In a flash, two days passed.

In the Absolute Beginning territory, in the Overlord Mansion's meeting hall, a seven-day government meeting is in progress.

“With the forging department now at full capacity, all two thousand sets of Rank Two warrior suits can be delivered for use today.

In addition, starting from tomorrow, the Forging Department can produce two hundred sets of Rank Three warrior suits every day, and this production can be increased in the future. "

After the overall level of the forging department has been improved, the production efficiency has been significantly improved.

"Very good. After meeting the needs of the territorial troops, we will research new equipment for the territory as soon as possible. The Integrated Union development of rune technology must also continue to follow up."

"Yes, Lord Overlord."

Next, Fengling made a report on the development of the elixir department.

After Ye Fei sent Liu Yongyuan into the trial tower two days ago, Liu Yongyuan did not disappoint him and passed the official disciple trial of the trial tower on the same day.

Then Ye Fei obtained the official disciple status token from Teacher Xuanying and sent Liu Yongyuan to Xuandan Peak.

After going up to Xuandan Peak, Liu Yongyuan never came down again. Two days later, he was still on Xuandan Peak. After taking the Divine Pill, Fengling also successfully broke through to Rank Four.

"Currently there are one hundred and fifty official alchemists in the Alchemy Pavilion, including 11 Rank Three alchemists, 50 Rank Two alchemists, and 89 Rank One alchemists.

The Alchemy Pavilion has now completed the strategic reserve task of territorial elixirs and will soon start producing elixirs for external sale, mainly Rank One Spirit Spring elixir, Rank Two Spirit Spring elixir, Rank One spiritual food elixir, and Rank Two spiritual elixir.

In addition, there are more than 120 doctors in the territorial medical center, including 20 Rank Three doctors, more than 50 Rank Two doctors, and more than 50 Rank One doctors. "

After the territory increased the training of alchemists, the number of people practicing medicine has declined. Now these are basically the doctors Ye Fei recruited before.

However, Ye Fei did not restrict the development of medicine. The corresponding exercises were all available and resources were supplied, but there was no emphasis.

Spirit Spring Pill and Spirit Food Pill are both pills that replenish spiritual power, strengthen the body, and can quickly increase the strength of Rank Two. They are currently the most consumed resources by the Blue Star Overlords.

After Ye Fei promoted the Spirit Spring outside the Overlord Mansion to Rank Four, the citizens whose territory was promoted to Rank Three began to drink the Spirit Spring from Rank Four, resulting in a surplus of Spirit Spring from Rank Three, which was the main ingredient for refining the Spirit Spring Pill. There you have it.

As for the main ingredient of Lingshi Dan, there is also no shortage of Lingmi raw materials.

Ye Fei has focused on the development of the farming industry in the territory from the beginning, and recruited Ling Zhifu to plant the Spirit Field early on.

With Wang Qing's strong support and Li Letian's vigorous acquisitions in the trading market, the area of ​​Absolute Beginning's Spirit Field has exceeded five square kilometers. Looking at the report materials submitted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Ye Fei's face was full of smiles.

"Lord Overlord, our Ministry of Agriculture is vigorously promoting the cultivation of spiritual rice in accordance with your instructions. Currently, the territory has fifteen hectares of Rank Three Spirit Field, two square kilometers of Rank Two Spirit Field, and three square kilometers of Rank One Spirit Field. Five-color rice is planted respectively. , three-color rice and golden rice.

There are currently 21 Rank Three Spirit Planters, 150 Rank Two Spirit Planters, and 330 Rank Three Spirit Planters. The Spirit Field can currently harvest once every ten days, and one production is enough for the territory. Everyone has been taking it for three years now.

Moreover, the general farmland in the territory covers about eight square kilometers, all of which have been planted with various vegetables and fruits, and some of them have been planted with some fruit trees. "

Ye Fei also expected that the output of food in the territory would be very high, but he didn't expect it to be so high. With enough spiritual planters to take care of the Spirit Field, the output of the Spirit Field was frighteningly high.

In addition, due to the rules of the low-level territory and the bonus of life talent, the growth cycle of spiritual rice is only ten days. With the high yield in a short period, the granary of the territory is already full.

Ye Fei previously asked Li Letian to purchase grain from the trading market, but recently he has stopped purchasing basic grain crops.

Processing spiritual rice into spiritual food pills for sale will be an important output of the territory in the future, and Ye Fei is full of confidence in this.

"Lord Overlord, the breeding of spirit fish in Nanling Lake is on the right track, but it will take about half a month to harvest the spirit fish. Currently, there are three Rank One spirit fish and one Rank one in Nanling Lake. Two spiritual fish.

There are still about seven days left for the harvest of the spiritual pigs, spiritual cattle, and spiritual sheep in the breeding farm. "

Since the short-term maturation of crops, it takes nearly twenty days for the farmed spiritual fish and spiritual animals to mature.

