Outside the orc fortress, Ye Fei, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately became energetic when he saw a group of void orcs coming out of the fortress. He was even more excited when he found out that the other party was just an orc commander in the early stage of Rank Four.

"I'll handle this. You take the people to hide. There's a big guy behind who needs you. Remember, follow my signals."

After Ye Fei gave Wang Zhan one final warning, he headed towards the direction of the orc team, laying an ambush on the opponent's path, waiting for the opponent to come.

The orc leader hurriedly rushed to the place where the energy fluctuations were coming not far away. He had already seen two more dazzling light balls rising from the distance and heading towards the fortress.

"I'll go first, you guys speed up."

The orc leader threw away the soldiers behind him, rushed out alone and flew forward at high speed.

Ye Fei tried his best to hide his figure, and when his consciousness felt that the other party was approaching with all his strength, the divine weapon-destroying arrow in his conscious space was ready.

The God-Destroying Arrow sneak attack and the flying sword kill are enough to kill a Rank Four in the early stage.

After the rune cannon attack just now, and by observing the chaotic orc fortress, he could clearly feel that there were four Rank Four orcs in the orc fortress, which was as many as he thought and within the budget.

The opponent's leader aura is very strong and should be at least Rank Four Late Stage. Of the remaining three Rank Fours, two are in the early stage of Rank Four and one is in the middle stage of Rank Four.

These four Rank Four orcs are the key to victory in this battle against the orcs. As long as these four Rank Four orcs are eliminated, the remaining more than 7,000 void orcs will be meat on the chopping board to be slaughtered.

If the opponent's four Rank Four attack at the same time and retreat together, Ye Fei will be really difficult to deal with. Now that the opponent is separated and not united, it gives Ye Fei a big chance.

At this time, Ye Fei had already sensed that the Rank Four orc leader was about to fly over his head. He held his breath and waited for the best opportunity.

The orc leader, who was flying rapidly towards the target direction, was completely unaware of the upcoming fatal attack.


The moment the orc leader flew over his head, Ye Fei used the divine weapon to kill the god arrow and hit the opponent instantly. With divine positioning, the blow hit the orc leader. He was in a hurry and he did not expect the sudden attack. .

Ye Fei's full-strength God-Destroying Arrow was enough to severely injure a void orc in the early stage of Rank Four. The orc leader immediately fell from the sky, and before it hit the ground, a white light pierced his chest, and then the white light turned around and hit his head. Cut it off.

An orc leader in the early stage of Rank Four died silently in the wilderness. Ye Fei quickly stepped forward to collect the essence of the opponent's power and then hid it back in the thick night.

"One has been solved, and there are three more to go."

Under the night, the strong firelight in the orc fortress was in sharp contrast with the surrounding dark night.

Two more rune cannonballs fell, and the barrier that had supported three rounds of attacks began to become shaky.

At this time, Chief Bad Fang, who had completely stabilized the situation in the camp, found that he had made a fatal mistake. It was too risky for him to blindly send a team out without understanding what was happening outside the fortress.

When he discovered that the enemies hiding in the dark were still attacking non-stop, Chief Bad Fang guessed that something might have happened to the team he sent.

At this time, various alarms began to sound in the control room of the tribal spacecraft. Originally, the protective barrier could last longer.

However, because the barrier was not opened during the first round of attacks, the spacecraft also suffered some damage, which affected the strength of the protective barrier behind it, and is now overwhelmed.

After receiving the alarm from the spacecraft, Chief Bad Fang made an immediate decision and led all the soldiers to rush out and fight the enemy to the death.

"Come out with me. Don't spread out. Be careful of enemy sneak attacks. Let's dig out those bugs hiding in the dark and chop off their heads."

"Offer your blood and life to the Mother Goddess and chop all the enemies into pieces!"

"For the Supreme Mother Goddess!"

With that said, Chief Badfang led the remaining two Rank Four commanders and hundreds of Rank Three orc warriors and rushed out of the fortress. The remaining Rank Two orcs could not keep up with their speed and could only be left behind and chased them desperately. The chief.

Ye Fei, who was outside the fortress, was always paying attention to the orcs inside. After seeing the orcs gathering, he chose to come out as a group and felt a little regretful.

"If we send another wave, this battle will be certain. I didn't expect the reaction to be so quick."

If the other party comes together as a team, then the pressure on his side will be great.

After Chief Bad Fang rushed out of the fortress, he found that he did not encounter the attack he imagined. Unable to find the enemy, he rushed towards the artillery position that was still attacking.

Ye Fei was swimming nearby, looking for opportunities. When he saw the orcs heading in the direction of Zhang Beihai, he decided to take action.

"Zhang Beihai won't be able to evacuate for a while, and he can't hide it. Wang Zhan can't move anywhere at will. It seems that he has no choice but to take action."

