He Shuheng returned to the Xuanying Peak Camp No. 1 unimpeded.

After arriving at the camp, he found that there were fewer guards today, but he did not make any small moves. Instead, he returned to the room and opened the chat channel.

Yesterday, he was confused by a series of things. After returning home, he thought about it and found that he still had a trump card.

There are all Blue Star Overlords in the Blue Star Channel, and he can use public opinion to gain some benefits for himself.

"Brothers, I came to Mr. Ye Absolute Beginning yesterday, which is the location of Mysterious Heaven Sect. This Mysterious Heaven Sect relic is too powerful."

"A large formation covers more than a dozen peaks. At first glance, it looks like a very powerful relic of a powerful force. But I don't know how many good things there are inside?"

After He Shuheng edited it and posted it to the channel, it immediately aroused heated discussion.

"Brother Ye? That's awesome, brother, you've got me on my lap."

"Didn't you arrive at the ruins? Didn't you see anything good?"

"That's right, you won't get yourself killed for this, I'm envious!"

Staring at the hotly discussed chat channel, He Shuheng saw the reply he wanted and immediately started to reply.

"Boss Ye is very powerful. The troops surrounded the entire ruins to prevent others from entering. I didn't go in at all and just watched from the outside."

As soon as the news about He Shuheng was released, the channel immediately exploded. A large number of people participated and started a new round of heated discussion in the face of the information revealed by He Shuheng.

"Isn't it right? Is the boss so domineering?"

"I'll go, the boss is eating alone!"

"The troops are surrounding you? Where did the boss get the troops?"

"Right? I went and almost ignored the key information. How did the boss teleport the troops?"

Some people accused Ye Fei of being overbearing, some asked how to send troops into the Qingchuan boundary, and some people have been watching the situation change with cold eyes.

For those who accuse Ye Fei of being overbearing, Ye Fei's actions have harmed their vital interests. These people are just as weak as He Shuheng. If other strong people enclose and occupy the ruins like Ye Fei, then They don't get any advantage at all.

There are also some people who fish in troubled waters and are afraid of chaos in the world, causing trouble in the channel. For a while, Blue Star Channel was full of chaos.

He Shuheng looked at his masterpiece and smiled with satisfaction. He wanted to muddy the water, push Ye Fei to the forefront, and let everyone criticize him.

Ye Fei is a celebrity in Blue Star Channel, and there must be people who are dissatisfied with him. As long as he creates an opportunity, people will naturally add fuel to the fire. Now it seems that everything is in his plan.

"Boss Ye, you are very powerful. What do you think you will do this time?"


Wu Xiangwen, who had just commanded the Jiwu team to attack a gathering point of the One-Horned Clan near the top of Shiwanda Mountain, was sitting to rest. The battle with the One-Horned Clan was not easy, but fortunately, he won in the end.

"Boss, please open the channel and take a look. Something big has happened. Boss Ye Absolute Beginning has monopolized the Mysterious Heaven Sect ruins and is being denounced by others."

Wu Xiangwen opened the channel, looked through the information in the Blue Star Channel and fell into deep thought.

"How did Ye Absolute Beginning bring the territorial troops to Qingchuan Realm? Did he master a new transmission method?

The ruins are under control. It seems that there are very important things in the ruins. Maybe the method of teleporting troops is also in the ruins, so the ruins are sealed to prevent outsiders from entering.

The key is that it is incredible that he can master such a large ruin so quickly and completely. "

Wu Xiangwen usually pays attention to the news about his exploration in the channel. So far, except for Ye Absolute Beginning, he has not seen any Overlord make breakthrough progress in the ruins, but many people have become entangled in the ruins.

"It doesn't matter that Ye Absolute Beginning is strong enough. His territory is not weak either. His troops can seal off a ruin. How can he find so many resources to support his army?"

Regarding this point, Wu Xiangwen couldn't figure it out. After his Jiwu territory supported him, it was simply impossible to support a large army. The resources were completely insufficient.

"The key is still the issue of teleportation. If I can master the method of free teleportation, I can bring all the gains in Qingchuan Realm back to my territory.

You have to ask Ye Absolute Beginning to get the teleportation method at some cost! "

Wu Xiangwen never thought about Bai De Ye Fei's transmission method, and he automatically ignored the accusatory messages on the channel.

You want to take the spoils that others gain from strength without paying anything. Do you think that fighting for hegemony is just a child's play house?

Outside the Xuanying Peak Trial Tower, Ye Fei was still immersed in training.

