After entering the mountain gate, Ye Fei felt that he was suppressed by an invisible aura, and his consciousness was constantly being compressed back. The consciousness that could originally detect a thousand meters around him was suppressed to a range of a hundred meters near his body.

"Is this the power of the formation? There is really a formation running, and the power is not small. No one has controlled it for an unknown amount of time. The world has perished, and the formation is still running. It is really powerful!"

Ye Fei lamented the powerful foundation of Mysterious Heaven Sect, but he was also surprised that the entire Mysterious Heaven Sect did not seem to have suffered any attacks. The mountain gates were intact, so why did it die?

The same goes for several other ruins he encountered. There were no traces of destruction. Only life seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. When he first came to Qingchuan Realm and saw the broken sky of Qingchuan Realm, he thought Qingchuan Realm was being attacked by a strong enemy. Breaking through destruction.

It seems that this is not the case now. The broken sky may just collapse with the passage of time after the death of the world.

"What kind of existence can destroy such a powerful world without leaving any trace?"

The most powerful creature Ye Fei has ever seen is the Devourer of the original world, but even if the Devourer of the world wants to destroy such a world silently, it is impossible.

Unable to figure it out, Ye Fei stopped struggling and looked at the Mysterious Heaven Sect in front of him. Although the formation was still running, there was no one to control and maintain it, and there was no replenishment of spiritual energy. It is estimated that there will not be much power left now.

After walking into the mountain gate, Ye Fei was once again shocked by the magnanimity of the Mysterious Heaven Sect. A nearly 100-meter-wide Great Dao stretches from the mountain gate to various peaks behind. It can't be seen to the end. Ye Fei is the key to building the road. It feels extraordinary just looking at it.

The Absolute Beginning sword was unsheathed, and Ye Fei wanted to pry off a few pieces to see what quality the material was.

As a result, Ye Fei found that the flying Absolute Beginning sword was very difficult to fly, and the spiritual power consumption was several times greater. It seemed that there was an invisible pressure suppressing the Absolute Beginning sword.

"And the forbidden air formation?"

Feeling the effect of the forbidden air formation, Ye Fei withdrew the Absolute Beginning Sword and held it in his hand to pry the white slate beneath his feet. Unfortunately, he lost his hand this time. The Absolute Beginning Sword could not pry the slate beneath his feet at all.

"How about this, Rank Five materials to pave the road? It's such a waste!"

To be able to survive unharmed by the Absolute Beginning Sword of Rank Four, it must be made of Rank Five materials at the very least. This means that the Great Dao in front of it is also made of Rank Five materials.

When Ye Fei was prying, he also discovered that the entire road was like a whole. His attacks were scattered throughout the road. It was obvious that he only attacked one point, but after falling, he would be scattered to all parts of the road.

"It's really a brilliant construction method. It should have formations or other special techniques. It would be great if Absolute Beginning could master this technique."

Ye Fei coveted this kind of technology. If all the buildings in Absolute Beginning could use this construction technique, the overall resistance to attack would be improved several times, and there would be no need to rebuild it every time a war is fought.

"I really want it!"

Putting away the Absolute Beginning sword, Ye Fei headed towards the first mountain peak.

It didn't take long for him to arrive at the foot of the first mountain peak, where a tall stone monument stood in front of the mountain.

"Xuanying Peak"

Ye Fei could feel the charm of the three characters on this stone tablet. He was itching to see it and wanted to move it home. Unfortunately, he couldn't move it back, which made him very unhappy.

Without any further stops, Ye Fei climbed up to Xuanying Peak. Xuanying Peak may be tens of thousands of meters high. Ye Fei couldn't measure the exact height, but it was definitely much higher than some of the famous peaks in Blue Star. .

If it weren't for Ye Fei's current physique being like that of Superman, it would be too difficult to climb and explore such a peak, let alone explore it quickly.

Although the spiritual consciousness was suppressed to a range of 100 meters, it also saved Ye Fei a lot of time, and Ye Fei quickly explored from bottom to top.

Soon he came to the first building in Xuanying Peak. It was said to be a building but it was actually a group of buildings. Ye Fei looked at the buildings in front of him, observed it and found nothing unusual, and then began to explore.

"It should be a place for disciples to practice. There is nothing valuable!"

