The Void Territory, which initially appeared desolate, slowly moved towards the direction of the Absolute Beginning.

Within the territory, the Overlord Glenn, a beastman, was inspiring his warriors with great enthusiasm. His Blood Axe Territory consisted of a combat team of ten Blood Axe clan warriors, which was his entire asset.

The Blood Axe Territory was only two thousand square meters, and this was only possible because Glenn was lucky enough to encounter a Human Race territory and kill the Human Race Overlord, thus gaining additional territory.

The Blood Axe Territory was too small, with only a few human slaves cultivating the land. The land was also too barren to produce much. If it weren't for Glenn's two Void Fishing Rods, which he had looted, he wouldn't be able to support his ten warriors.

"The glory of the War God shines upon me, and once again I have encountered a weak human. Hahaha."

Glenn had already sensed the nearby Void Territory and also discovered that it belonged to the Human Race, which made him extremely delighted. Although the opponent's territory appeared much larger than his own, based on his previous experience in battling humans, he was still full of confidence.

"Are all Human Race territories developing so well? The last human was like this, and this human territory is even larger and more developed. But that's fine, soon they will all belong to the Blood Axe clan. Weak humans don't deserve to possess such good territories."

"Warriors, cheer! A victorious plunder is about to begin." Glenn shouted loudly, and the Blood Axe clan warriors beside him excitedly waved their weapons and shouted randomly.

In the Absolute Beginning Territory, Ye Fei had also discovered the encounter with the beastman Overlord. He also noticed that the opponent had already started gathering and preparing for battle. He vaguely felt that the opponent had a considerable number of troops, but seeing that the opponent's territory was only one-fifth the size of his own, he was not afraid.

"The territory is only this small and hasn't reached Rank Two Territory. Let the beastmen wait to become nourishment for the Absolute Beginning."

"Wang Qing, stop fishing. Take up your weapons and prepare for battle. Everyone, take up your weapons and prepare for battle according to our usual training." Ye Fei called Wang Qing back and instructed everyone to prepare for battle.

"Battle?" The sudden call to battle interrupted the work of the people, but immediately everyone reacted and quickly prepared for battle according to their usual training.

"Sir, all the people in the territory have assembled." Zhou Heng, dressed in battle gear, reported to Ye Fei.

"Big brother, I'm here too." Wang Qing stood aside and replied.

Looking at the people in front of him who were prepared for battle, Ye Fei didn't say much to motivate them. He gave the order:

"Wang Zhan, as the backbone, lead the iron-hearted Liu Ming, Li Lei, and Xiao Anzhi to hold the front line against the enemy's charge. Wang Qing, lead the four farmers behind you and operate the long-range output firepower with the Void Crossbow. Give them a fierce attack. Zhou Heng, you and I will focus on finding the Overlord on the other side. If we have the opportunity, we will join forces to directly decapitate the enemy's Overlord and quickly end the battle. Tie Xin, hold your shield and defend against the shots from the enemy's Void Crossbow."

"Yes, Lord Overlord." Upon hearing the command, everyone began to fight in their respective positions, waiting for the upcoming battle.

"Don't be nervous, the enemy's territory is not large, much smaller than our Absolute Beginning. It's just a Rank One territory and won't be very strong. Fight according to our usual training, and victory is certain." Ye Fei looked at the four nervous farmers who had just joined, and explained loudly.

"Victory is certain..." Wang Zhan, the leader, shouted confidently.

"Victory is certain!" Everyone's morale soared. The four new farmers, who were initially nervous, also eased up a lot and joined in the chant of victory.

Ye Fei glanced at the leader, Wang Zhan, and thought to himself that he truly deserved to be a professional soldier, with combat experience and knowing what to do.

At this moment, Ye Fei felt that both his territory and the enemy's territory suddenly accelerated. It seemed that they would come into contact with each other faster than expected.

"Do the two territories attract each other and accelerate their meeting?" Ye Fei silently noted these details. This was his first encounter with other Void Overlords. The survival law of the Endless Void meant that such encounters would happen frequently in the future. Accumulating experience would help him avoid disadvantages in future battles.

As the distance between the two sides rapidly decreased, Ye Fei could clearly see the appearance of the enemy on the other side.

Humanoid beast faces, green skin all over, towering figures far surpassing humans, fully equipped with weapons and armor. A total of ten members gathered, all warriors wielding axes and large knives. The leader was even taller, with a fierce and evil expression, shouting at Ye Fei while holding a large red battle axe.

"It seems to be a powerful race. It won't be easy to win, but it's still impossible for them to defeat me."

