"Lord Overlord!"

He Xinghong stood in front of Ye Fei in shame.

His performance this time was a mess in his own opinion. If Lord Overlord had not appeared in time, the third battalion might have suffered casualties.

Facing a group of Rank One bastards, with the protection of the Thunder Army and the blessing of the black dragon Law Manifestation, he still suffered casualties, that was his shame.

"Clean the battlefield, encircle and suppress the remaining Skaven, there cannot be a single living Skaven in the Mysterious Heaven Sect!"

After hearing the order, He Xinghong immediately took the order and led the third battalion to start clearing out the fleeing rat men.

Ye Fei is still very satisfied with He Xinghong, even though the leader's approach to dealing with the rat tide this time was a bit crude and ill-considered.

But these are all small problems. It is the first time to lead a battle. It is harmless to have some small problems due to lack of experience. It will be better to accumulate experience in the future.

Several batches of recruits were recruited, and there were many good prospects, but only He Xinghong was the most outstanding, and he also won Ye Fei's attention and training.

He Xinghong is not one of the earliest veterans, but his progress has far surpassed that of his seniors. First, he was the fourth person in the first battalion to break through to Rank Three, and then he continued his efforts and became the third person to break through to Rank Four after Qin Kaiyang. .

Currently, in the entire Yulin Army, only Wang Zhan, Qin Kaiyang, and He Xinghong have broken through to Rank Four. The remaining two lieutenants and several commanders are still on the verge of successfully breaking through to Rank Three, but they have not yet broken through.

Qin Kaiyang is one of the oldest warriors. He and Ye Fei fought against the Zerg together. When he reached Rank Three, He Xinghong had just broken through to Rank Two. As a result, they have now broken through to Rank Four in succession, and the time difference is only half a day. This shows how talented He Xinghong is.

Moreover, He Xinghong has a strong learning ability and is very talented in leading troops in combat. However, his previous journey was too smooth, which made him feel a little arrogant.

Ye Fei also discovered this. In fact, the entire Absolute Beginning, whether it was the army or the various departments of the Government Affairs Council, had similar sentiments.

However, the territory expanded rapidly, and Ye Fei continued to increase the workload of the Government Affairs Council and various departments, suppressing pride and complacency to a certain extent.

However, this arrogance among the troops did not stop in time. Instead, it became more and more serious with the rapid expansion of the troops and several easy victories.

Fortunately, Ye Fei and Wang Zhan are sober and there are generally no problems.

"It's just a good thing to teach this kid a lesson. It's a good thing to know how much he weighs!"

Nothing can be made without cutting it, Ye Fei believes that experiencing this setback will make He Xinghong sober up.

"Hello, Mr. Ye!"

"Hello, Mr. Ye!"

Wang Zifeng led a dozen people to Ye Fei, who looked at Ye Fei with admiration.

The main reason is that Ye Fei's appearance just now was so amazing and handsome. A sword fell from the sky and penetrated the enemy army, and then killed all directions in the center of the rat swarm. The rats Human Race were harvested like wheat wherever they passed.

This scene deeply shocked Wang Zifeng and others, as well as all the Blue Star Overlords watching from behind.

They had tried their best to predict Ye Fei's strength, but reality still broke through their understanding.

"Damn, this is too exaggerated!"

This is the unanimous opinion.

Looking at the dozen or so people in front of him, Ye Fei was very pleased. He has always been generous in helping his Blue Star compatriots. Sharing his experiences was the reason why the clan gained fortune. But in the beginning, it was also to help the Blue Star compatriots.

Now his elixir trade and arms trade are in full swing on the Trading Platform. He is also making money, and so are the Blue Star Overlords. Absolute Beginning's products are only half the price of similar products in the mall, which can be said to be extremely cheap.

These elixirs and weapons and equipment have allowed many Blue Star Overlords to improve their combat power, and also provided a guarantee for their future development.

In fact, Ye Fei could have raised some prices. As long as he was lower than the mall price, he would not worry about sales, but in the end he settled on half of the mall price for mutual benefit and win-win results.

This sudden attack on Wang Zifeng and others' choice also made Ye Fei feel that her previous choice was valuable.

"You did a good job. I'm glad that everyone can stay and fight against the enemy together after encountering danger. I, Ye Fei, am not a stingy person and will not treat you badly."

Saying that, Ye Fei gave each person who stayed a share of Rank Four Spirit Spring and Body Tempering Spring.

"These two special spring waters can increase spiritual power and cleanse the physical body. Take a small amount for Rank Three and below in case the body cannot bear it."

Looking at the Rank Four special spring water in their hands, Wang Zifeng and others felt happy. They paddled the whole time this time, basically standing next to the Yulin army and doing nothing, but the rewards were extremely rich.

Boss Ye is really heroic. He gives out the Rank Four special spring water as soon as he gives it, and he gives two kinds of water in return.

Wang Zifeng was secretly surprised.

Wang Zifeng wanted the Body Tempering Spring and the Spirit Spring very much. These two Rank Four Spirit Spring could elevate him to Rank Three, but in the end he decided to give the Spirit Spring to Ye Fei.

"Boss Ye is so generous. We haven't been able to help you much this time. We really deserve it!"

Ye Fei looked at Wang Zifeng in surprise, and everyone happily checking the Spirit Spring in their hands also looked at him in surprise.

In the end, Ye Fei still pushed the Spirit Spring to Wang Zifeng. Regardless of whether Wang Zifeng was pretending or feeling guilty in his heart, he could resist the temptation of the treasure and act like a character.

"Take it, you all deserve it!"

"In addition to these, you can also choose a property in Camp No. 1 as your own private property."

"I remember you, Wang Zifeng. You already have a property in Camp No. 1. In this way, you will be responsible for the daily management of Camp No. 1. If you have any questions, you can contact me."

With that said, Ye Fei gave a phone bug to Wang Zifeng and taught him how to use it.

Camp No. 1 was established by Ye Fei, but he was not prepared to manage it personally. It was not a good idea to not manage it at all as a window to the outside world. Wang Zifeng in front of him was a good candidate.

Ye Fei has never rejected people with ideas and abilities, and even likes to train such people. He looks good at Wang Zifeng, and handing over Camp No. 1 to him may bring him some unexpected surprises.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye, for your trust. I will definitely work hard to do this job well!"

Looking at the phone in his hand, Wang Zifeng was extremely excited. He was betting on the right thing this time. Ye Fei asked him to manage Camp No. 1, which really surprised him.

"Do a good job, I'm optimistic about you!"

Ye Fei encouraged him a few words, and then turned around to search for the Rat Man's defeated troops. Without the assistance of his spiritual consciousness, Wang Zhan and others might not be able to clean them up completely. After all, the Rat Man was very good at hiding, and he needed to take action himself.

Here, Zhang Wei, Li Xue and others looked at Wang Zifeng with envy. They had gained a lot this time.

But it is far inferior to Wang Zifeng. He has been personally authorized by Boss Ye to manage Camp No. 1, and can also directly contact Boss Ye. It can be said that he has reached the sky in one step.

"Brother Wang, I knew it was right to trust you. I will follow you from now on."

"That's right, Brother Wang, from now on, the brothers will be around for you, so you must take care of them!"

Everyone was talking to each other, and Wang Zifeng responded with a red face.

This huge harvest made him a little confused, and now it feels a little unreal.

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