"Sword Intent and Sword Power are a kind of perception and application of intention and power. There are many kinds of artistic conception and power. Different methods of cultivation, different weapons used, and different ideas in the heart will lead to different meanings and power."

"Generally speaking, only Rank Four who can perceive the law have the opportunity to realize the existence of intention and momentum, but that is ordinary. There are always extraordinary geniuses. Like you, in Rank Three, you can realize the existence of intention and momentum, and even There are unparalleled geniuses who realize their own intentions and potential earlier."

"No matter what, people who have realized their own intention and power are much stronger than those who have not realized their own intention and power in the same realm. Even if your perception of intention and power is deep enough, you can defeat those who are one level higher than you. opponent."

"At the same time, if you have a deep enough understanding of your intention and potential, your understanding of the laws will be twice the result with half the effort. So the sooner you realize your own intention and potential, the greater your advantage will be. You have now taken a good first step."

Xuanying explained intention and momentum to Ye Fei. Ye Fei listened carefully. This kind of experience was very valuable. Xuanying understood all the confusion he had in cultivation before. It sounded very simple, but If no one wants to understand it by himself, it will take a lot of time and energy.

At this time, he also discovered that his Overlord Information had information about Sword Intent and Sword Intent. Recalling the impact of the opponent's Sword Intent and Sword Intent when he fought against the phantom swordsman before, he was quite familiar with what Xuanying said. I realized that if I mastered Sword Intent and Sword Power, I would not be so embarrassed when fighting against the Rank Four Void Orcs.

"Thinking about it this way, was the special energy attached to the Void Orc's attack also a kind of intention? It doesn't seem like it. I'll ask him later."

"This is the opponent's home court. Since he has no ill intentions at the moment, let's hug this know-it-all's thigh first and adapt accordingly."

Thinking of this, Ye Fei respectfully bowed to Xuanying as a disciple.

"Teacher, please accept my disciple's bow."

Seeing Ye Fei's salute, Xuanying did not refuse. The Mysterious Heaven Sect welcomed its first official disciple in ten thousand years, and this boy himself was also very talented. As the formation spirit of Xuanying Peak, his main job was to provide services to the sect. If you cultivate a good seedling, you will naturally not refuse Ye Fei's apprenticeship.

"If those old guys could wake up and see that I have accepted such a good disciple and continue the incense for the Mysterious Heaven Sect, they would be jealous to death..." Xuanying thought to himself.

Looking at Ye Fei, he said: "I am the Xuanying Peak Formation Spirit, and teaching disciples is also one of my duties. However, those who can accept my personal teaching must be core disciples. Although you have passed the elite trial, you are still far from being a core disciple." There is a certain distance, and logically I can’t teach you.”

"According to reason? Does that mean you don't have to act according to reason now?"

Ye Fei was originally a little anxious when he heard the other party rejected him, but when he heard the last sentence, he knew that his opportunity had come, and he stood up hurriedly and said:

"Teacher, Mysterious Heaven Sect has been in decline for thousands of years, and now I am the only one. I have to go through many difficulties and obstacles if I want to repeat the glory. If Teacher doesn't help me, what hope do I have to revive Mysterious Heaven Sect?"

Xuanying thought for a while and then said, "Well, Absolute Beginning, you are right. In this way, I will accept you as a registered disciple first, so that I can not only teach you but also not violate the sect's rules."

"It turns out you have thought about it all..."

Ye Fei muttered something in his heart and then hurriedly saluted and said: "Thank you, Teacher, for your success. I will definitely practice hard and regain the glory of Mysterious Heaven Sect as soon as possible."

"It's good that you have this heart!"

Xuanying is still very satisfied with this disciple.

"Teacher, do we still have resources in the Mysterious Heaven Sect that we can use? How can we restore you?"

"After the great changes in the world, all spiritual things were sucked dry. There used to be a Rank Eight Supreme Grade meridian on the main peak. We also had a Rank Eight Middle Grade spiritual vein on Xuanying Peak, but now there is none. All the spiritual stones in the spiritual veins are now empty shells, and the spiritual power is completely gone."

"All the treasures above Rank Seven in the sect's treasury disappeared during the catastrophe, and all the treasures below Rank Seven were sucked dry, leaving only an empty shell with no function."

The more Xuanying spoke, the lower his voice became. There really was nothing left in the sect, and the more Ye Fei listened, the more her heart grew colder.

"Teacher, what else can we use? I think the materials used to build the sect's mountain gate are extraordinary. Is there no such material left in the sect?"

"Mountain Gate? The main material used to build the mountain gate is Rank Five material Spirit Moon Stone. It is an associated ore of high-quality Spirit Stone veins. It has a good Spirit Gathering effect. It is also hard enough and has abundant reserves, so it is an excellent building material."