Although Ye Fei was still Rank One, with the investment of skill books and Origin Points, his basic swordsmanship had reached its maximum level. He had also learned the upgraded High Level sword technique, the Dragon Sword Technique, and often sparred with Zhou Heng.

He had also spent 150 Origin Points to purchase the Advanced Talent, Sword Body, which increased swordsmanship damage and talent for learning swordsmanship. His Middle Level talent, Sixth Sense, increased reaction speed and stress judgment. In addition, he had several other useful skills, including Weakness Insight, High Level Body Technique, Blink Step, and Furious Slash.

Combined with the effects of various elixirs and the Rank Two equipment provided by Wang Qing, his Primordial Origin cultivation had reached Rank One perfection, significantly enhancing his combat power. He could even fight against Zhou Heng, who was in the mid-stage of Rank Two, and was much stronger than the average early-stage Rank Two.

And the people around him not only have a supply of elixirs, but also practice martial arts. Of course, they don't have the advantage of Ye Fei's territory to quickly achieve success in their martial arts practice, but it significantly enhances their combat power and improves their endurance.

In order to deal with the Void Crossbow on the opposite side, he specifically trained Ironheart, a special shield bearer. Holding a large shield made of high-level materials, he spent Origin Points to strengthen it and specifically learned corresponding skills.

He also has two Rank Two fighters, Wang Zhan and Zhou Heng. The opposite side can't even imagine how they could win against him.

"Feilongqilian, how could I lose? The advantage is mine."

Not long after, Absolute Beginning and Blood Axe Territory were adjacent to each other. When the two territories made contact, the barriers of both territories melted away at the point of contact, as if they were growing together.

"The mysterious Void." Although Ye Fei had seen posts on the Blue Star Channel about Overlords encountering and attacking each other, experiencing it himself was a different matter.

"Kill them, warriors, kill all the humans on the opposite side, kill..." Glenn led his warriors and charged forward. His experience told him that as long as they charged fiercely, the humans on the opposite side would scatter and victory would be his.

Thinking that he could plunder another territory and expand his territory, and that this territory had such vigorous vitality, he could enslave more humans to grow food and feed more warriors, and plunder even larger territories. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but shout in excitement, accelerating his charge.

"Stay steady, everyone, stay steady," Wang Zhan encouraged his comrades.

Ye Fei watched the mindless orcs charging at him and felt that victory was within his grasp.

"Foolish guys, thinking they can kill me. Wang Qing, get ready~"

Ye Fei signaled to Wang Qing.

"Shoot!" Seeing the orcs entering range, Ye Fei decisively gave the order.

The massive bolts of the Void Crossbow were the first to be shot, followed closely by four more bolts, all aimed at the charging orcs.

Glenn didn't expect that his fierce charge would not cause the humans on the opposite side to scatter, but instead brought such a fierce counterattack. He quickly dodged. He managed to avoid the attack, but the warriors beside him were not so lucky.

Three orc warriors were instantly killed by concentrated fire, and one was shot by the Void Crossbow, shattering his body, with blood and flesh flying everywhere.

Seeing the heavy losses on the opposite side, Ye Fei's team was extremely excited.

"Well shot." Ye Fei praised Wang Qing.

"Free fire, everyone else, prepare for close combat," Ye commanded.

Wang Qing, who was beside him, was somewhat regretful that he didn't hit the leader of the opposite side with a single shot. But upon hearing Ye Fei's command, he didn't have time to regret and quickly picked up the crossbow, searching for a target.

Glenn, who had avoided a fatal blow, realized that the opposite side was not easy to deal with. He made a gesture to the tribesmen who were guarding the Void Crossbow, preparing to shoot.

"Damn humans, let's see how capable you are." Glenn stared fiercely at the humans not far away.

Ye Fei was on high alert, but he didn't expect that the opposite side would slow down their attack after a wave of long-range firepower.

"Shouldn't they be charging? They're not afraid of a few bolts, why aren't they advancing? What are they waiting for?"

"What are they waiting for? Wait, could it be..." Ye Fei suddenly realized something and quickly gave the command.

"Ironheart, be prepared, everyone, watch out for the Void Crossbow attack."

Before Ye Fei could finish speaking, two bolts were shot from the opposite side, heading straight for Ye Fei's team.

Ironheart had long been prepared and blocked one of them in front of everyone, but he was unable to stop the other bolt.

"Two bolts?" Ye Fei didn't expect that there would be two Void Crossbows on the opposite side. The other bolt was heading towards the archers and crossbowmen in the back row.

"Wang Qing, quickly get out of the way..."

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