As the Void Necromancer awakened, a powerful spiritual energy swept through the entire battleship, and all the Void Necrons felt the commander's powerful spiritual pressure.

All the void undead fighting on the battlefield in the Absolute Beginning territory also felt this powerful spiritual energy fluctuation, and then accelerated the frequency of attacks.

"Is it the Rank Five strongman on the opposite side?"

Ye Fei also felt the unique aura, and her heart tightened, and she prepared the Five Elements Destruction Divine Light to attack at any time.

Wang Zhan and others don't know what has changed yet, but they just feel that the void undead outside the formation have become more difficult to deal with.


Two huge black dragons, Law Manifestation, were strangulating the void undead crazily in Absolute Beginning and Lingwu City. The unformed Red Flame Army continued to snipe the void undead with the red flame bow in their hands.

Only Rank Four's attacks can kill the Void Undead. Rank Three's Red Flame Army warriors can only kill a Void Undead completely by focusing their fire.

Relying on the formation, Absolute Beginning's troops have not suffered any losses, while the Void Necrons have already lost nearly a thousand soldiers.

Inside the Void Necromancer battleship.

"How is this going?"

Commander of the Void Necrons, Rank Five strongman Salitwin looked at the battleships that were constantly being attacked and came to the command room.

"Your Excellency Commander, there is a little trouble in this battle!"

Casca told Salitwin the story of the battle from the beginning to the present.

"So, you spent a lot of energy and still haven't won this Rank Four Void Territory?"

The powerful spiritual pressure from Salitwin pressed Cass to the ground.

"Yes, Commander!"


With a cold snort, Salitwin knocked Casca away.

"You disappoint me so much, Casca!"

After punishing his subordinates, Salitwin turned his attention to the Void Territory in front of him.

"That is?"

At a glance, he saw the Innate Bodhi Tree in Absolute Beginning City, which was surrounded by formations and heavy spiritual mist.

"Innate Spirit Root? A young Innate Spirit Root?"

"Blessed by the Supreme Mother Goddess, I was able to encounter such a treasure. Although it is only Rank Four, the price is too high for the time being and I don't have the strength to obtain it."

In addition, Salitwin discovered that in addition to a young Innate Spirit Root, there were many spiritual creatures in the Void Territory in front of him, and the energy value in the territory was very high.

"I never expected to meet a Void Territory with such a strong foundation."

After discovering the great value of Absolute Beginning, Salitwin began to issue his own orders.

"Start to wake up all the warriors and prepare to attack with all their strength to capture the Void Territory in front of you!"


Following Salitwin's order, the void undead warriors in the battleship began to wake up one after another, and more combat machines were awakened and driven.

"That formation is too annoying!"

Seeing that his warriors were blocked by the formation and suffered heavy losses, Salitwin couldn't sit still. He was eager to obtain the Innate Spirit Root.

"As long as I get this Innate Spirit Root, I may have a chance of entering Rank Six. This Innate Spirit Root is bound to be obtained."

After giving the order to continue awakening the remaining warriors, Salitwin rushed to the battlefield in person, preparing to tear the Absolute Beginning formation into pieces.

With the arrival of Salitwin, the entire Absolute Beginning felt its powerful pressure.

"Someone big is coming!"

At this time, Wang Zhan and others had noticed something was wrong.

"It's finally coming!"

Looking at the powerful Void Necromancer Rank Five approaching him, Ye Fei calculated the best time to take action.

"You only have one chance, don't miss it!"

Ye Fei was unusually nervous.

On the other side, the rune cannon started a new round of attacks.

The flying Salitwen met the rune cannonballs head on, and then he nimbly dodged all the rune cannonballs and ignored them and continued to accelerate to the city of Absolute Beginning.

"Open it for me!"

Just as Salitwin was about to break the formation barrier in front of him, he suddenly felt a strong threat.


A multicolored divine light shot straight out from the depths of the Absolute Beginning territory.

The Five Elements Destruction Divine Light that Ye Fei had been unable to suppress finally exerted its powerful power.

Ye Fei finally waited for a perfect opportunity and delivered a fatal blow while the opponent was charging up to attack the territory barrier.

The Five Elements Destruction Divine Light hit Salitwin head-on, directly knocking Salitwin from the Absolute Beginning territory into the Endless Void.

After firing the Five Elements Destruction Divine Light, Ye Fei himself jumped into the air and chased after him.

“The Divine Light of Five Elements Destruction may not be able to kill Rank Five, you have to do a good last-ditch attack.

While you are sick, I will kill you! "

As a Rank Five Void Necromancer, Salitwin is powerful and has amazing defense. Coupled with the specially-made armor on his body, he did not die after withstanding a blow of the Five Elements Destruction Divine Light, but was only seriously injured.

"What a powerful attack. It's incredible that this Void Territory has such a powerful attack capability, but having the Innate Spirit Root is really extraordinary."

"But they can't use this attack frequently, otherwise they would have used it long ago. Victory still belongs to me, and the Innate Spirit Root still belongs to me."

Salitwin stood up and prepared to recover enough to continue attacking, when he saw Ye Fei flying towards him.

"Rank Four?"

"You dare to chase after a Rank Four. It's commendable for your courage. It's a pity that you have to pay the price for your arrogance!"

Ye Fei killed all the void undead that stood in front of him. No enemy could stop him. Soon he came to the vicinity of Salitwin who was knocked away.

Just as Salitwin was about to give Ye Fei some color, he felt severe pain in his head as if it was about to explode, and the attack he had originally prepared could no longer continue.

At this time, the Absolute Beginning sword stabbed straight through, trying to pierce Salitwin's head.

With a clang, the Absolute Beginning sword was pushed aside.

"What a tough head!"

Salitwin, who originally had a splitting headache, was awakened by a blow from the Absolute Beginning sword. When he raised his head, he was greeted by the shadow of fists in the sky.

The Absolute Beginning Sword failed to accomplish anything in one blow. Ye Fei went to fight in person, while the Absolute Beginning Sword was looking for opportunities nearby.

"How come humans have such powerful soul attacks?"

After regaining consciousness, Salitwin knew that he had been attacked by his divine consciousness. In the final analysis, he was still careless. He did not expect that his opponent's divine consciousness would be so powerful.

"And this special energy, it's so disgusting!"

The Absolute Beginning sword did not shatter Salitwin's head, but many Sword Intents poured into his head, destroying the core of his soul every moment.

However, Salitwin was strong enough, and this Sword Intent was quickly suppressed and slowly began to be cleared.

Ye Fei's side continued to increase their attacks, taking advantage of the fact that the opponent was seriously injured and could not react to increase their efforts to expand the results.

"Just stop it, human!"

Salitwin knocked Ye Fei away with one blow.

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