
"The devouring is over?"

Ye Fei suddenly felt something unusual from Little Black and realized that the digestion of the essence of the source had ended after two days.

During these two days, Ye Fei's Origin Points had accumulated to 78 points, and the daily clan operation points had steadily increased. However, he didn't spend a single point. It was all for strengthening the territorial barrier and ensuring that there were no loopholes.

After researching the specific issues with the territorial barrier, Ye Fei discovered a method to upgrade it through the store. He found that he could purchase Territory Talents to enhance the territorial barrier.

As for the talent "Concealment" that protected the territory from leaking its aura, the Rank One ordinary level required 100 Origin Points. So, for the past few days, Ye Fei chose to let the four people in the territory rest outdoors rather than spend Origin Points to buy a residential building.

"Indeed, the essence of the source is worth 200 Origin Points." Ye Fei opened the territory information and looked at the increased Origin Points.

[Overlord: Ye Fei]

[Level: Rank One Perfection]

[Territory: (Absolute Beginning) Rank One, (824 square meters)]

[Population Information: 4 people]

[Special Building: Spirit Spring: Rank One, Perfect Grade]

[Origin Points: 278]

[Note: 1. The current territory condenses 1 Origin Point every day. 2. Clan operation bonus: accumulates effects based on shared information.]

[Talent: Strong]

"I have enough Origin Points now. I can buy two Territory Talents." Ye Fei saw the remaining Origin Points and couldn't wait to open the store. He selected the Territory Talents he had already decided on and purchased them.

Two hundred Origin Points disappeared, and two rays of light flew out from the Void Gate into the territory, instantly adding two talents to the territory.

[Territory Talent: Border Expansion, Effect: Automatically absorbs chaotic energy from the void to increase the territory's area. Rank One, ordinary level. Note: Increases territory area by 10 square meters every day. Territory Talent level cannot exceed the territory level.]

[Territory Talent: Concealment, Effect: Enhances the concealment effect of the territorial barrier, wrapping the territory in an invisible barrier to reduce the possibility of being discovered by enemies. Rank One, ordinary level. Note: Territory Talent level cannot exceed the territory level.]

With these two talents, Ye Fei noticed that his territory began to slowly absorb the boundless chaotic energy from outside and gradually grow.

"Ten square meters a day is not bad. I can gradually upgrade it with Origin Points in the future, making it stronger and more durable."

The concealment effect that Ye Fei was concerned about also met his expectations. The effect of the concealment talent combined with the territorial barrier greatly enhanced the original concealment function of the territorial barrier. Now, the aura within his territory would no longer leak out. If there were any loopholes due to the expansion of the territory in the future, he only needed to upgrade the concealment talent.

"Finally, a major problem is solved." With the territory's aura no longer leaking and the concealment barrier intact, Ye Fei felt much more relaxed. For the past two days, he had been worried that new Void Devourers or other Void Species would be attracted.

If his territory were to be attacked again, he couldn't guarantee that he would win. Moreover, if a big guy were to be attracted, it would be troublesome.

"Fortunately, I can temporarily relax now."

Ye Fei opened the Blue Star Channel and shared his latest Territory Talent experience in the channel.

During these two days, he had successively released information about the territorial barrier, Void Devourers, and the essence of the source. Now, with the addition of Territory Talent information, Ye Fei estimated that his daily clan operation points would increase to over fifty points in two days.

"When everyone strengthens themselves one by one and the clan operation effects increase, my share will also greatly increase. Everyone needs to work hard. I've shared my experience, so you all need to improve quickly."

Ye Fei felt that these cabbage were growing too slowly, and he couldn't profit from them. His Origin Points were mainly obtained through clan operations. Relying on the territory was too slow, and devouring the essence of the source was too difficult. So, he still had to rely on clan operations.

During these two days, Wang Qing had gained a lot of Earth Crystals and various Heart of Stones, which directly expanded the territory and strengthened the territorial barrier, the aura, and the thickness of the territory.

Although Liu Ming and Li Lei were far behind Wang Qing, they worked tirelessly at night and increased the number of storage boxes, but he didn't expect them to contribute much in terms of crystals and the like.