The breeding farm originally established by Ye Fei outside the city of Absolute Beginning was partly destroyed in the last battle of Shiling. Later, Wang Qing reopened several breeding farm buildings and re-established three breeding farms, specializing in breeding. Work.

"Lord Overlord, the Ministry of Industry has completed the construction tasks of the Harvest Plains in accordance with your requirements, and the second phase of the Platinum Hills project has also come to an end and is about to enter the third phase of construction.

In addition, the first phase of the Xuanying Peak project is about to be completed. According to your instructions, the renovation and construction of several surrounding peaks will soon begin. "

After several days of construction, a military camp has been built on Xuanying Peak to accommodate the first battalion, and other facilities have also been transformed in accordance with Ye Fei's requirements.

Ye Fei is preparing to station a battalion of troops plus six Rank Four rune cannons in Qingchuan Realm to defend Xuanying Peak. The troops stationed there will be rotated every three days. The two battalions of new recruits can be reorganized and enlisted today. He now has enough Troops are being rotated.

After the reports from various departments were over, Zhou Heng stood up and reported the overall situation of the territory to Ye Fei.

"Lord Overlord, there are currently 13,237 people in the territory, and all work is being carried out smoothly..."

Ye Fei looked through the materials in his hand and listened to Zhou Heng's report. The territory was developing rapidly, and he was very satisfied with the progress of all the work.

After Zhou Heng finished his report, Ye Fei commented on all the people in charge one by one, and finally expressed that he was very satisfied with everyone's work.

Ye Fei used 5,000 Origin Points on the spot to give targeted strengthening rewards to everyone present. These people are the backbone of the territory, and strengthening them will also strengthen the territory.

At the same time, Ye Fei recruited another 3,000 territorial citizens to increase the population of the territory.

"President Zhou, you have to do a good job in receiving and distributing these three thousand people. You have experience in this regard. I think you will do a good job."

"Yes, I will definitely make arrangements to live up to Overlord's trust."

"Okay, today's government meeting is over!"

After the government affairs meeting, Ye Fei asked all officers above the rank of team leader in the first battalion and artillery battalion to come to the council hall to hold a military affairs meeting.

Seeing everyone gathered, Ye Fei took the lead and said:

“This is the first time a military affairs meeting has been held in the territory, and I won’t go around the bush and talk about the key points directly. There are three things in this meeting.

First, 2,500 recruits at the recruit training base will complete their training today. These two thousand recruits will be organized into the territorial second and third battalions, and 500 artillery recruits will join the artillery battalion.

The officers of these three battalions need to be established. The positions of infantry battalion commanders and commanders have been determined through selection at the recruit training base. Now the positions of team leader, commander and commander need to be determined.

These vacant positions in the other two battalions of the infantry battalion will all be selected from the veterans of the first battalion. Wang Zhan, please announce the list. "

He and Wang Zhan had discussed the appointment of officers several times and had many private conversations with officers. In fact, everyone already had the answer in mind. "Where is the first team of the second battalion in the first capital entering? The second team..."

Wang Zhan's loud voice resounded in the meeting hall. Most of these people who were promoted to captains had previously held senior positions, and they had all been promoted one level.

"Li Qiang, the first commander of the second battalion."

"Here, thank you Lord Overlord for your cultivation. I am willing to die for Lord Overlord."

"The second capital is Liu Jun."

"Here, thank you Lord Overlord for your cultivation. I am willing to die for Lord Overlord."

This time, the person whose name was called was a person present at the meeting. Everyone whose name was called immediately stood up, performed a military salute, and responded loudly.

"The commander of the second battalion, Qin Kaiyang."

Qin Kaiyang was a little surprised when he heard his name, but he immediately stood up and gave a military salute.

Ye Fei, who was the head of each of them, had talked to them before, but there were only two commander positions, and he did not expect that it would be him.

The others who were not named started to get nervous.

"Commander of the third battalion, He Xinghong."


Everyone present was a little surprised when they heard He Xinghong's name, but they quickly recovered.

They were just wondering why there was no such new star's name in this promotion. After He Xinghong was not promoted to Chengdu Leader, they wondered whether he would be promoted to commander, but they soon felt that it was impossible. Unexpectedly, he actually jumped two levels at once.

"Here, thank you Lord Overlord for cultivating me. I am here to kill all enemies, Lord Overlord."

He Xinghong's face flushed with excitement. His qualifications were a little lower. He thought he would only be promoted to one level this time, but he unexpectedly became the battalion commander directly, which surprised him greatly.

After appointing the positions of the second and third battalions, Wang Zhan stepped aside.

"Now let me talk about the second thing. Three infantry battalions will form the first army of the territory. As the establishment of the first army of the territory, I will name the first army the Yulin Army. It will be the wing of the country, like Lin Zhisheng. I hope You can protect Absolute Beginning."

"Now I accept my fate. Wang Zhan will be the general of the Yulin Army. He will command the Yulin Army and concurrently serve as the commander of the first battalion of the Yulin Army."

"Here, thank you Lord Overlord for cultivating your trust."

