Ye Fei's speed was not slow, and it didn't take long to cover the entire territory of the Stone Spirit Clan.

Later, he discovered five smaller platinum mines. Except for three void fishing rods found in a mine near the border of the territory, the remaining few mines contained only platinum mines and nothing else. Treasure, which made Ye Fei a little disappointed.

Three Void Crossbows stood on the border of the territory. Ye Fei marked the location and asked Zhou Heng to send people to receive these three Void Crossbows.

"Platinum Stone Spirit has upgraded both Void Crossbow and Void Fishing Rod to Rank Three Perfect Grade, which also saved me a lot of Origin Points."

"These Platinum Stone Spirits have defeated two other Void Overlords. With these three Void Crossbows, I already have seven void fishing rods. A Qing's fishing team can expand in size."

Thinking of the three void fishing rods that had just been put into the storage ring, Ye Fei was a little curious about who created these void fishing rods and gave them to these new Void Overlords.

The shapes of the Platinum Stone Spirit's void fishing rods and Ye Fei's void fishing rods are very different. The Stone Spirit clan's are three huge stone fishing rods. At first glance, they are used by the Stone Spirit giants. Ye Fei wouldn't recognize them if there wasn't a message prompting them. It turned out to be a void fishing rod.

After Ye Fei touched the fishing rods, the three void fishing rods changed into the shapes and sizes of the fishing rods used by Ye Fei. This surprised Ye Fei. When he collected the fishing rods from the Void Orcs and Wind Spirits before, they had no difference in appearance. Never encountered this situation.

"I didn't expect that the void fishing rod has the function of automatically adjusting its size and shape to adapt to the race. The same is true for the three Void Crossbows. They were originally the size used by the Stone Spirit Tribe. As soon as I touched them, they changed into the same Void in the Absolute Beginning territory. Crossbow looks exactly the same."

"The Void Crossbow and the Void Fishing Rod look like they are produced by the same manufacturer. What kind of existence can create such magical equipment and can be manufactured on a large scale? It is really incredible."

With Ye Fei's current strength and knowledge, he was completely unable to understand the principles of magical equipment such as the Void Crossbow and the Void Fishing Rod. He couldn't figure it out, so he didn't take it seriously. After writing down this discovery, he continued to explore the territory of the Stone Spirit Tribe.

After all the exploration of the Stone Spirit Tribe's territory was completed, Absolute Beginning also completed the devouring of this territory. This territory containing huge mineral veins has now become part of the Absolute Beginning territory.

[Platinum stone mine: large-scale, Supreme Grade, Note: a large-scale ore vein with abundant output, producing high-quality platinum stone and associated ore white steel rock. ]

After exploring the entire mineral vein, Ye Fei had basic information about the mineral vein. He planned to build a forging city here, mainly responsible for the smelting and processing of ore and the forging of equipment. However, this process is still very long and takes time to build slowly. Complete.

He plans to slowly move most of the industries in the forging area here in the future. As the core of the territory, Absolute Beginning City will definitely serve as the capital in the future. By then, large-scale forging industries will definitely move out, leaving only some research-oriented industries.

"Industries such as Tiexin's research center can stay, and various equipment production lines can be slowly moved here." Ye Fei thought to himself as he looked at the mineral veins in front of him.

Along the way, he explored and found several locations suitable for building cities, and several mining towns would be established near several mines here to handle mining work.

"It takes a lot of manpower to develop this mine, and the population of the territory needs to be further increased." Looking at the desolate hills, Ye Fei planned the subsequent large-scale development work.

After the two territories merged, the Shiling Clan's territory began to change. Spiritual energy continued to flow here, causing Absolute Beginning's originally rich spiritual energy to begin to decline. However, this was also expected. Every time the territory expanded rapidly, It will lower the aura concentration, and it will take some time to recover later.

The originally lifeless hills began to show some vitality at this time. Ye Fei's keen consciousness quickly discovered some subtle changes. He believed that it would not be long before trees, flowers, plants and small insects would appear here.

Absolute Beginning The territory is full of vitality. The territory that is newly grown every day is not like the barren land at the beginning. Now even the newly grown territory will soon grow some plants and some small bugs and other creatures. The improvement of the basic ecosystem is a reflection of vitality.

