathering talent, the territory has abundant spiritual energy, coupled with the attraction of Spirit Spring and Spirit Gathering grass, the spiritual energy in the core area here is even more abundant. In ordinary places, if such sufficient spiritual energy is maintained for a long time, it is possible for births to occur. Out of spiritual veins.

Finally, the birth of the spirit stone mine integrated the previous conditions and directly promoted the birth of the spiritual vein. Then Ye Fei invested two Rank Three source power essence to accelerate the process, and the spiritual vein was completely formed and born.

According to Little Black, if the aura of the territory continues to improve, and treasures such as Earth Crystal and Heart of Stone continue to be invested to make the land of the territory continue to improve, the nourished spiritual veins may also be promoted, and the spiritual stones accompanying the spiritual veins Mines will also be promoted accordingly.

This news makes Ye Fei even happier. The territory will naturally continue to be promoted, and the aura and earth will definitely continue to improve. In this way, the spiritual line of speaking will definitely continue to grow in the future.

Because of the feedback from the spiritual veins, the Spirit Spring above the spiritual veins has also been strengthened. Although the quality of the spring water has not improved much, the output has greatly increased. Compared with the previous Rank Three Perfect Grade, the amount has increased by nearly 40%. This Make Ye Fei very happy.

The Spirit-Enchanting Tree and Spirit Gathering Grass in the Overlord's Mansion have also been improved. The Spirit-Enchanting Tree has grown to Rank Three Late Stage, and the Spirit Gathering Grass has directly reached Rank Three Perfection due to its limited growth potential and has begun to produce seeds.

"After the seeds are set, we will plant Spirit Gathering grass nearby later. Planting spiritual plants near the spiritual veins will definitely have good results."

There are still many open spaces in the Overlord Mansion, and there are also some open spaces next to the Spirit Spring. In the future, Ye Fei will plant spiritual plants in these locations. At the same time, Ye Fei wants to relocate all the redundant buildings near the spiritual veins and cultivate some high-level positions in the vacant locations. In the Spirit Field, plant some other High Level Spirit Medicine.

"It's good to practice wherever the territory has enough spiritual energy. It can bring out the value of the spiritual veins better than using spiritual veins to transform the vicinity of the spiritual veins into a Spirit Medicine garden."

Only with High Level Spirit Medicine can Ye Fei's alchemy industry become bigger and stronger.

Ordinary Spirit Field is only suitable for large-scale planting of some low-level Spirit Medicine and spiritual rice for daily consumption. Only the land above this spiritual vein is suitable for those high-level Spirit Medicine.

Ye Fei continued to edit his summarized experiences and insights into territory construction posts. He opened a new entry and wrote down the information about the spiritual veins word by word.

Other Overlords in Blue Star are not all dominant power systems based on spiritual power. Ye Fei also understood this through Blue Star Channel. Each Overlord's world has its own independent rules.

Different choices will give birth to different power systems, but because of what Ye Fei shared earlier, there are many Overlords in Blue Star Overlord who use spiritual power to dominate. These Overlords are collectively called Immortal Overlords. Overlords build their own world into the Immortal World. as the ultimate goal.

In addition to the Cultivation Overlord headed by Ye Fei, there is also the Martial Artist Overlord headed by Wu Xiangwen, who develops the physical body without relying on spiritual power, telekinesis masters who specialize in spiritual power, the Scientific School who advocates mechanical Ascension, etc. Overlord has built a variety of worlds.

Ye Fei's territory is dominated by spiritual power, and Ye Fei himself is a cultivator of immortality. However, the territory of Absolute Beginning not only has immortal cultivators but also rune masters of the rune path.

There are also mages who cultivate spirituality. He is not prepared to let the Absolute Beginning territory only have immortal cultivators. Only by embracing all rivers can he draw on the strengths of hundreds of schools to build the territory. He will use whatever is useful and easy to use.

For now, due to Ye Fei's continuous sharing, most Overlords are cultivating immortals, so Ye Fei's sharing of spiritual veins will definitely bring him a lot of fortune in the future.

Seeing the clouds and mist generated by the condensation of spiritual energy surrounding the Overlord's Mansion, Ye Fei felt that his home really felt a bit like a Cave Mansion.

"It's so cool!"

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