At dawn, before Ye Fei stopped practicing, Li Lei and Zhou Heng came to find him.

After his consciousness sensed the arrival of the two men, Ye Fei stopped practicing and came to the meeting hall.

Ye Fei looked at the two of them and said, "Come to my place early in the morning. It seems that things at Platinum Hills have made progress!"

"Yes, Lord Overlord, yesterday Minister Li and I discussed the city construction plan of Platinum Hills and the construction plan of five mining sites. This is the preliminary construction plan."

Zhou Heng said, handing a plan to Ye Fei.

Taking the plan, Ye Fei looked through it, and Li Lei on the side began to introduce his construction plan to Ye Fei.

"Lord Overlord, yesterday I conducted an on-site inspection of the Platinum Hills according to the map you provided. The map you drew is very accurate and detailed. With the guidance of the map, Zheng Yibo and I quickly completed the preliminary survey and designed a preliminary construction. plan."

"The new city is located in the center of the Platinum Hills, and is built around the huge mine. After the construction of the new city is completed, the mine will be located in the new city."

"The new city is expected to cover an area of ​​about two square kilometers, which is one-third smaller than Absolute Beginning City. Moreover, future expansion of the new city will be more troublesome due to the terrain, so the scale of the city will not be too large."

"Because the city is positioned to focus on the development of the forging and metallurgical industries, many places in the city are designed to facilitate future industrial development." Li Lei pointed to several locations on the design map to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei was quite satisfied with the design plan. Although the plan was only a first draft and not yet perfected, the general direction had been set and was consistent with his requirements. The rest were small details with little impact.

Ye Fei said: "You have done a good job. This plan is OK. Go back and improve the details, and then it can be constructed. The five mining sites can also be constructed, no problem."

"Yes, Lord Overlord, the repair project in the city is expected to be completed in two days due to the large number of rune equipment you have added. At that time, the Ministry of Engineering can concentrate on the construction of Platinum Hills." Li Lei replied.

Talking about the repair and reconstruction work, Ye Fei looked at Zhou Heng and asked: "Do you still have the Rank Two Source Power Essence I gave you? After the farms outside the city are rebuilt, some buildings need Source Power Essence to be promoted to Rank Two. You have to make arrangements."

"Lord Overlord, there is still some essence of Rank Two's power. There are seven farms, one mining site and one fishing village outside the city. Although they have all suffered varying degrees of damage this time, not all of them need to be rebuilt, so for The essence of the building source power that needs to be promoted for reconstruction is enough.”

"However, for the five mining sites and new city in Platinum Hills that are about to be built, the Rank Two Source Power Essence in my hand will definitely not be enough. After the restoration and reconstruction work of the territory is completed, the Rank Two Source Power Essence in my hand will be basically used up, and there will be no remainder."

Zhou Heng's answer was also what Ye Fei expected. He only gave Zhou Heng so much Rank Two source essence, and he probably didn't have much left.

"It's okay over there in the Platinum Hills. There's still a while. I can use this time to collect it. You can just use what you need to repair and rebuild the territory first."

Ye Fei looked at the location of Nanling Lake in the design plan and said to Zhou Heng: "You should pay attention to the construction of the fishing village. The spiritual fish breeding in Nanling Lake will also be an industry in the territory in the future."

"I understand, Lord Overlord. The construction of Nanling Lake Village started yesterday. There are enough manpower to build it quickly. Once the construction of Nanling Lake Village is completed, the breeding of fish can begin. Several fish fry masters have invested in Nanling Lake yesterday. In the lake.”

"Well, that's fine!"

Ye Fei took a look at his Origin Points balance. In one day, the Origin Points balance increased from zero to more than 550 points. Yesterday's territory income and clan fortune share had arrived in his account.

After knowing the balance of Origin Points, Ye Fei said:

"Today I will recruit another 200 female residents. In addition, I will recruit another 200 miners. The Government Council will accept the newcomers. The miners will first let them familiarize themselves with the territory. Drink Spirit Spring water to let their system reach Rank Two first. In two days, It would be better to go to work in Platinum Hills.”

The subjects Ye Fei recruits are all Rank One people, the lowest level. His territory includes Spirit Spring and Body Tempering Spring. There is no need to recruit Rank Two or Rank Three subjects. Cultivating them yourself saves Origin Points.