"But that material is useless now. In addition to being still so hard, the spirituality contained in it is gone. It has no value in smelting and forging. All the treasures above Rank Four in Qingchuan Realm are all useless. Only items below Rank Four are not involved. The law still works.”

"But there are only ore materials left. All other materials containing life aura disappeared that year regardless of their level, so now you can only harvest some ore materials below Rank Four."

"Also, although Rank Four is only the realm of perception law, it should have been affected a little in the past, so the effect may also be worse. This garbage is of no use at all."

Speaking of this, Xuanying also became a little irritated. He didn't even have the apprenticeship ceremony for his only disciple. It was really embarrassing!

"No, teacher, these rubbish, no, these ore materials are of great use to the disciples, I hope they can be given to the disciples."

Absolute Beginning is a new territory. He lacks everything. He is rubbish? They are all babies, okay!

"Oh, I forgot that you are still a Void Overlord. You are now only the territory of Rank Three. These low-level ore materials are indeed of some use to you. This is the distribution of mineral veins within the twelve main peaks of the Mysterious Heaven Sect. You You can mine it and get it back for use in the territory, but there are not many mineral veins in the sect below Rank Five, so don’t expect too much."

"In addition, there is a teleportation array on the west side of Xuanyingfeng Mission Square. You can connect your territory and bring some of your subordinates to mine. Don't waste your time. You have to focus on cultivation, you know? You can't abandon the basics..."

As soon as Ye Fei received the mineral distribution map given to him by Xuanying, he immediately heard the news about the teleportation array. He was so excited that he immediately started asking.

"Teacher, is there a teleportation array here that can communicate with my territory? My territory can only be connected to Rank Three with the teleportation array?"

Looking at the excited Ye Fei, Xuanying patiently explained:

"The huge Mysterious Heaven Sect naturally has a teleportation array. The twelve peaks of Profound Heaven, except for Guixuan Peak, which does not have a teleportation array, each of the other peaks has a teleportation array. Among them, only our Xuanying Peak and Zufeng are extra large. The other nine peaks are large Qingchuan intra-boundary teleportation arrays."

"Teacher, is there any difference between the cross-border teleportation array and the intra-border teleportation array? Why are we and Zu Peak the only ones with it but not other peaks?"

Ye Fei didn't want to miss a word of this key information, and asked Xuan Ying if she had any doubts.

"The cross-border teleportation array can be teleported to other worlds. As long as there are coordinates, you can locate the destination and teleport. If the other party also has a teleportation array, both parties can teleport point-to-point if they have coordinates.

If you only have coordinates on one side, you can only randomly teleport to the coordinate world, and the landing point cannot be selected, and there is a certain danger in teleporting like this. "

"Our Xuanying Peak is the sect's window to the outside world. All the disciples of the sect are selected to enter the sect from here. The disciples who go out to do tasks also leave from our Xuanying Peak.

So there is a cross-border teleportation array here. As for Zufeng, that is the core of the sect, so naturally a cross-border teleportation array must be deployed. "

"You are the Void Overlord. If you can come to Qingchuan Realm, you must have a teleportation token. Only your Void Overlords who have the blessing of the power of the world can use the teleportation token. If others use it, they will definitely be lost in the void rift without the blessing of the world's power. .”

"I see. I was wondering how a teleportation token can have such a powerful effect and can be teleported to fixed points. It turns out there are special usage restrictions."

Ye Fei silently wrote down this knowledge point.

Xuan Ying on the side continued: "You used the teleportation token, and the token will naturally have the coordinates of your territory and Qingchuan Realm. As long as you go to the teleportation array and record the coordinates of your territory on the teleportation array, you can open the sect. There is a passage between your territories, but..."

"But what teacher?" Ye Fei asked quickly after seeing Teacher Xuanying stopped talking.

"However, the space stones that opened the teleportation array should have been affected by the catastrophe. Originally, the teleportation array was inlaid with Rank Eight space stones, but now they should be gone. All items above Rank Seven disappeared in that catastrophe. , the remaining items above Rank Four are useless, so the formation may not be activated smoothly."

The formation could not be opened, which made Ye Fei, who was originally excited, fall from the clouds to the bottom.

"Teacher, if I can't open it, how can I communicate with the territory?"

"Hahahahaha, why are you in a hurry? Young man, you are just in a hurry. Since I mentioned the teleportation array, I can naturally let you use it."

"The formation pattern of the teleportation array has not been affected by the original catastrophe. This is why the sect's formation can still operate. Ore materials of Rank Four and below can also be used. There is a building near the teleportation array to maintain the teleportation array. There are also many Rank Four and Rank Three space stones in the supply warehouse used."

"Just embed the Rank Four space stone into the teleportation array, and then I will reduce the teleportation array to the minimum, so it should be usable."

Ye Fei's mood improved again when she heard that Teacher Xuanying had a solution to the teleportation array problem.

"Teacher, can we go there and try now?"

"Okay, let's go, boy, you are really in a hurry!"

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