"Damn it, you didn't break through the opponent's territory barrier. How could a Rank Four territory have such a strong territory barrier?"

Casca was surprised to see that the annihilation cannon did not penetrate the opposite territory.

"Sir, do you still need to continue attacking? The reserve energy is continuing to decrease, and the consumption of annihilation cannons and defensive barriers is very high!"

"Don't stop, continue until the opposite territory barrier is broken!"

Casca knew he couldn't stop now.

"Once the attack stops, the energy consumed before the attack is completely wasted. Void Territory's barrier recovers very quickly. It must be broken at once or give him some time to fully recover."

"Attention, the defensive barrier increases in strength, and the opponent has a Rank Five-strength attack!"

Casca discovered during the first round of attacks that the opponent's attacks were not weak at all. There were more than a hundred Rank Four-strength attacks, and there were five Rank Five-strength attacks.

Rank Four's powerful attacks can withstand more than half of them just by relying on the battleship's own defense. The threat is not great, but Rank Five's attacks cannot. If the battleship is forced to bear it, the damage will be too great.

While letting his subordinates continue to attack the opponent's territory barrier, Casca raised his own defense level and ordered his troops to prepare for an attack.

"Awaken 10,000 warriors and be ready to fight at any time!"


There are more than 120,000 void undead in the battleship. In addition to the necessary technical personnel to operate the battleship, the other more than 100,000 void undead are all warriors with the lowest Rank Three.

These void undead warriors sleep in special containers when they are not on combat missions.

The active Void Necrons need to continuously supply the energy needed for the armor covering their bodies. This is a big burden for them. They will fall asleep when there is no mission.

These special containers can nourish the bodies of the void undead and make them stronger.

Sleeping not only allows them to slowly strengthen but also prevents the body from unnecessary energy consumption.

Soon, 10,000 void undead warriors were awakened and began to prepare for battle. Various combat equipment began to be equipped into the troops.

Although the Void Necrons themselves are not weak in strength, they still prefer to use their own highly efficient killing machines to fight.

In Endless Void, the annihilation cannons of the Void Necrons are continuously attacking Absolute Beginning's territorial barrier, and Absolute Beginning's counterattacks are also constantly attacking the battleship.

Ye Fei frowned as he watched the anxious battle, and then turned his attention to the five behemoths in the territory, which were five Rank Five cannons.

"If it were not restricted by the territory, only five Rank Five rune cannons could be deployed. If we just buy dozens of Rank Five rune cannons, we can penetrate the barrier of the Void Necrons in one attack."

When Ye Fei purchased the Rank Five rune cannon before, he discovered that this powerful weapon had a great impact on the territory. One cannon can bring a considerable burden to the territory.

If Absolute Beginning's territory wasn't rich in resources, deploying one Rank Five rune cannon would be the limit. Now that he has deployed five, the territory can't hold any more.

If it is forcibly purchased and used beyond the carrying capacity of the territory, the enemy may not be killed, and the entire territory will be torn apart by the law shock caused by the use of the Rank Five rune cannon.

Even with these five cannons, under the continuous use just now, Ye Fei has felt that the laws in the territory have begun to become somewhat chaotic. If it were not for the suppression of Innate Bodhi Tree and Qingding, the territory would be in a mess now.

"A small horse pulls a big cart, but if you don't know how to use it, you won't be able to use good things!"

Territory Talent's Five Elements Destruction Divine Light is ready, but Ye Fei has been holding back, waiting to give the opponent a hard blow.

The power of the Five Elements Destroying Divine Light was much more powerful than he thought. After completing preparations, he discovered through the Overlord authority that the Five Elements Destroying Divine Light was more powerful than the Rank Five Rune Cannon, which made Ye Fei extremely happy.

"Master, the territory barrier can no longer hold up!"

Little Black got out of his conscious space and reported to Ye Fei that he had been working hard to maintain the territorial barrier just now.


Ye Fei responded calmly.

"The opponent's barrier can no longer hold up, and there are fluctuations so quickly. It seems that there is indeed some problem with this Rank Five battleship!"

From the very beginning of the Void Necron warship's attack and defense, Ye Fei felt that the opponent's capabilities were worse than the Rank Five Void Orc warships he had seen before.

This is completely unreasonable. The only explanation is that the opponent did not use his full strength. No matter what the reason, this is Ye Fei's chance.

With another round of shelling, a large number of cracks appeared on the barrier of the Void Necromancer, as if it would break at any time.

Casca in the battleship was also staring at the barrier hit by the annihilation cannon.

"Sir, most of the backup energy has been used, and the remaining part is less than 30%."


"The territory barrier on the opposite side is about to break. The landing troops are ready to attack!"

Casca knew that his barrier was about to be broken, but he had no intention of stopping. Even if the barrier was broken, the battleship itself could withstand several rounds of attacks from the opponent.

The opponent's barrier will be broken. Once the opponent's barrier is broken, his subordinate warriors will attack and defeat the opponent's combat power. It is acceptable for him to endure one or two rounds of damage.

Click click click...

An unpleasant clicking sound spread throughout the Absolute Beginning territory, and the territory barrier was about to reach its limit.


With a loud noise, Absolute Beginning's territory barrier was broken through a large hole, a red light beam fell from the sky, and a sword curtain rose to block the red light beam.

The direction of the annihilation cannon's attack is Absolute Beginning City, and Absolute Beginning City is protected by the Nine-Yao Seven-Star Sword Formation and the Heavenly Guardian Sword Formation. The combination of these two formations is enough to block the annihilation cannon's attack.

However, seeing the sword screen shaking, Ye Fei understood that the sword formation could not withstand the opponent for long.

"It's time for you to be broken too!"

With another round of strikes, the barrier of the Void Necromancer battleship was also shattered.

As the barriers on both sides shattered, the battle entered a new mode.

Countless void undead warriors flew out of the battleship. These warriors were wearing strange armors and carrying strange weapons. After Ye Fei observed them, he had no idea about the details of the other party, but he did not dare to be careless at all.

The artillery attack continued, and other units prepared for battle.

Wang Zhan and others also saw the densely packed void undead warriors coming and prepared for battle.

The Forbidden Army, the Yulin Army, the Red Flame Army, the garrison camp, and the temporarily formed Rank Four team were all in high spirits. The spiritual energy in all the warriors' bodies surged, and their armor and weapons glowed with spiritual energy, ready to go.

"Array up!"

As the military formation formed, huge black dragon Law Manifestations soared into the sky, and the thick evil aura firmly covered the entire army. Only the huge Law Manifestations in the air could be seen baring their teeth and claws.

This is where green light rain falls.

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