"What the hell, why did the protective barrier break so quickly?"

"Quickly, restore the protective barrier!"

Casca in the command room was full of confidence before, but the situation changed in the blink of an eye, shattering his confidence. The originally solid barrier was shattered by one blow, and the enemy rushed into the battleship. This made Kasgar Sijia panicked.

"Activate the defense plan and eliminate all intruders."

"Awaken the defenders, the killers, and the silent guards. We must not let the invaders wreak havoc."

Casca quickly began to issue orders, constantly awakening the ace troops in the battleship to deal with Ye Fei's close-up attack.

Unfortunately, Ye Fei, who had already rushed in, would not give him this chance.

"Don't scatter, rush in together!"

There are a very large number of Void Necrons, including Rank Four Void Necrons. Once scattered, they will be defeated by the opponent relying on their numerical advantage. Ye Fei Zhi ordered everyone to huddle together, with him and the five Forbidden Army commanders as the spearheads. charge.

The Void Necrons without Rank Five were unable to withstand the elite troops led by Ye Fei, and were broken through one defense line after another.

The warship of the Void Necrons was extremely large. More than a thousand people were constantly fighting left and right in it, but they could not penetrate the warship.

Ye Fei, who rushed into the battleship, led his troops to charge for a while and found that the team was moving slower and slower.

"Lord Overlord, the forces of the Void Necrons have become stronger, and our attack momentum has been curbed."

Wang Zhan reported to Ye Fei.

Most of the Void Necrons currently surrounding Ye Fei are Rank Four. They are all the ace troops of the Void Necrons. They are very powerful. If it weren't for the strength of the Forbidden Army, Wang Zhan and others would no longer be able to withstand the pressure. .

One move of the Opening Heaven hand shattered the void undead in front of him, Ye Fei looked at the densely packed void undead in front of him.

He has turned on all his firepower, the Absolute Beginning Sword is constantly harvesting and killing among the enemies, and the God-Destroying Arrow is specifically designed to kill those Void Undead who control powerful instruments. At the same time, he uses his fists and palms to continuously kill the surrounding Void Undead. .

Even so, casualties have begun to appear in the team. Although they are only sporadic, this is by no means good news for Ye Fei.

"You don't need to reserve your full strength to attack. That Rank Five hasn't appeared yet because he was injured too badly and hasn't recovered yet. Let's eliminate all the main forces of the Void Necrons first."

Ye Fei didn't let the five Forbidden Army Commanders lead the full output before. He just wanted to wait for the Void Necromancer's Rank Five to appear and win it in one fell swoop. The opponent's Rank Five has not come out for a long time, and Ye Fei doesn't plan to wait any longer.

Five tyrannical auras swept across the entire battleship, and Casca, who was struggling to command, was stunned.

"how come?"

"This is the aura of Rank Five, and there are more than one? How can that human being have so many Rank Five experts? Where did they come from?"

Casca felt that reality had played a big joke on him. The victory he originally expected was now gone, and he was even in danger of losing it.

"Lord Casca, what should we do?"

Casca came to his senses instantly when he heard the cry.

"Go and wake up the Commander!"

"Also, the battleship should leave here immediately and stay away from that human territory!"

Casca, who was temporarily absent-minded, found the key to this battle. He first awakened the commander and at the same time let the battleship sail deep into the void.

"Don't be afraid. The foundations of these humans are in their territory. As long as we stay away from here, they will have to retreat, otherwise they will only die."

In fact, just as Casca thought, once they were far away from their territory, Ye Fei and others would not be able to survive alone in the Endless Void for a long time, and they would have no choice but to retreat.

Ye Fei naturally thought of what Kasga could think of. This was one of his fatal weaknesses and he had to be prepared to deal with it.

"I want to run now, but it's too late!"

Feeling that the Void Necron battleship was about to leave, Ye Fei sneered. He had already maneuvered Absolute Beginning to approach the battleship, and the battleship was already within the range of the Void Crossbow.

The battleship that had just started to leave suddenly shuddered and stopped.

"what happened?"

Casca, who had just calmed down, jumped up again. What he encountered today shocked him. There were always too many surprises.

"Lord Casca, we are locked!"

"Locked? What locked? What the hell are you talking about?"

Casca was extremely angry and almost roared as he questioned his subordinates.

Before he heard the reply, the battleship shook slightly again. Although the shaking movement was not big, the change could be clearly felt by Rank Four like Casca.

"This is?"

"Why is that human territory here? Why is it so close?"

Only then did Casca discover the Absolute Beginning territory near the battleship. The previous battle was too fierce and attracted the attention of all the Void Necrons. They did not notice the approaching Absolute Beginning territory at all. They did not pay attention until the Void Crossbow attack arrived. The territory of Absolute Beginning is already under your nose.

"Quick, use all the backup energy to break out of the lock and leave here, quick!"

Casca shouted the order, and his subordinates began to put all the little energy they had into use, but then they discovered that the effect was not ideal.

"Lord Casca, the opponent has too many Void Crossbows. There are fifteen Void Crossbows, and they have all reached Rank Four. Our energy is seriously insufficient and we can no longer escape the opponent's lock!"

Seeing the fifteen Void Crossbows outside the battleship locking the battleship firmly, Casca sat down helplessly.

"Everything is over. It's all because of my arrogance that this situation is now. It's all my fault!"

Casca was despairing. In his eyes, they had lost the battle.

He could feel the Rank Five Imperial Army that was killing them. These five Rank Fives joined forces to kill the void undead with extraordinary ease and efficiency. No force could stop them.

Casca knew how serious the commander's injuries were. He personally sent the commander to the repair warehouse. Less than a month had passed. He knew that the commander had definitely not recovered. He would not be among the five Rank Five in front of him. opponent.

"The key battleship is still locked, and the opponent's territory still has many means, especially the powerful attack method that injured the commander."


When Casgar gave up on himself, the commander of the Void Necrons awakened from his slumber.

"Why did you wake me up? Something happened..."

Before he could ask, he noticed the aura of Rank Five not far away.

"Why are there so many enemies in the battleship, and there are five Rank Fives."

"This is the territory of that human being. How come it's so close and there are still these chains!"

The commander who had just woken up from his deep sleep discovered a series of questions before he could recover. Before he could ask his subordinates, an attack came in front of him.

"damn it……"

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