Void Overlord: Ten Thousand Races Struggle For Hegemony

Chapter 145 Vigorously Expand The Army

At dawn, the battlefield had been cleaned, and all the essence of the source of power had been collected by Ye Fei.

In this battle, Ye Fei completely annihilated the Evil Fang tribe and harvested 6,945 Rank Two Source Power Essence, 791 Rank Three Source Power Essence, four Rank Four Source Power Essence, and An energy core with the lowest Rank Four.

In contrast, Ye Fei only paid the price of dozens of Rank Four rune shells and more than a dozen warriors being injured.

Well, in addition, he himself was seriously injured. This time was the most serious injury he had suffered since coming to Endless Void, and he still had the special energy in his body that was attached to the Void Orc attack.

However, he realized that Sword Intent's spiritual power has been strengthened after practicing the Profound Heaven Sword Code, which is enough to suppress the injuries in his body. As long as he does not use his spiritual power to fight, he can recover from the injuries in his body in two days.

After putting away all the Rank Three Source Power Essence, Ye Fei took out 500 Rank Two Source Power Essences and put them into the storage ring. These were used by him to upgrade the building later.

He gave the remaining nearly 6,500 Rank Two Source Power Essence to Little Black to devour. The mountain of Source Power Essence almost buried Little Black. Little Black had never been so rich, and he was happily in Ye Fei Swimming in the space of consciousness, shouts of joy kept coming to Ye Fei.

After cleaning the battlefield, Ye Fei led the team back the same way. He didn't know if there was any other way of communication between the Void Orcs. He had made such a big move here, and it would be difficult if reinforcements from the Void Orcs came. .

On the way back, Ye Fei was in a very good mood. He felt that it didn't take long for him to return to Xuanying Peak after the same journey and time.

After returning to Xuanying Peak, he first lost 5,000 Origin Points to the trial tower and asked Wang Zhan to take the 500 soldiers of the first battalion into the trial tower for the trial.

Most of Tie Xin's group who listened to the teachings in the summit hall had finished their training and returned to the teleportation array to wait for their return. There were still more than a hundred people, including Tie Xin, who were still in the hall waiting for tomorrow's course.

These blacksmiths who returned had reached their limits due to their qualifications and strength. They could no longer understand the subsequent courses. There was no point in listening any more, so Xuanying asked them to return.

Although their qualifications are not high, after a day of further training, most of them have improved their professional levels, and the forging department of Absolute Beginning has been strengthened as a whole.

"You are all good. Come back to the territory with me, practice your skills well when you return, and come back to listen to the teacher's teachings after a while after you have digested what the teacher taught you this time."

After speaking, Ye Fei opened the teleportation array and led everyone back to the Absolute Beginning territory. The materials collected by Fengling and others were also transported back to the territory.

Ye Fei recruited Zhou Heng to hand over 500 Rank Two source power essences to Zhou Heng, and asked him to upgrade all the Rank One buildings that could be upgraded in the territory to Rank Two.

At the same time, he was given fifty Rank Three source power essences and asked him to upgrade some important buildings such as village offices to Rank Three.

He had upgraded most of the valuable buildings before, but recently there were a lot of new farms and mining sites, and some buildings needed to be upgraded. Now he didn't have so much time and energy, so he left all these things to Zhou Heng came to do it.

When Ye Fei swallowed the Source Power Essence to Little Black this morning, he found that his family fortune share increased from nearly 600 points to 1,000 points, because his overall family fortune increased a lot by sharing the Blue Star Human Race. , and Ye Fei’s share of the share has also been increased.

"The fortune of the family is divided into one thousand points every day, plus the one hundred points from the territory, it can increase by one thousand one hundred points every day, which is a good improvement."

Ye Fei is very pleased to see the increase in daily income.

Little Black kept devouring it from morning to night. He had digested nearly two thousand Rank Two source essences and gained more than 100,000 Origin Points. Ye Fei was ready to spend a wave to increase the strength of his territory.

Ye Fei first spent more than 1,900 Origin Points to recruit 1,400 adult female territorial citizens to equalize the male-to-female ratio in the territory.

Afterwards, he exchanged several of the territory's major exercises, including the Heavenly Weapon Training Technique, for the Rank Four training content.

Soldier, Blacksmith, Spirit Planter, Alchemist, and Engineering Mage are the current mainstream professions in the Absolute Beginning territory. Ye Fei has previously exchanged the corresponding skills to Rank Three. Together with his Primordial Origin Sutra, there are six professions in total. It cost Ye Fei more than 61,000 Origin Points to exchange the exercises for the Rank Four training content.

The other five techniques all cost 10,000 Origin Points. Only the Primordial Origin Sutra is relatively more expensive, with more than 1,000 Origin Points.

