Ye Fei did not fall into a deep state of enlightenment. He continued to promote Bodhi Tree while comprehending the rules.

After a total of more than 2.8 million Origin Points were invested, Bodhi Tree was promoted from Rank Four Perfect Grade to Rank Five Perfect Grade.

After being promoted to Rank Five Perfect Grade, the energy emitted by the Bodhi Tree became more intense, the laws in the Absolute Beginning territory became more manifest, and Ye Fei himself fell into an epiphany.

A day later, the Bodhi Tree gradually gained control of the overflowing enlightenment energy, and the manifested laws in the Absolute Beginning territory began to disappear one by one.

"It's really awesome!"

Ye Fei imprinted three more law marks this time, but they were all trails under the Great Dao imprinted before.

"Other people grew up from childhood to adulthood, but I did it the other way around!"

Looking at the three law stars that were slightly smaller in the consciousness space, Ye Fei looked at them with interest for a few times before moving away.

What he gained this time was not only the seals of these three laws, but also the understanding of the way of the sword and the way of the emperor. In the branding realm, he has already imprinted dozens of law marks far beyond others. The next step is to understand the laws and understand the secrets of the laws. This step he is still in the beginning stage.

"The state of enlightenment is more than just understanding the rules."

Before, Ye Fei was in a low state and couldn't feel it. Now, from perception to imprinting, to the next step of enlightenment, he has gained a lot of insights of his own.

"The food must be eaten one bite at a time, and the road must be walked step by step. The road to immortality is still long!"

Ye Fei sighed and prepared to advance to the next treasure of the territory, Qingding.

At this time, in the Absolute Beginning territory, all the Absolute Beginning citizens who had withdrawn from the state of enlightenment were happily exchanging their harvests with their friends. This opportunity allowed many people to break through to Rank Four.

Many people who were not talented enough before relied on this opportunity to take the final step to perceive the law, break through to Rank Four, and officially embark on the road of Transcendent.

Except for those who have recently joined the territory, all the people in the Absolute Beginning territory have basically reached Rank Three, and quite a few have reached Rank Three perfection. Most of these people are stuck at this stage due to their talents.

This epiphany directly caused the number of Rank Fours in the Absolute Beginning territory to explode. Tens of thousands of Rank Fours were added at once. Although most of them did not reach Rank Four in their professional level, they now sensed that the law had broken through to Rank Four. , after being strengthened, the professional level will be improved soon.

This indicates that Absolute Beginning will soon usher in a wave of breakthrough promotions for Rank Four professionals, which is a great news for all walks of life in the Absolute Beginning territory.

Wang Zhan, Zhou Heng and others have imprinted several rules, and the road to Rank Five has become a smooth road.

"Being able to follow Lord Overlord is our greatest opportunity. In the future, Lord Overlord will definitely be able to embark on the path of immortality and create an immortal legend."

Zhou Heng sighed in the Government Affairs Council.

And Ye Fei is promoting Qingding. The consumption of Qingding's promotion is almost the same as that of Bodhi Tree. After consuming more than 2.8 million Origin Points, Qingding was promoted from Rank Four Perfect Grade to Rank Five Perfect Grade.

With Qing Ding's promotion, like Bodhi Tree, Qing Ding also exploded in power. However, compared to Bodhi Tree, Qing Ding was much more low-key. Most of Qing Ding's changes to the territory were at the bottom.

As Qing Ding was promoted to Rank Five Perfect Grade, Ye Fei felt that the ground in the Absolute Beginning territory was nourished and strengthened by Qing Ding's powerful energy. The entire Spirit Field began to upgrade, and some mineral veins and tiny minerals began to appear deep in the earth. Spiritual veins.

In addition, the mineral veins in the Platinum Hills have also been strengthened by Qingding, and their reserves and quality have been greatly improved. Even the Platinum Stone Spirit clan has been strengthened by the influence of Qingding.

"I didn't expect that Bai Ling and the others would also be able to receive the increase from Qingding. The Platinum Stone Spirit clan will become stronger in the future, and the defensive power of Lingwu City will be guaranteed."

The Platinum Stone Spirits are powerful warriors and are very good warriors. Currently, there are hundreds of members of the clan. Ye Fei believes that it will not be long before the number of the Stone Spirit clan will increase significantly.

From now on, they will guard the Platinum Hills, and the mineral base in the Absolute Beginning territory can be said to be foolproof.

Qingding is still continuously strengthening the earth of the entire Absolute Beginning territory, making the Absolute Beginning territory thicker and stronger. Ye Fei can feel that Qingding is constantly absorbing the energy of chaos and transforming it into a pure energy to strengthen the earth of Absolute Beginning. .

The power that Qing Ding absorbs and transforms from the energy of chaos is different from spiritual energy. This power does not spread to all parts of the Absolute Beginning territory, but enters the earth of the territory to continuously strengthen the earth.

Because of the nourishment of this power, new mineral veins and spiritual veins will be born from scratch in the earth of the Absolute Beginning territory.

"In the past, Qingding absorbed popularity to suppress luck, but now it can also absorb the energy of chaos to strengthen the earth. The earth becomes thicker and stronger, and the upper limit of attacks it can withstand in the future is also constantly increasing."

With Qingding constantly strengthening his territory, Ye Fei won't have to worry about accidentally destroying his territory when he fights enemies after being promoted to Rank Six or even Rank Seven.

"After Qingding was strengthened, Little Black became stronger and not as thin as he looked before."

Ye Fei looked at Little Black swimming happily in his consciousness space, and his body became much stronger.

After promoting Qingding, Ye Fei began to promote the next treasure, the Platinum Heart, the only racial rare item he obtained.

"Upgrading the Platinum Heart to Rank Five Perfect Grade, the Platinum Stone Spirit and Platinum Hills can be greatly enhanced. Even if the territory expands rapidly, there will be no shortage of minerals."

Platinum Heart was originally Rank Five ordinary grade, and it only costs 1.8 million to be promoted to Rank Five Perfect Grade.

Once the Origin Points were in place, Platinum Heart was soon promoted to Rank Five Perfect Grade.

After being promoted to Rank Five Perfect Grade, Ye Fei checked the Platinum Wall through his spiritual consciousness and found that the Platinum Heart immediately exerted its powerful function after promotion. Dozens of platinum stone spirits were born on the Platinum Wall, headed by Bai Ling. The platinum stone spirits are more or less enhanced.

"Bai Ling is about to break through to Rank Five. What a terrifying talent."

Ye Fei was surprised to find that Bai Ling had started to advance to Rank Five. His body that was several hundred meters before had not grown in size but had shrunk slightly. His whole body was platinum and translucent, and he looked extremely beautiful.

Bodhi Tree, Qing Ding, and the continuous enhancement of Platinum Heart, plus Bai Ling's own talent and strength, her breakthrough to Rank Five is a matter of course without much difficulty.


After breaking through to Rank Five, Bai Ling's strength greatly increased, and his perception became much sharper, and he felt Ye Fei's spiritual attention.

"Well done, leading the new members well and protecting the Platinum Heart."

After Ye Fei saw Bai Ling successfully promoted, she used her spiritual consciousness to give her a few words and then withdrew her spiritual consciousness.

"Don't worry, father. I will take good care of my brothers and sisters and protect my mother!" Bai Ling promised with a serious look on his face.

Before Ye Fei regained her consciousness, she looked helpless after receiving the news from Bai Ling.


"After Platinum Heart's promotion, the area increased every day increased from two square kilometers to five square kilometers, and the mineral production also increased significantly. With Qingding and Platinum Heart, the freedom of minerals is just around the corner."

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