Upon hearing Ye Fei's appointment, several others who had not received the appointment or promotion felt like they were on a roller coaster.

He looked at Ye Fei eagerly to see if there was any appointment.

"Li Sanqiang, Wu Jinsong!"


"Deputy General of Ren Yulin Army, assisting General Yulin."

"Yes, thank you Lord Overlord for cultivating your trust."

The two of them sat down with glowing faces, their moods ups and downs making them breathe quickly.

"Now let's talk about artillery battalions. The establishment of artillery battalions is different. In addition to the artillery team leader, there is one Rank Four rune cannon team for every four Rank Three rune cannon teams. There are five teams in total.

Five teams formed an artillery battalion, and the leader of the original Rank Four rune cannon team assumed the position of captain.

After recruiting 500 new soldiers, the artillery battalion used the old to lead the new. On the basis of the original artillery battalion, two more artillery battalions were formed, namely the second artillery battalion and the third artillery battalion.

The missing forty Rank Three rune cannons and five Rank Four rune cannons will be completed after the meeting. "

"Now I accept Zhang Beihai as the commander of the second artillery battalion, and Ma Shuming as the commander of the third artillery battalion."

"The three battalions of the artillery were formed into Absolute Beginning's second military-level organization, the Thunder Army. Qi Chuan served as General Thunder and concurrently as the commander of the first battalion of the Thunder Army."

"Here, thank you Lord Overlord for cultivating your trust."

After settling the appointments of the Yulin Army and the Thunder Army, Ye Fei announced the third thing.

"Now, I announce the third thing. From today on, the General Military Law Office of Absolute Beginning will be established to manage the military law and discipline of the entire army. Each army will have a military law office and each battalion will have a military commander to supervise and manage military law and discipline. Zhao Ming, Served as Director of the Military Justice Department."

"Yes, thank you Lord Overlord for cultivating your trust."

Zhao Ming, who had always been expressionless, stood up, performed a military salute and sat down.

When others heard about the establishment of the Military Law Office, they felt even more in awe of this black-faced and cold-hearted military judge. Many people here had been subjected to Zhao Ming's military stick, and their buttocks still ached a little when they thought about it.

"Zhao Chuquan is appointed as the Director of the Military Justice Department of the Yulin Army, and Zhou Yi is appointed as the Director of the Military Legal Department of the Thunder Army."

"Thank you, Lord Overlord, for cultivating your trust."

At this point, the appointments of the territory's newly-established Yulin Army, Thunder Army, and General Military Law Office have been completed.

"In a moment, I will personally go to the recruit training base with you to announce the appointment in front of all the recruits, and you will officially take office.

The Yulin Army completed the recruit trial today, and then the first battalion of the Yulin Army was stationed at Xuanying Peak, the second battalion was stationed at Absolute Beginning City, and the third battalion was stationed at Lingwu City. "


Wang Zhan stood up and accepted the order.

"The same goes for the Thunder Army. After officers at all levels take office, the first battalion is stationed at Xuanying Peak, the second battalion is stationed at Absolute Beginning City, and the third battalion is stationed at Lingwu City."


Qi Chuan stood up and accepted the order.

"Everyone, there are a lot of new recruits joining this time, which will test the abilities of officers at all levels. I hope everyone can integrate the new recruits into the army as soon as possible to improve their combat effectiveness.

Zhao Ming, please give me a list of military officers in each battalion. The missing officers must be filled. Both armies must strictly enforce military regulations on new recruits when they return home. Military ranks should not be judged by others. "

"Any questions? No problem. Let's go to the recruit training base now."

"No problem, Lord Overlord."

Then Ye Fei took all the appointed officers to the recruit training base and appointed all officers at all levels in front of all the recruits.

Watching the 2nd and 3rd Battalions of the Yulin Army enter the trial tower, Ye Fei was thinking about when he could move the trial tower back to Absolute Beginning.

"What a good thing! It would be great if I could test the artillery again, but it's a pity that I can't."

After investing 20,000 Origin Points, two battalions of soldiers began the trial. It was a lot of investment but the rewards were even greater.

"The artillery battalion's forty Rank Three rune cannons, five Rank Four rune cannons and the special shells cost a total of 20,000 Origin Points. The harvest from killing familiar people has been spent."

Looking at the balance of six thousand Origin Points, Ye Fei wondered if it was time to take action against the Unicorns outside the Mysterious Heaven Sect. Six thousand Origin Points was a huge sum of money to others, but to him, If you change hands, it might be gone.

"Forget it, wait two more days. The new recruits have just joined the army and still need to get used to it."

Back at the territory, Ye Fei called Zhou Heng again and asked him to fill up the newly established logistics personnel of each battalion.

"The two battalions of the Yulin Army and the two battalions of the Thunder Army require about a thousand logistics support personnel. Is there any problem?"

"No problem, Lord Overlord, I will make arrangements now."

"very good!"

After hanging up the phone, Ye Fei returned to the practice room and continued studying Sword Intent.

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