"With the remaining 78 Origin Points, I estimate that I can reach 100 points tomorrow. By then, I can choose another Territory Talent or buy a talent for myself. It feels great to have money."

Ye Fei looked at his balance and glanced at Blue Star Channel. Now he was very wealthy, as most Overlords only earned 1 Origin Point per day. The amount he had now seemed too distant to reach.

Even after Ye Fei shared information about the clan's operation, only a few people benefited from it daily.

After resolving the issues in his territory, Ye Fei began to focus on improving his personal strength. His level had reached the limit in the territory, but strength was not solely determined by level. Various skills, equipment, talents, and more were also crucial factors, leaving him with plenty of room for improvement.

Currently, he only had two skills: Basic Swordsmanship and Basic Body Technique. He had reached a High Level in Basic Swordsmanship, but his Basic Body Technique was still at a Middle Level due to the lack of skill books.

His armor and longsword were both Rank One Perfect Grade, but the armor was slightly damaged. If possible, he would replace it with a new one, and other equipment also needed upgrading.

Ye Fei set a goal for himself to reach perfection in Basic Swordsmanship and a High Level in Basic Body Technique within a week. As for equipment, he could only postpone it for now.

Ye Fei had completely quit his job now, leaving all the daily work in the territory to Wang Qing, who led Liu Ming and Li Lei.

The territory was still small, and the work was clear and straightforward, so Ye Fei trusted Wang Qing with it.

"Since the place is so small, any issues can be resolved at any time," Ye Fei thought silently as he watched the three of them working enthusiastically.

In a state of cultivation, Ye Fei no longer paid attention to Wang Qing and the others. He started practicing in the middle of the territory, while Wang Qing went fishing on the side, and Liu Ming and Li Lei worked orderly on the Spirit Field and Void Crossbow.

Meanwhile, the information released by Ye Fei quickly spread throughout the Blue Star Void Overlord community.


"Absolute Beginning is already setting a pace that I can't keep up with. My brain is starting to feel insufficient."

"You're just dumb. Absolute Beginning feels like he's playing on a different server than us. It's not the same as what we're experiencing."

"I agree with the comment above. I'm constantly on edge now, afraid of being attacked by Void Creatures. The big shots can even hunt them down. Sigh~"

"200 Origin Points for Essence of the Source, that's just mind-blowing. It's half a year's income for my territory."

"Thanks to the big shot's sharing, I've been living in fear every day, but it seems like I worried for nothing. My territory is still small, so it looks like I don't have to worry about upgrading the Concealment Barrier."

"Such weak thoughts..."



After seeing Ye Fei's post, Zhao Wujin became very interested in the Void Devourer. He looked up at the area outside his territory, wondering if a Devourer might appear. 200 Origin Points were a huge sum, and he also wanted to test his current strength.

Gripping his longsword tightly, Zhao Wujin looked at his territory's barrier.


Inside the Feixing Territory, Li Feixing also saw Ye Fei's post. After reading it, he looked at his own territory, which was just over 200 square meters, and smiled bitterly.

"The opportunity is right in front of me, but if I don't have the strength, it becomes a life-threatening crisis. If I could kill a Devourer, my territory could enter the fast lane of development."

"Unfortunately, weaklings have no choice." Li Feixing looked at the void in front of him.

In the blink of an eye, seven days had passed.

Inside the Absolute Beginning Territory, the lush crops in the green Spirit Field were thriving, carefully tended by Liu Ming. Li Lei captured the targets with the Void Crossbow and began sorting various supplies. Wang Qing started his own performance, fishing one after another like an emotionless fishing machine, yet still a highly efficient one.

After seven days of hard training, Ye Fei's swordsmanship finally reached Rank One Perfection, and his body technique also reached his set goal.

"Now, even if I encounter that Devourer again, I won't be completely overwhelmed even if I can't win."

"It would be great if I could encounter a Devourer below Rank One Perfection. Dealing with it wouldn't be a problem, and it would be quite a gain."

Looking at the territory that had doubled in size compared to seven days ago, Ye Fei couldn't help but miss the Essence of the Source from the Devourer.

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