After placing the Innate Xuanhuang Tree in Lingwu City, Ye Fei began to use Origin Points to promote the Xuanhuang Tree to Rank Five Perfect Grade.

From purchasing Innate Xuanhuang Tree to promoting Xuanhuang Tree to Rank Five Perfect Grade, Ye Fei spent 3.1 million Origin Points.

The promoted Innate Xuanhuang Tree did not disappoint Ye Fei. It can open up a territory of 500 square kilometers every day, and the efficiency of absorbing the energy of chaos and converting it into spiritual power is more than three times that of the Innate Bodhi Tree.

"This way, you don't have to worry about the territory's spiritual energy concentration dropping. It's just that the production of black and yellow energy is a bit slow. Only one line of black and yellow energy can be produced a day."

Innate Xuanhuang Tree has recognized its master with Ye Fei. After being promoted, Ye Fei already knew the current status of Xuanhuang Tree. Ye Fei was very satisfied with the conversion efficiency of the spiritual energy, but Ye Fei was a little uncomfortable with only one wisp of Xuanhuang Qi being born every day. Satisfied.

"It depends on the effect of the Xuanhuang Qi afterwards. Rank Five Perfect Grade's Innate Spirit Root produces one wisp a day, and the effect will not disappoint."

The appearance of the Innate black and yellow tree also made the barrier of the Absolute Beginning territory stronger, and countless mysterious runes were born in the territory barrier.

The current territory barrier is extremely strong and tightly covers the entire Absolute Beginning territory, blocking the endless chaos energy in the Endless Void from directly invading the territory.

"The Innate Spirit Root has been selected, and the next step is to find the acquired treasure."

Ye Fei had already made plans for the second acquired treasure.

"Qingding suppresses luck. The second acquired treasure will help the use of luck, allowing other people in the territory to follow my footsteps faster."

Ye Fei still has no problems with the use of luck. In fact, Ye Fei is the most suitable for both use and gathering.

But he himself cannot pay attention to every aspect all the time. He will be at the helm of the overall situation. If he is still left to worry about small problems, he will not be able to be busy anyway.

Therefore, whether Qingding or the next acquired treasure, it will assist Ye Fei in the management and use of territory luck.

Ye Fei purchased the Acquired Treasure List in the mall that he had paid attention to before.

[All Souls List: Acquired Treasure, Rank Four Ordinary Level. ]

"After the All Souls List and my territory are recognized as the master, the luck can be distributed to all the people on the list through the All Souls List. They can share the luck directly after ranking on the merit list, which is fast and efficient."

With the protection of luck, practicing will get twice the result with half the effort. All Absolute Beginning citizens are protected by the luck of the territory, but the amount of luck that protects them is too small to make them feel clearly. It is inevitable that the luck of the territory is limited.

In the past, Ye Fei would only allocate more territory to some important personnel in the territory. Luck will speed up their cultivation. With or without luck blessing, it will only take a while to show up.

"Before, I had to manually adjust it every time. Not to mention the trouble, I couldn't make real-time changes according to the actual situation. With the Wanling List, it's completely different."

Ye Fei plans to position Absolute Beginning's future positions at Ninth Grade 18. Each official position corresponds to a certain proportion of luck investment. Any position in Absolute Beginning is like enjoying the benefits of any position. One of the benefits is territorial luck. Add body.

"Personnel holding positions are divided into different levels and enjoy different amounts of luck blessings from the territory. On the other hand, those who have made other contributions to the territory can enjoy the luck blessings from the title."

Titles are another system planned by Ye Fei. From the largest to the smallest, there are six titles: king, duke, marquis, uncle, son, and male. Each title is divided into three levels: first, second, and third.

"Ninth Grade 18 and Sixth Grade 18 complement each other and form the Absolute Beginning grade system. Those with positions and those without positions are awarded titles according to their merits. At the same time, those with positions can also be awarded titles if they have made great contributions. In this way, Everyone who has contributed to Absolute Beginning will be taken care of."

These hierarchical systems are Ye Fei's lessons learned from previous experiences on Blue Star. They currently appear to be applicable to the Absolute Beginning territory. Ye Fei himself has slightly modified the details and is ready to use them.

"The Master of All Souls List has been recognized, but the level is still a bit low. The All Souls List of Rank Four can only record creatures of Rank Four and below, and the level must be upgraded."

Ye Fei spent three million Origin Points to directly promote Wanling List to Rank Five Perfect Grade.

After promotion, the abilities of the All Souls List have been greatly improved. The entire Absolute Beginning World is covered by the brilliance of the All Souls List. All the subjects of Absolute Beginning feel that they are being pulled by a special force.

"Everyone, don't resist!"

Ye Fei used his spiritual consciousness to transmit messages to everyone in the entire territory, and asked everyone to be recorded on the list. Creatures below Rank Four can only passively accept them within the influence of the list. Creatures Rank Four and above must be included in the list. One needs to open up and agree.

"All the creatures on the Ten Thousand Spirits List are controlled by me. Although no one in the territory will betray me now, it is hard to say in the future. Having the Ten Thousand Spirits List is an extra layer of protection.

When the All Souls List is promoted to Rank Nine in the future, there will be no need for such trouble and the approval of others. "

Being on the Ten Thousand Spirits List means that Ye Fei will control life and death. Other than that, there is no harm at all. This is a good thing for the people of Absolute Beginning. They are all loyal to Ye Fei.

After recording everyone in Absolute Beginning on the Wanling List, they entered Ye Fei's consciousness space and firmly occupied the core position. The Absolute Beginning Sword, Chaos Sky Covering Armor and all the law stars could only surround it. All around.

"The next step is to officially assign Low Grade to Zhou Heng and the others. This matter will be officially announced at the next government affairs meeting."

Setting everyone's level and treatment is a big deal, and Ye Fei doesn't want to be too casual. The government affairs meeting of Absolute Beginning is still once a month. There is still time before the next government affairs meeting, and Ye Fei is not in a hurry.

"I also have the Innate Spirit Root and the acquired treasure. The territory can only carry so much at the moment. I have a lot of Origin Points left and I have to buy something else."

"There is a fire vein under Lingwu City, which is one of the Five Elements Earth Veins. The Five Elements Earth Veins and the Five Elements Spiritual Veins have something in common but are actually not the same thing. The Five Elements Earth Veins are also of great use to the territory. Take this opportunity to give the territory a All five elements of earth are fully equipped."

The Five Elements Earth Veins cannot produce aura, but they are of great benefit to the territory environment, and they also have some special effects. Ye Fei knew that Mysterious Heaven Sect has a technique that uses the Five Elements Earth Veins Body Refining.

"The water veins can be placed within the East China Sea."

Ye Fei purchased the water vein in the mall and placed it under the eye of the East China Sea.

"Place the earth veins under the Harvest Plains, place the wood veins under the spiritual fruit trees, and find a place to place the gold veins in the Platinum Hills!"

Soon all the remaining Five Elements Earth Lines Ye Fei were purchased and placed. Each Earth Line Ye Fei was promoted to Rank Five Perfect Grade. The four Earth Lines consumed Ye Fei's two million Origin Points in total.

The whole day is spent in Ye Fei’s non-stop consumption.

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