"This... is truly... completely unscientific."

Ye Fei, who walked out of the door, looked at the empty and dim void not far away, feeling as if it was within reach.

And his so-called territory was only a small wooden house, the size of a farmer's courtyard, where he couldn't even take a few steps.

"A 100-square-meter area is really small. If I accidentally fall off while taking a few steps, I'll be done for."

Looking up, there was clearly no sun in the sky above the territory, but it was as bright as day inside the territory, while the surrounding void was extremely dark.

He could see some floating debris near the territory, but looking further away, it was pitch black and nothing could be seen.

There were no stars in the sky, no sun or moon, no blue sky or white clouds. There were no trees or even grass on the land, let alone any birds or animals.

His Void Territory was floating like this in the Endless Void.

"Void Overlord? The Void Farm Owner should have a bigger territory than this," Ye Fei muttered. He looked around and found a few items in the territory besides the small wooden house in the middle.

A fishing rod, something like a crossbow with arrows attached to ropes, a door emitting a faint light that seemed extraordinary, and a regular wooden box.

When his gaze focused on them, some information appeared before his eyes.

[Void Fishing Rod: Fishing for all things, everything can be caught. Level: Rank One, ordinary]

[Void Crossbow: Within range, everything is mine to take. Level: Rank One, ordinary]

[Void Gate: Distance can isolate you, but it can't isolate me. No level, only Void Overlords can use it.]

Looking at the information in front of him, Ye Fei roughly understood the three items.

The Void Fishing Rod could fish in the void, catching anything or nothing at all.

The Void Crossbow was a fixed crossbow that could shoot the floating objects around and bring them back to the territory. It could also attack Void Species or other enemies, but he didn't know how powerful it was.

According to the information given by the core of the territory, Void Species were creatures in the void that devoured life and destroyed worlds in the void.

For a newly born Void Overlord like him, they were like beginner killers. They would be gone when encountering basic humans.

"The main purpose of the Void Crossbow is probably to obtain the surrounding debris and increase the size of the territory," Ye Fei said as he looked at the rocks constantly floating around the territory, some big and some small. The territory could devour these debris to grow, but he didn't know how efficient it was.

The Void Gate was an item purchased from the teleportation mall and trading platform, and only Ye Fei could use it.

Looking at the information prompt in front of him, Ye Fei thought for a moment, then turned his gaze to the wooden box left on the ground.

After looking at the wooden box for a while and seeing no movement, Ye Fei walked over and opened it, only to find five bottles of water and five pieces of bread inside, nothing else.

"Is this the beginner's rations? With this amount, it can only last for three days if I eat sparingly. It seems like I need to solve the problem of daily food and drink first."

While thinking, Ye Fei packed up the wooden box and put the supplies in the wooden house.

After arranging the supplies, Ye Fei walked to the side of the Void Crossbow.

The Void Crossbow was fixed at the edge of the territory.

"It's really beautiful!"

After touching the exquisite and dark exterior of the Void Crossbow and looking at its fierce yet aesthetically pleasing design, Ye Fei exclaimed in admiration.

After carefully studying the components of the Void Crossbow and understanding its various functions, Ye Fei began to manipulate it. Men couldn't help but be interested in this kind of thing; it made his hands itch just looking at it.

There was an invisible barrier covering Ye Fei's territory, separating it from the void by about twenty to thirty meters.

Once the light inside the territory passed through the barrier, it disappeared without a trace. He could only see some large objects near the territory, but couldn't see anything further away.

After observing carefully for a while, Ye Fei locked onto a piece of rock debris, adjusted the angle of the Void Crossbow, aimed carefully, and after estimating the target's movement speed, he decisively shot.


With a muffled sound, the arrow with the chain flew towards the target at high speed, hitting it in the blink of an eye.

There was no echo, and the chain instantly tightened and began to slowly retract.

"As expected, this Void Crossbow also completely ignores science. It has long range, fast speed, and the attached chain is also extraordinary."

Looking at the rock slowly being brought back from hundreds of meters away, Ye Fei lowered his head and looked at the Void Crossbow again.

"A few hundred meters in the blink of an eye, my pre-judgment was of little use. If it weren't for the large size of the rock target, my prediction would have missed."

"And this chain, it's like a rope but not a rope, like iron but not iron, soft yet tough."

"It can automatically exert force and pull back the target. It's fortunate that it pulls itself back; if I had to do it, it would be quite difficult."

Ye Fei gave Void Crossbow a five-star review.

Watching the slowly pulled back rock, he realized that the target was much larger than he had imagined, like a small meteorite.

After about three minutes, the rock was pulled near the territory, close to the territory barrier.

Ye Fei anxiously watched, although he knew that the territory could integrate these ownerless land blocks, he still worried about any unexpected incidents.

The huge rock silently passed through the territory barrier, as if the barrier didn't exist, and then slowly touched the lower part of the territory.


A heavy sound echoed, and Ye Fei felt as if the entire territory had shaken.

Then came a series of rumbling sounds. When the rock was tightly attached to the rock wall below the territory, there was a continuous sound of compression at the connection.

Ye Fei climbed to the edge of the territory and looked down.

The area below the territory was also a dark void, like an endless black ocean, devouring one's mind.

Ye Fei stared blankly, his mind starting to wander. Suddenly, his body tightened, and he quickly stood up, shaking his head.

"Why did I unconsciously look down into the abyss? That was close, I almost fell. It's really strange."

After calming his mind, Ye Fei adjusted his focus and leaned out again. This time, he had the experience and ignored the boundless darkness, keeping his gaze fixed on the connection between the rock and the territory.

The pulled rock seemed to have grown on his territory and began to slowly merge into it.

Looking at the territory slowly devouring the rock, feeling that there was nothing special, he looked at the side wall of his territory.

Judging by eye, his territory was only about twenty to thirty meters thick, which meant that if he dug a thirty-meter hole downwards in the wooden house, he could penetrate the territory.

"So thin."

After estimating the thickness of the territory, he sat up and concentrated his mind on Little Black, checking the territory information.

[Overlord: Ye Fei]

[Level: Rank One Initial Stage]

[Territory: (Unnamed) Rank One, (100 square meters)]

[Note: The Overlord has one opportunity to modify the territory name!]

[Territory Status: Devouring, estimated 30 minutes.]


Looking at the additional territory status, Ye Fei felt relieved. The growth of the territory through devouring was going smoothly, without any surprises.

When Ye Fei tried to continue manipulating the Void Crossbow, he found that he couldn't.

"What's going on? Does the devouring process have to finish before I can continue pulling new targets?"

After trying for a while, Ye Fei realized that there was no solution and had to give up.

"It seems that I can't continue. I can only wait until the devouring is complete."

"It's this time, not too long but not too fast. It will take a long time for the territory to grow into a Great World spanning billions of miles. I need to think of a solution."

"When I have enough Origin Points later, I'll go to the mall and see if there's a solution."

"A journey of 25,000 li, this is the first step."

Ye Fei checked the territory information again and found that he hadn't given a name to his territory yet.

"Territory name? Let's call it Absolute Beginning. In the future, when it grows, it can be called the Absolute Beginning Realm."

After naming it, Ye Fei turned around and returned to the front of the wooden house, picked up the Void Fishing Rod, and prepared to waste no time waiting. He wanted to use the Void Fishing Rod to fish and test its effectiveness.

"Shoot the crossbow, fish with the rod. If there's no danger, it's quite comfortable."


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