After solving the problem of the follow-up skills, Ye Fei spent another five thousand Origin Points to recruit fifty Rank Two instructors, five Rank Three instructors, including ten artillery instructors.

He plans to further expand the size of the army, and the size of the training office will also be expanded to increase the training tasks for new recruits.

Then Ye Fei started recruiting Rank One fighters, and he took a look at his Origin Points balance.

Originally, he had a total of more than 105,000 Origin Points, and he spent 5,000 on the Trial Tower. He just spent more than 68,000 Origin Points, and now he still has 32,000 Origin Points left.

"Thirty-two thousand Origin Points left, which is enough."

He spent more than 7,500 Origin Points to recruit 2,500 Rank One soldiers. Ye Fei actually wanted to recruit more and recruited all the Origin Points into combat soldiers. However, the carrying capacity of the territory was limited, and he did not have that many resources to support them. Many soldiers.

The Rank Four rune cannon played a key role in today's battle against the orcs. Naturally, Ye Fei also wanted to enhance the strength of the artillery. Among the new recruits he recruited, he planned to train 500 artillery.

After searching for rune cannons in the mall, Ye Fei directly purchased ten Rank Four ordinary rune cannons, plus ten artillery squads and some special rune cannons, for a total of 14,000 Origin Points.

After that, he purchased several Rank One and Rank Two rune cannons for the new recruits to train and use.

With so many people added to the territory and still all of them were soldiers, there was a gap in the number of Spirit Spring and Body Tempering Spring.

Ye Fei planned to buy a Rank One each in the mall and upgrade it for these new recruits. It turned out that he only used the one caught by Wang Qing, but this time the increase was too much and could only be solved in the mall.

A Rank One Spirit Spring and a Rank One Body Tempering Spring cost Ye Fei two hundred Origin Points.

In the end, Ye Fei still had 10,000 Origin Points left. Thinking that the growth of territorial soldiers would put too much pressure on the Blacksmithing Department and the Ministry of Agriculture, Ye Fei recruited a hundred Rank Two Blacksmiths, a hundred Rank Two Spiritual Planters, and two Ten Rank Two alchemists spent all their last Origin Points.

After more than 100,000 Origin Points were spent, the population of the Absolute Beginning territory nearly doubled to 11,162 people.

"With more than 10,000 people, the population has met the conditions for promotion to Rank Four. Only territory and ecosystem construction are left."

After recruiting the people, Ye Fei asked Zhou Heng to start recruiting people. He divided several sets of exercises by himself and put away the Primordial Origin Sutra and asked Zhou Heng to distribute the remaining sets to various departments.

After doing this, Ye Fei left the Void Trading Market with the purchased Spirit Spring and Body Tempering Spring.

Ye Fei took out his phone and called Li Lei.

When he left the territory in the morning, he asked Li Lei to choose a place outside Absolute Beginning City to build a recruit training base.

"Has the location of the recruit training base been decided?"

"Lord Overlord has decided to build it just outside Xicheng District as you requested. I have assembled an engineering team to build it."

"I know, I'm going to go take a look now."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Fei walked outside Xicheng District and came to the construction site of the recruit training camp.

Li Lei rushed over as soon as Ye Fei arrived and gave Ye Fei a project report.

"Lord Overlord, the recruit training base project is not complicated. The foundation has been laid and the ground leveling work has been completed. The next step is to build the above-ground buildings. It only takes three days to allow the first batch of recruits to move in, and it can be completely completed in seven days. "

"According to your requirements, this recruit training base can accommodate three thousand recruits for training at the same time."

Looking at the engineering team that was stepping up construction overnight, Ye Fei said to Li Lei:

"I just recruited another 2,500 recruits. In addition to yesterday's 500 recruits, 3,000 recruits are already in place. You must hurry up in the construction of this base. Those 3,000 recruits can be stationed in the first battalion. Two days for now.

But this is not a long-term solution. After the construction of the recruit training base is completed, a military camp will be built for artillery and infantry in the new city. At the same time, the two military camps in Absolute Beginning City will also be further expanded. "

"Yes, Lord Overlord, I will personally work with the engineering team here to step up the construction and complete the recruit base as soon as possible."

Upon hearing that three thousand new recruits had arrived, Li Lei immediately decided to stay here and join the construction.

"Just do your best!"

Arriving at the center of the recruit training base, Ye Fei placed the Spirit Spring and Body Tempering Spring at the reserved locations.

He also took out the Source Power Essence and spent twenty Rank Three Source Power Essences to directly promote the two fountains to Rank Three Perfect Grade.

After upgrading the Spirit Spring, Ye Fei returned to the Overlord Mansion training room to concentrate on recovering from her injuries.

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