Ye Fei asked: "Is the territory's Spirit Spring enough?"

Zhou Heng replied: "The Spirit Spring is currently sufficient. The Spirit Spring in the center of the territory has been upgraded by Overlord and is sufficient for the territory. In addition, the Spirit Spring in the army is abundant and a lot of Spirit Spring has been stored. If There is a lack of Spirit Spring that can be called into storage.”

"In addition, because the effect of Spirit Spring has been greatly weakened after being promoted to Rank Three, Minister Xiao and I discussed it and proposed whether the daily use of Spirit Spring by Rank Three personnel in the territory could be reduced."

Regarding Zhou Heng's proposal, Ye Fei thought for a while and said: "The share of Spirit Spring used by Rank Three personnel cannot be reduced. Although the effect of Drinking Spirit Spring by Rank Three personnel is not as obvious as Rank One and Rank Two, Spirit Spring has a good effect on Rank Three's practice. The auxiliary function can speed up Rank Three's training, so there is no need to reduce Rank Three's share."

"There is a surplus of Spirit Spring in the army. The Government Affairs Office can allocate it for use. That's no problem. However, we still need to store some Spirit Spring for combat preparation. You have to tell Xiao Anzhi to control the amount."

"Yes, Lord Overlord!"

After reading the construction plan, Ye Fei put the plan aside, and then Zhou Heng handed over a few more things.

"Lord Overlord, this is the work plan of the Department of Household Affairs and the work plan of the Department of Transportation that I have drawn up. Take a look!"

Seeing that his matter was over, Li Lei said: "Lord Overlord, I have nothing to do here, so I will leave now!"

After Ye Fei took the plan handed over by Zhou Heng, he said to Li Lei: "Okay, you go ahead!"

Looking back at the two plans drawn up by Zhou Heng, Ye Fei made some modifications to some of the regulations based on his experience on Blue Star, and then returned the plans to Zhou Heng and asked him to go back and modify them.

"In general, there are no problems. Once the changes are completed, they can be implemented. If any problems arise during the implementation process, we can slowly improve and modify them. No system is perfect. Just keep making corrections with the times."

"Okay, Lord Overlord!"

After handling the government affairs, Ye Fei chatted with Zhou Heng for a few words and then asked him to go back. In addition to these government affairs, he had one more thing to do today.

During the battle with the Stone Spirit Tribe, soldiers from the First Battalion and the Artillery Battalion were killed. These fallen soldiers were buried in the Heroic Soul Garden this morning. Ye Fei wanted to go there in person to see off these heroes who sacrificed their lives for the territory.

Back in the bedroom, Ye Fei tidied up in front of the mirror, sorted out her image, and rushed to the Heroic Soul Garden.

He did not allow all the citizens to participate in today's ceremony, only all the soldiers of the first battalion and the artillery battalion participated in the memorial ceremony.

When she came to the Heroic Soul Garden and looked at the monument inscribed by herself called Absolute Beginning to immortalize the heroic soul, Ye Fei felt mixed emotions.

All the soldiers stood solemnly in the square of the Heroic Soul Garden. Although the recent battle did not last long, it was a huge test for many recruits who had never participated in a battle and were on the battlefield for the first time.

Facing the dozens of meters tall Stone Spirit Giant, it was still too harsh for these recruits. Fortunately, Ye Fei used various means to make the battle not too tragic, otherwise these recruits might not be able to persist to the end.

After Ye Fei remembered the fallen soldiers and encouraged the surviving soldiers, the memorial ceremony ended.

After it was over, he suddenly felt that there was something missing. At this time, Ye Fei suddenly realized that there was a military song missing, a heart-stirring and soul-stirring military song called Qi Gathering.

"On this occasion, a military song is needed to commemorate these heroic souls. How can we say that they have no clothes and share the same robes as their sons? The ancients all understood the importance of military songs. This shows the importance of military songs. The territory currently does not have such talents. We will have them tomorrow. It’s just a matter of recruiting someone like this.”

"In the future, expeditions, battles, triumphs, and commemorations of comrades will all require a series of military songs to inspire the fighting spirit and morale of the soldiers and express their emotions."

Ye Fei thought about it and made this idea in his mind.

"Everything still requires Origin Points. I'm going to Qingchuanjie again today. I can't come back empty-handed this time."

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