Turning off the Overlord channel, he walked to the window and looked at the gradually quiet territory. Ye Fei fell into deep thought.

"Nearly 60% of the Blue Star Overlords have died. There are still about 40 million people left out of 100 million. It seems that there are still a lot of people. However, it has only been more than two months. How many people will be alive later? What about coming down? I don’t know if the fate of the Blue Star family will be affected.”

Thinking of this, Ye Fei felt a little heavy, but then she started laughing at herself again.

"Hey, I'm still worried about the country and the people. If I'm successful, I can help the world, and if I'm poor, I can be alone. I've tried my best, so I'd better take care of myself first!" After withdrawing his thoughts, Ye Fei returned to the bedroom to sleep.

Early the next morning, all the management of the Absolute Beginning territory gathered in the Overlord House chamber to discuss post-war matters.

Zhou Heng reported on the losses in the civil affairs field of the territory. As Ye Fei roughly understood yesterday, the losses were mainly concentrated on the fields and farms outside Absolute Beginning City. Many roads and farm buildings needed to be rebuilt. Ye Fei had to pay for these losses. acceptable.

Yesterday, Wang Zhan and Qi Chuan reported the losses to Ye Fei, and there were no other losses. The wounded soldiers received good treatment and most of them were able to gradually recover and return to the battle order.

Three soldiers were seriously injured and left disabled. After recovering from their injuries, they could only withdraw from the fighting order. Ye Fei arranged for them to serve as security guards in the city to maintain order in the city of Absolute Beginning.

Ye Fei said to Zhou Heng:

"The population of Absolute Beginning City is increasing day by day, and it is necessary to prepare for the establishment of a team to maintain security. It happens that these personnel who are unable to continue fighting in the army due to injuries can be transferred to the security team, but there are not many injured soldiers who have retired."

"And not all injured and retired soldiers can hold this position. Some who are seriously injured can only retire to recuperate and cannot work again."

"So the security team still needs to recruit some people. The quota is ten people for the time being. We can expand the number later when needed. You can prepare for the security team."

"You also need to make a plan now and prepare for the follow-up life support for retired military personnel who have lost the ability to work. Just because the territory does not have such personnel at present does not mean that there will not be in the future."

"If we want to have such people who dedicate themselves to the territory in the future, no matter what their status is, whether they are soldiers or ordinary citizens, the territory must arrange their future lives and take good care of them. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Lord Overlord!" Zhou Heng agreed. He very much agreed with Lord Overlord's idea. This was a guarantee for all the people who worked hard for the territory.

"The Overlord loves everyone so much, I believe that all the people in the territory will work harder to build the territory."

Wang Zhan and others were also extremely moved by Ye Fei's arrangement. The soldiers who went into battle to kill the enemy all hoped that they would have no worries, and the Heroic Soul Garden would allow them to return to their souls after they died in battle.

However, not everyone will die in battle. Sometimes the most painful thing is not dying but losing the ability to fight. Life is worse than death. Now Overlord has ensured their lives after losing the ability to fight, and also solved the problems of all those who have contributed to the territory. One worry.

"Lord Overlord is wise!" Wang Zhan and others stood up and agreed.

Later, Ye Fei assigned Li Lei another task.

"Minister Li, the Engineering Department must repair the damaged buildings and roads in the territory as soon as possible. It just so happens that the territory currently has no spare capacity for major projects. We will take this opportunity to rebuild the severely damaged farms and convert some makeshift small houses into They have all been demolished and renovated, so plan the several villages carefully."

"The roads in the territory must be repaired as a priority to ensure smooth flow of roads. The roads leading to the Platinum Hills must be built as soon as possible. Mining points must be built in several mine areas in the Platinum Hills. The Engineering Department must send people to inspect the terrain and come up with a solution. Let me take a look at the plan.”

"Just in the past few days, let the technical staff make preliminary preparations first. Once the restoration work on the territory is completed, the development of Platinum Hills will begin immediately."

"A new city will be built in the largest mine area in the center of the Platinum Hills, and this construction plan must be completed as soon as possible."

Li Lei replied excitedly: "My subordinates must complete the territory restoration task as soon as possible and carry out the development project of Platinum Hills. In the next two days, we will come up with a city construction plan for the center of Platinum Hills."