He plans to plant some fruit trees on this hilly land in the future. It is definitely not possible to plant spiritual rice and wheat on a large scale here because the terrain does not allow it, but it should be okay to develop some fruit trees.

"Planting some spiritual fruit trees and developing the forest fruit industry can not only enrich the territory's industries but also improve the natural environment here. In the future, the territorial residents who produce and live here will also have a better life."

In the future, a large number of territorial residents will live here, and the environment will definitely not be feasible if it is too harsh. However, Ye Fei has always had experience in improving the environment, and the territory has the gift of life, so there is no big problem in this regard.

After surveying the terrain, Ye Fei returned to the Overlord Mansion and drew the overall terrain of the current territory. Previously, there was no need to draw a map because the territory was small and it was all plains.

Now that the territory has expanded much and the terrain has changed, the new terrain is hilly and complex, and it is necessary to produce a panoramic map of the territory for reference.

In the territory, Ye Fei has the assistance of spiritual consciousness and the privilege of Overlord. He knows the territory best and the map drawn by him is also the most accurate, so it is most suitable for him to draw this map.

"The plain near Absolute Beginning City will be called Harvest Plains, the hills to the west will be named Platinum Hills, and the spiritual lake in the south will be called Nanling Lake!" Ye Fei named several iconic places.

After drawing the map, checking and revising a few details, Ye Fei took out his phone and called Zhou Heng, asking him to send someone to pick up the map, and also asked him to copy a few more copies and give them to everyone. Each department head sent a copy.

After settling the matter on the map, Ye Fei opened the Blue Star Channel and compiled the lessons learned from this battle. The Shiling clan is the strongest race of the same level that Ye Fei has encountered so far. If the opponent has one tenth of his number, Many, Absolute Beginning is not easy to win this time.

"This time it's all about overwhelming the opponent with hard power, and I have enough methods. How can the ordinary Rank Three Overlord be the opponent of these stone spirit giants.

Even those Void Orcs, even if their number is more than ten times that of the Stone Spirit Giants, would have to be wiped out if there were no Rank Four strong men to bully the small ones. "

The Stone Spirit family has bodies wrapped in rocks and other special minerals. Their bodies are indestructible and normal attacks are ineffective. They have amazing recovery power. They can recover quickly after crushing the rock body. Their fatal weakness is the core in their bodies. Stone Spirits are strong in melee and long range attacks. The last move is Self-destruction is particularly sharp...

Ye Fei wrote down all his opinions on the Shiling clan, adding another race to his guidebook for dealing with all races.

After editing the information about the Shiling clan, Ye Fei also edited some of his recent experiences and tips on managing the territory, including the effect of the essence of source energy on strengthening the self-built buildings in the territory and some experiences on the cultivation of spiritual plants. There are also some tips on spiritual mines and spiritual veins.

He has shared a lot of things now, including things about fighting enemies, managing territories, about Qingchuan Realm, and finally some of his own cultivation experiences.

These sharings now give him more than 400 points of clan luck share every day, and the clan luck share has continued to rise in the past two days. These clan luck shares also give him continuous motivation to share information.

"It should be that after the clan luck increases, the points allocated to it will increase. Recently, Blue Star Overlord has generally started to be promoted. Now the worst is Rank Two Overlord. The clan luck has improved a lot. When everyone reaches Rank Three, the clan luck will increase. The share should be higher.”

The cake of family luck has become bigger, and Ye Fei naturally wants to share more. If he wants to share more, he must continue to share more information. The total number of shares he has now is among the best among Blue Star Overlord.

"I have to keep working hard. I am making progress, and everyone else is making progress. If I stop for a moment, I may be overtaken by those who come after me. Surviving in the Endless Void is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. If you advance, you will die, and you must not be lax and careless. .”

Although he gained a lot from a big victory, Ye Fei still warned himself not to relax.

After editing, Ye Fei took a short rest. His spirit has been highly tense since he learned there was a foreign enemy last night and has continued until the battle is completely over.

The battle just now was not easy. Now that all the important things at hand were taken care of, he relaxed and felt a strong sense of fatigue.

"Take a short rest..."

Ye Fei fell asleep thinking about this.

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