After exploring for a long time, Ye Fei did not find anything valuable. Although the building was intact, the contents inside may have turned into fly ash due to the erosion of time or were completely damaged and could not be used, and had no reference value.

After exploring a gate, Ye Fei saw vague writing on the door plate. It was obvious that the material of the door plate was below Rank Four and had completely lost its spirituality and had no value.

"Commissioner's Court? No wonder there's nothing good!"

Ye Fei probably left the courtyard after exploring without any results and continued to explore upwards.

"The higher you go, the higher your status, and the more likely you are to harvest good things, but the more likely you are to encounter danger." Thinking of this, Ye Fei increased his vigilance, and his consciousness continued to explore the disturbances within a hundred meters around him.

After walking up a bit, Ye Fei discovered some farmland. These farmlands were well planned and should have been planted with a lot of good things in the past. Unfortunately, they were empty now.

"They should all be Spirit Fields. They may be of a high grade. Unfortunately, they have completely lost their spirituality. They are not even ordinary farmland and have no activity at all."

Ye Fei grabbed a handful of soil from the farmland and checked it. It was as inactive as the soil outside. The Qingchuan boundary was completely dead, and the land here naturally lost its vitality.

“What a wonderful land, what a shame!”

Although the night was dark, Ye Fei could clearly see the scale of these Spirit Fields with the help of his clear eyes and spiritual consciousness. He could imagine how vibrant this place used to be. Spirit Medicine was everywhere, but now there is nothing.

Leaving Spirit Field, Ye Fei continued upward. Halfway through, the sky began to light up.

"Time flies so fast! It's already dawn after just exploring this little place."

Ye Fei hasn't explored half of Xuanying Peak yet. The entire Xuanying Peak is too big. In addition, Ye Fei is afraid of accidents and has slowed down the exploration speed. He estimates that he still has to explore the entire Xuanying Peak. More than a day.

"As long as you can find good stuff, it's worth spending no matter how much time you spend. Keep working on it."

Now Ye Fei is full of energy, and he has a strong feeling that he will achieve huge gains this time.

After arriving halfway up the mountain, Ye Fei encountered a group of buildings again. This time Ye Fei discovered something different. There were fluctuations in the operation of the formation.

"Where is it! It must be an important place to be protected by the formation, go and take a look first!"

Ye Fei rushed towards the place guarded by the formation, and soon came to an attic.

The nine-story attic gave Ye Fei a simple and unpretentious feeling, but the three characters "Sutra Pavilion" on the attic made him feel that the building immediately looked much more noble.

“Sutra Pavilion, great stuff!”

Sutra Pavilion, this is what Ye Fei dreams of. If you want to ask what is most precious, it must be knowledge. The exercises and books in Sutra Pavilion can greatly enrich the collection of Absolute Beginning.

He only has a few incomplete techniques now. Several of the Territory King Fighters are about to be promoted, and the Rank Four techniques have not been completed yet. If Ye Fei spends Origin Points to complete the current few techniques, that will not work. Too little.

Absolute Beginning requires more martial arts books and more knowledge, and now these precious treasures are in front of him.

"As long as we figure out this formation, we'll have a good harvest!"

"Try it first!"

Ye Fei threw a stone over and it bounced away from the formation without any accident. He was about to use the Absolute Beginning Sword to attack the formation in order to break the barrier. However, when he was about to attack, he felt a strong sense of crisis. He stopped. The sense of crisis did not appear inexplicably. It must have come from the formation in front of him.

"Is the formation so powerful?"

Ye Fei, who was afraid of triggering the formation to counterattack, did not dare to attack rashly. After testing the area several times and seeing that the formation did not take the initiative to attack, Ye Fei slowly approached the Sutra Pavilion.

His spiritual consciousness could not penetrate the protection of the formation, so he had to move closer and rely on his clear eyes to see if there were any flaws.

After Ye Fei got close to a certain distance, a wave of waves swept across his body, and then a voice sounded in his mind.

"Non-formal disciples of the sect are prohibited from entering Sutra Pavilion. Please become a formal disciple before coming to Sutra Pavilion."

Ye Fei, who felt invisible waves sweeping over his body and was retreating rapidly, stopped when he heard the voice in his head.

"Formal disciple? The Mysterious Heaven Sect is dead, how can I become a formal disciple!"

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