There is no spiritual power in Qingchuan Realm, but this does not prevent Ye Fei from comprehending Sword Intent.

In Camp No. 1, He Shuheng waited for a long time but did not see Ye Fei coming to him, which made him anxious again.

"It shouldn't be. Didn't you notice the message in the channel? If you see it, you must come to me!"

He Shuheng knew that his remarks caused this turmoil. If Ye Fei found out about it, he would definitely come to him to settle the score. However, he was not afraid that Ye Fei would come to him. He was afraid that Ye Fei would ignore him again.

He had studied Ye Fei on the channel before and found that this person is not unreasonable and has always had a good reputation. Although he caused this discussion this time, he told the truth from the beginning without adding fuel or jealousy. He was making things up, so he wasn't afraid of the other party coming to confront him.

As for whether he would be killed or injured, He Shuheng looked towards the inner area of ​​Xuanying Peak not far away.

"Ye Absolute Beginning is also a celebrity. Celebrities cherish their reputation. I'm just telling the truth. His behavior may make me suffer a little, and it's basically impossible to kill me."

He is a person who cherishes his life, otherwise he would not be a traitor. Before sending those messages, he had analyzed various results. This was the safest one.

As for the risks, He Shuheng can't care about it now. He can't solve the threat of the One-horned Tribe. His life will be threatened at any time. It's the lesser of two evils. He is also a smart man.

Now he just needs to wait for the other party to come to the door.

When the time came in the afternoon, the exit of the trial tower came out, and the soldiers of the first battalion who had completed the trial walked out of the trial tower one after another.

Ye Fei also finished his training and looked at the soldiers of the first battalion who had completed the trial. Most of the five hundred recruits had broken through a level after completing the trial.

According to previous experience, as long as sufficient resources are provided after the trial, most of these recruits will be able to reach Rank Two Late Stage after tonight, and outstanding talents will be able to break through to Rank Three.

The resources to supply these recruits are naturally sufficient, and by tomorrow these recruits will be completely transformed.

More than a thousand people from the First Battalion were stationed at Xuanying Peak, and the garrison strength here was no longer so tense.

Ye Fei also wanted to catch the big fish of the Unicorn Tribe, so his military strength had to be guaranteed, otherwise he would slip and fall into the water before the fish was caught.

"I will take the new recruits and the veterans who are about to break through to the territory to practice in seclusion. You will take care of the remaining veterans here. The situation in the past two days has been complicated. We must ensure the safety of Xuanying Peak."

"Yes, Lord Overlord."

After arranging tasks for Wang Zhan, Ye Fei led people to the teleportation array. The engineering team will not go back today to step up construction.

Liu Yongyuan and others were already waiting near the teleportation array after listening to the lecture. Fengling, who had completed the collection work, was exchanging alchemy experiences with Liu Yongyuan.

Seeing Ye Fei coming, everyone stopped making noise.

"Lord Overlord!"

"Well, today's lecture is over. How was it? How was the harvest?"

Liu Yongyuan was very happy. He gained the most from this teaching.

"Lord Overlord, my subordinates have benefited a lot. They have found an opportunity to break through. It won't be long before they can break through to Rank Four and become a Rank Four alchemist."

"Very good, you work hard to break through to Rank Four as soon as possible, and there is a bigger opportunity waiting for you.

See that mountain peak in the distance? It's called Xuandan Peak, and there is a senior who specializes in alchemy. Once you reach Rank Four and pass the trial, you can become your teacher. "

Following the direction Ye Fei pointed, Liu Yongyuan seemed to see a Great Dao reaching the sky, and his whole body trembled with excitement.

"I will do my best to live up to Overlord's cultivation."



After leading everyone back to the Absolute Beginning territory, Ye Fei and Fengling sorted out the collected martial arts books.

The Sutra Pavilions of other peaks all contain the lowest Rank Four exercises, and only the exercises related to the cultivation of this peak are stored, so the number is much smaller.

Please click through all the gains. The total of Rank Four skills is just over 5,000, which is much less than the previous gains from Xuanying Peak.

"Adding these, there are more than 20,000 exercises of Rank Four in Tianyi Pavilion. The territory's low-level exercises are extremely deep."

Fengling said with a smile: "Everyone in the territory chooses a different one, and there will be some leftover."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Then they are blessed."

After placing the Kung Fu books in Tianyi Pavilion, Ye Fei returned to the training room of Overlord Mansion to continue to meditate on Sword Intent.

Ye Fei's good mood ended as a result of taking a routine look at Blue Star Channel before practicing.


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