Li Lei already has a lot of experience in building the city of Absolute Beginning. He is full of confidence in building this new city and can't wait to build the new city.

Tie Xin, who was on the side, was filled with excitement when he heard about the development plan of Platinum Hills. After receiving the territory map from the Government Affairs Council last night, he discovered the huge mineral veins marked in Platinum Hills and was so excited that he couldn't sleep all night.

He has been in a state of excitement since the end of the battle yesterday. He harvested a large amount of high-quality Rank Three ores that made him smile from ear to ear. Later, he discovered that the core of the Stone Spirit Giant was a better spiritual material, and his mood became even more intense. It was a lot of fun.

He led the people from the blacksmithing department on the battlefield to continuously collect the materials scattered on the ground by the Platinum Stone Spirit. He was completely satisfied as he watched cart after cart of materials being pulled into the warehouse.

He had known about the existence of mineral veins in the Platinum Hills for a long time. The existence of those Stone Spirit Giants meant that there must be mineral veins in the Platinum Hills. However, he did not expect that the entire Platinum Hills were full of mineral veins. It was a huge large-scale mineral vein with rich reserves.

A medium-sized iron concentrate mine made him very happy before, but now a large vein of Rank Four ore gave him an unreal feeling.

Tie Xin stood up and asked: "Lord Overlord, does our Forging Department need to do anything to cooperate with the development of the Platinum Hills Mining Area? We will go all out to cooperate with the territory's development plan."

"Hahahaha!" Looking at Tie Xin who couldn't hold it any longer, Ye Fei laughed.

"Tie Xin, don't worry. The ore veins in Platinum Hills are there, and they won't escape. Those rare ores belong to the Forging Department in the end."

"When the Engineering Department comes up with a plan, the Government Affairs Council and I will study it. Once we have the basic plan, the Forging Department can cooperate with the implementation. Of course, you have to join in the preliminary research and preparation work first."

"The main function of the new city in Platinum Hills is metallurgy and forging. In the future, the forging industry of Absolute Beginning City will be relocated to the new city. Only the highly technical manufacturing departments and research institutions will remain in Absolute Beginning City."

"Tie Xin, you can prepare in advance for the relocation. I will purchase some relocation orders to move your large buildings. You can just pack up some bits and pieces. There is still plenty of time. You can take your time."

The relocation order is a special item found in a storage box fished by Wang Qing. It can move the building at the corresponding level of the relocation order. Ye Fei didn't need it before. Several relocation orders were stored in the warehouse. You can use it in the subsequent relocation work and save a lot of time.

"However, the number of Rank Three relocation orders in the warehouse is too small. If Wang Qing cannot replenish them by then, he will have to buy them in the mall." There are only two Rank Three relocation orders in the warehouse, and the Rank Three Perfect in the forging area Grade's blacksmith shop can only use a relocation order.

If Li Lei's engineering team is used to relocate, the special effect of the building will be lost when it is rebuilt in the new city. He has tried this on some Rank One buildings. Demolition and rebuilding will not work. Only special props such as relocation orders can be used. OK.

"There's still a while, let's see then!" Ye Fei thought to himself.

When Tie Xin heard Lord Overlord's arrangements, he suppressed the excitement in his heart and thought about the subsequent relocation work and said, "Lord Overlord, I will start preparations when I get back."

"Don't go to war. We must first ensure that the equipment production in the territory does not affect the output. It is still early to move. We will wait until the new city is almost built. There is also the research on the high-quality platinum stone left by the Shiling clan. This special material You have to study hard and create a batch of high-quality equipment."

"Especially platinum stone has very good resistance to mental attacks. We must make good use of this advantage to make equipment that can resist mental attacks."

Ye Fei first reminded Tie Xin not to affect current production due to subsequent development plans, and then asked about the forging of platinum stone.

"Lord Overlord, the forging of platinum stone has started today. I will research and make a sample when I get back and show it to you. The forging department will not affect the production task and complete the production task of the territory's Rank Three equipment as soon as possible."

"Well, that's good!" Ye Fei said.

"The elixir department must produce and reserve therapeutic elixirs for the territory, and the medical center must provide Late Stage treatment for the injured."

Ye Fei gave Fengling and Tan Hexuan a few more words.

After communicating and arranging the situation of several other departments, Ye Fei left Zhou Heng and let everyone else go back and start working.

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