Rank Four's detection ability is not weak. Only Ye Fei has the ability to evade Rank Four's detection. Zhang Beihai has been exposed and cannot avoid it. Wang Zhan uses the military formation to hide himself. Fortunately, he will be exposed even if he moves. In that case, Ye Fei's plan cannot be implemented.

In order to prevent the team from scattering, Chief Bad Fang did not move very fast. Ye Fei quickly approached the orc team, and then selected the only remaining Rank Four initial leader of the orcs to use the magic weapon to attack the god-killing arrow.


Chief Bad Fang had a keen sense and noticed an abnormality when the God-Destroying Arrow was about to hit. However, his reminder was a step too late. The Rank Four commander next to him was hit before he could realize what was going on, and then lost consciousness. Mobility.

At the same time as the God-Destroying Arrow struck, the Absolute Beginning Sword followed closely and stabbed the unconscious orc leader. Unfortunately, the sword-killing situation that Ye Fei expected did not occur.


At the last moment, Chief Badfang, who was standing aside, pulled the orc commander's hand. His sword that was destined to win missed and only cut off one arm.

"Fortunately, at least he has lost his fighting ability, and we are left with two difficult guys."

After being hit by a god-killing arrow, one of his arms was cut off. The orc leader has lost the ability to fight. Ye Fei's main targets now are only an orc leader in the mid-Rank Four and an orc chief in the Rank Four Late Stage. .

"Despicable attacker, die..."

Seeing his subordinates who had their arms cut off, Chief Bad Fang was instantly furious. At this time, he also spotted Ye Fei wielding the flying sword not far away. He picked up the mace in his hand and swung it out.

A terrifying black energy wave rushed towards Ye Fei, and the released consciousness noticed this fatal attack. Ye Fei turned his body to avoid the angry blow, and then there was an explosion behind him for Ye Fei to feel. to the power of this blow.

The powerful strength of Rank Four Late Stage was fully demonstrated at this time. Ye Fei was unable to parry with a single blow from the air and could only dodge. If he was attacked from close range, even with the Chaos Shrouding Armor to protect him, Ye Fei could not withstand it. The Heavenly Armor is only Rank Four ordinary level.

Ye Fei knew that he couldn't beat him head-on, so he used flying swords to harass while using ordinary God-Destroying Arrows to harvest the Rank Three orcs around the opponent. In the space of his consciousness, the God-Destroying Arrows were also quickly recovering to prepare for the next attack.

Seeing the soldiers around him being deprived of their lives by invisible attacks, Chief Bad Fang was furious. The despicable sneak attacker opposite him killed his soldiers again and again in front of him, which made him no longer able to Unable to bear it anymore, powerful anger completely filled his mind, and he rushed forward desperately.

Seeing his chief rushing forward, the remaining orc commander also hurriedly followed.

When Ye Fei saw the leader of the orcs rushing up, he began to retreat towards the place where Wang Zhan ambush. The divine weapon Destroying God Arrow in the consciousness space still needs some time to recover. Attacking a Rank Four will consume a lot of God Destroying Arrow. Time to recover.

Ye Fei used the Absolute Beginning sword to slash at Chief Bad Fang. He has made great progress in swordsmanship and his current attacks are enough to injure Rank Four Late Stage, but this still cannot allow him to defeat the opponent.

Chief Badfang ignored it and rushed towards Ye Fei despite the attack of the Absolute Beginning Sword. The distance between the two sides quickly narrowed under Chief Badfang's strong charge.

"It's really thick-skinned."

Seeing Chief Bad Fang charging at him vigorously despite dozens of sword wounds, Ye Fei lamented the opponent's powerful system.

Chief Bad Fang's mace swung down one after another, leaving Ye Fei in a panic. Fortunately, he managed to dodge these attacks, but this also made the distance between the two sides continue to narrow.

Ye Fei looked at the orc commander who was only ten meters away from him and knew that the most critical moment was coming.

"Asshole, die!"

Looking at the sneak attacker in front of him, Chief Bad Fang raised the mace in his hand and struck it without any hesitation.

Facing this close blow, Ye Fei could no longer dodge, and he didn't even try to dodge.

Before the mace fell, Ye Fei's Absolute Beginning sword was stabbing at the opponent with all its strength. At the same time, the divine weapon's God-killing Arrow in the consciousness space was also restored and ready to attack at any time.

With a bang, Ye Fei withstood the blow firmly and his whole body was blown away.

After Chief Bad Fang felt that his blow hit the opponent, he relaxed a little. At this time, Ye Fei, who was being blasted away, also used the God-Destroying Arrow.

At the same time Ye Fei shouted:

"Wang Zhan, it's now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a roaring killing sound responded to Ye Fei from the darkness not far away.


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